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Posts posted by belorey

  1. 9 hours ago, Morgan Vening said:

    Yeah, if Family Values was just take Concentrate, that's one thing. But now, once you've stacked two Focus, it's card draw. Who doesn't like card draw? Or using the Focus a little earlier and more often.

    Not saying the keyword has no problems. Just that this doesn't look like anything but a trivial downshift, unless I'm missing something. Which I could be. 

    But I've rarely seen mass Focus outside a few crews. Family wasn't one of them.

    An usually Family crew goes with Steward for his :ToS-Fast: healing and extra Focus + Dispel Magic for more Focus. Since Family can no longer stack more than 2 Focus you loose options and thats always bad.

    Sure you can draw card instead of concentrate, but always better when you got the choice. That's why the get an indirect nerf, they are no top and nos they loose choices.

  2. Marshal ⬆️

    Marshal is an anti-summon keyword now. Exorcist, Lone Marshal and Jury will be very useful against summoners.

    Frontiers ↗️

    New Reichart's triggers improve the keyword, they have 2 beaters (Basse and Sandworm) and now they add a Tank/Beater. Anyway he need triggers and keyword has not an eficient card draw tech.

    Journalist ↔️

    They have suffer the Buff and Nerff of Distracted condition. Also Phiona's new abilitie is not bad for them.

    Guards ↘️

    The new summon rules make them worst. But they are top and it's not a hard punish for them. They'll keep Tier-S.

    Family ⬇️

    His keyword tech got an indirect nerf because they cannot stack more Focus. The change on strategy are nota bad for them anyway so we will see.

  3. Yesterday i was tired so i went to Honeypot for some fun and relax. The onwner, a gentleman, invites us to a round of brilliance and now i become an addict. 

    So, how do you play this crew? What are their streinghts and weaknesses?

    All the shenanigans with brilliance are ok, but i feel keyword is weak and easy to kill. No healing and no range attack outside of Hungering's Obey and Beckoner's Lure.

    This are my impressions after my first game with him:

    Jacob Lynch: The owner of wonderfull Honeypot is very funny with all his shenanigans, but also is so easy to beat down since most crews usually have Focus +1 or even more since T1 so his only def tech becomes almost irrelevant. If they changed Don't beat the hand like: "When an enemy model with Brilliance Token target this model with an Attack Action, the Action suffer a :-flip to it's duel for each Brilliance Token it has (to a maximum of +2)".

    Mr. Tannen: Looks like a must in all list's but, even with Trained Ninja is very weak, and i think this is a model who really need it to survive. His Manupulative and Boring Conversation are harmful, so if you go late on turn you cannot use bonus, but if you go early you lost first one. Shouldn't be better if he got Serene Coutenance?

    Mr. Graves: A tech piece, giving you extra mv for Tannen and Lynch on T1/T2 and with Cover 2" around him, but black blood is more dangerous for you than for your opponent since this crew goes in bubble.

  4. Yesterday i played round 2 game. I won 3-2 in a very intense and funny match. I was with Nellie and i faced arcanist Hoffman.

    It was curious about how Hoffy works with arcanist versatils and upgrades and he looks definitely stronger than in guild.

    We couldn't finish T4 so maybe the game could be changed. My opponent recorded the game so i will post It when ready.

    Nellie Pool: 4
      Nellie Cochrane
      The Printing Press
      Phiona Gage
      Field Reporter
      Pale Rider
      Guild Steward
      Guild Lawyer

    Hoffman Pool: 1
      Charles Hoffman
      Mechanical Attendant
      Mobile Toolkit
        Diesel Engine
        Diesel Engine
      Soulstone Miner
        Magical Training

    The only kill in 4 turns was Hoffman so you can imagine how tactical the game was.


    • Like 1
  5. 5 minutes ago, Kharnage said:

    You wot m8? Jedza wishes she healed her crew as much as the Intrepid Emissary.
    Their condition removal is indeed generally not great, and while hopeful prospects are great for certain crews (I find them invaluable in Cooper) they seem to find less room in other crews. 

    It's not the same to get acces to a healing like Silent One, Serena Bowman, Bokors, etc. The Effigy/Emissary can heal in a aura of 3 that is great and when you pass a duel by 2+. So first you need the aura, and then you need to win the duels, if you already activated you can only win duelts when i attack you, so i will choose and take the risk of let you healing 1. It's a good heal tech, but if you put all your models within 3" of Emissary for his healing (outside of Jedza and Cadmus bubbles) i'll be happy to blat you.

  6. I played yesterday Nellie vs Asami, it was a very close game and i won 6-5.

    Nellie Crew - Pool: 5
      Nellie Cochrane
        Lead-Lined Coat
      The Printing Press
      Undercover Reporter
      Pale Rider
        Lead-Lined Coat
      Guild Steward
      The Lone Marshal
      Guild Lawyer

    Asami Crew - Pool: 5
      Asami Tanaka
      Ohaguro Bettari
      Ama No Zako
      Terracotta Warrior


    I was deffender so he choose downside and i start doping symbols. I leave Marshal behing to shoot all minions that would move to get the symbols with printting press protecting the symbol close to the building, my plan for Nellie and Rider was to run for the symbols and use Underecover to protect a symbol and Lawyer and Steward to heal and drop some schemes in the middle. I choose Hidden Martrys (Lawyer and Undercover) and Leave your Mark. He choose Assassinate and Sabotage


    Turn 1

    Very peacefull turn, he moved his minions, i stack focus on Rider with Steward and i Ride with Me Nellie behind the building. He left Asami, Ama no Zaco and Ohaguro for las activations and i did the same with Rider, Nellie and Lone Marshal. Asami summoned a Joromugo and he charged to Nellie thanks of Asami's :aura that let him place when charging, he make 1 damage to Nellie and she run away from him with her def. trigger. Then Nellie damged Joromugo and give it to him, Slow, Distracted +1 and Stunned for next activation. Ama no Zaco moves to the middle an drop a scheme and Lone Marshal shoot twice with focus for a total of 10 damage, but he stone both times and reduce 6 damage for a total of 4 damage on T1.

