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Everything posted by Thomasporter

  1. Solkan, I so agree. I would never assume that Wyrd would immediately respond to any suggestions or criticism. Also I do not believe they should undo changes they have made. My concern is, and was from the beginning a worry about trend. I used specific examples to try and illustrate where I worry the artistic direction is heading. Not to say these things are terrible, but because I like to use examples, instead of vague ideas to support and display my opinion. All creative endeavors are an experiment. Finding what works and does not. Spending the time to present my opinion on something I love so much is my small way of trying to make it better.
  2. So for you there can be no level of criticism? What they decide to should just be accepted on its face? Respectful and earnest criticism is a strong building block for betterment. Especially when from a fan of the group involved. I do not approach this with idle grump or simple whine. I just want Wyrd to continue to be the standard by which I measure others. I feel like this is only fair. And again, I must reiterate, I love this game. And continue to do so. But that does not mean I can't have some thought for how the game progresses into the future. This. I understand it is fantasy. But there is Lord of the Rings and there is Age of Sigmar. I prefer LotR, and feel like Malifaux has been more on that side of the slider. If whatever the creator does doesn't matter, why even engage in discussion?
  3. Art as a broad term is subjective, but there are (ever changing) objective qualities to more specific genres or niches. To defend any criticism of art by simply waving a hand and saying it is simply subjective does not advance skill or heighten culture. But that is a much broader topic. I'm honestly curious in what way competitors are following Wyrd's trends. Do you have any examples? This is the semantic difference I am trying to establish. Level of detail V Abundance (or overabundance) of detail. Lots of detail is not my complaint nor concern, excessive, unnecessary detail is. Could you possibly provide an example of a model in the M2E through Ripples of Fate that you thought had an overabundance? Finally, I understand things change and these models have had different versions. But some of the changes I have preferred and others I have not. Johan for example. I thought his previous version was a little busy, with the cloak and pose and all. I much prefer the current. Simple but imposing. I'm also not saying I dislike all the M3E models either. I rather like the resculpt of Misaki, and love the new Qi and Gong stuff.
  4. So I have a concern to voice. And it may be an unpopular opinion so I am prepared for a bit of push back and I very much so accept and respect that. I dont like the visual direction the models for Malifaux are taking. When I got into the game (very much so for the rules, background, and location at first) I noticed right off a stark and amazing difference between the Wyrd models and the systems I had been playing (primarily Warmachine and Warhammer). The difference was level of detail, not abundance of detail. I mean that guns seemed to scale, pistols looked like the size of pistols, buckles and belts were small, but sized reasonably on the models, things of this nature. However, there was not a focus on an excessive amount of just, stuff. For this review, I will use Hans as an example. Rifle over shoulder (made unique by fine detailing in the sights, barrel, and stock), long coat over most of the miniature, a few other helpful small details like his goggles and his left hand artfully fiddling with a single bullet. I. Love. This. Mini. But after a while I saw the style shift. I noticed it most around Broken Promises. Models began to scale up slightly (not a bad thing on its face). But along with this something else occurred. Models began to accumulate more, well, stuff. Compare the Monster Hunters of the Guild with the rest of the Latigo Posse. They just have a bunch going on. To me, an excessive amount. Which then brings me to M3E. So far, I am absolutely loving the rules, changes, rebalancing of Malifux the rules. However I am growing concerned about the miniatures. Which crystalized the most seeing the new design for Hans. Hoooooo boy... Starting off, the rifle now seems to be the size of a light artillery piece. With all the stereotypically steampunk bells and whistles. And then... there is the pauldron or pauldrons. This is a prime example of an unnecessary detail. It adds nothing to the idea of a consummate early 20th century sniper. But seems to be there because, 'pauldrons are cool man.' I guess my concern is this. I dont want to see Malifaux sacrifice its unique story, setting, and feel, on the alter of fitting in with its competitors. Already this if far longer than I wanted it to be. And again, I very much so understand many others may not agree with me. I just felt I had to give my input on this game that is very dear to me and my friends. Thank you.
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