    Turn 2 (1-0)

    Katashiro moves from the left side close to the symbol whilst Kamaitachi and Yokai do it on the right side. I used Nellie's pseudo obey to charge with Ama no Zaco to Amanjaku to let him with 1 wound. Then in the middel Ama no Zaco (1 attack), Tengu (1 attack), Ohaguro (2 attacks) charged to Nellie but thanx to stones, shielded and LLC i take a total of 3/4 damage. Undercover Reporter unbury base to base with Akaname and thanks of his bonus action i could move 6" to pick the symbol. The last activation was Pale Rider who moved twice and Revel in Conflict with a 7:ram i keep in my hand from the beggining of the round. So Asami crew get a total of 15 wounds at the end of the turn. 


    I score 1 Symbol.

    TURN 3 (2-2)

    Undercover go first and pick second symbol. He attack with Ohaguro (but we have not good cards so he fails), then i go with Nellie and i make her shenanigans to give distracted +1, and stunned to Joromugo and Tengu (he also gain slow) and i killed Ama no Zaco with One more Question. He charged Nellie with Amanjaku and Akaname and i used Lawyer to make Rider charge and let him within 2" of Nellie for a Ride with Me. 

    We both have no good cards this turn so he was no able to summond with Asami and neither able to give me too much damage on Nellie for the first point of Assassinate. He also need to spend actions to remove fire from Asami with terracota warrior.

    Yokai pick the symbol of the top right whilst Katashiro drop two schemes within some boxes for sabotage. My Lone Marshal shoot twice to Katashiro but he survived (1 wound left). Because he wasn't able to make too much damage on Nellie (thanks again of SS, LLC and Shielded) i finally used again Pale Rider's Revel in Conflict so i killed Tengu, Ohaguro and Amanjaku and i attack on melee to Akaname to kill him and shoot terracota warior and let him with burning 1 and 1 wound. Joromugo move and charge Lone Marshal and die with 3 flirk tokens (he was going to die for burning at the end of the turn).

    Asami charge to Rider and stone for Execute but i didn't cheat, so i have a card to discard (no more cards and stones for next 2 attacks) then she attack Nellie and spend his last stone for crow, i spend my focus and i was so lucky because i get a 13 and he has no 13's on hand for cheat that, Nellie run away with her def trigger and Asami attack again to Rider.

    I score 1 Symbol, he scores 1 Symbol and 1 Sabotage.

    TURN 4 (3-3)

    I go fist with Nellie and i give distracted +1 and stunned to Asami. Yokai and Kamataichi charge printting press 1 attack each. I shoot Katashiro with Lone Marshal and fails (i make a mistake here, becouse i shoud interact to deny the second point of sabotage). Lawyer makes Rider to drop a scheme marker outside of LoS of Asami. And Steward give slow to Asami and heal Nellie. Katashiro get the symbol and my Undercover Reporter moves to get the third symbol next turn.


    I score Leave your Mark, he score 1 symbol.

    TURN 5 (6-5)

    Yokai got a symbol with his bonus, then move and charged Nellie and i get a RJ on defense, so i activated next Lawyer to pick it back, give shielded to Nellie and then, move and charge Asami/Yokai to score the last or first point of Hidden Martyrs with him. My pritting press killed Kamaitachi and he charged Lone Marshal so i could not deny his second of sabotage. Rider used his Ride with Me on Steward, drop a scheme and charge Asami again, Steward move a drop another scheme and Nellie move twice and drop a third Scheme. Undercover got a Symbol


    I score 1 Sumbol, 1 Hidden Martyrs, 1 Leave your Mark and he score 1 Symbol and 1 Sabotage.

    • Like 2
  7. 12 hours ago, Pergli said:

    Thanks for taking Plaag out of the running :D


    I think Plaag said he was going to play Tara all event because is as strong as Colette, so he was out of the running anyway. 

    We will see if he finally play all games with Tara.

    • Haha 1
  8. 3 hours ago, Maniacal_cackle said:

    I quite like starting the sand worm right up at the enemy deployment zone so it can self bury without activating if they attack it, and so it can charge and attack if they don't.

    (Not for round 1 of course).

    I particulary preffer to go first activation with Sand Worm so i concentrate, drop a scheme near to Basse and in the middle (for a claim jump or StO) and bury.

    So you have Sand Worm full of heal and ready for last activation of T2, if you have a 3+:ram he ean kill a support model and charge another one (and let him close to death for begining of T3).

    Edit: T3 should be like T1, go fiesta with him, attack and kill the target, if you have a PA left, drop a scheme and bury again.

    • Like 2
  9. 9 hours ago, Yore Huckleberry said:

    Flank deployment and HOTR are also why the home-base camping with Basse isn't as great of an idea. Mind you, the Sand Worm isn't BAD in this strat; it just isn't amazing.

    I think its bad, because Sand Worm loss his def. tech so you cannot bury after an attack. With df 4 and no armour It can be easily killed.

  10. 5 minutes ago, Maniacal_cackle said:

    Oh, and why if flank bad? is it because your opponent has so much deployment zone that your advantage is decreased a bit?

    Yes, and because they are so close to you, so you "loose" your Home of the Range.

    You usually have an extra 5"-7" for deployment so in standard, wedge and corner can get middle easy whilst keep distance from enemies.

    But with flank if you deploy your models 6" away from your deployment you can be charged on T1.

    • Thanks 1
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