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Everything posted by FredSpaghett

  1. With that same list as you mentioned? Aint bleed too hard with small models like that?
  2. What schemes would you prefer? What is realistic while doing Break the Line.
  3. Perhaps i Should mention, i have access to these models: Mah core box Zipp core box Lucky emissary Mancha Roja First mate BBB Test subjects Roosters Mech pork Burt jebsen Gracie Merris Piglets Sparks Survivors
  4. We are playing 35ss and this is the setup for our next game. Any tips for list and schemes, playstyle etc. ?
  5. Hello! I played my first game with Mah, and got very dissapointed with the soulstone miner. I played vs. Misaki as always, and lost as usual. The fact that it cant be used for any scheme or strat the same turn that it unburies makes me find it completely useless. It doesn't survive catch and release. Its plans gets revealed and ruined when going for outflank, same goes for turf war. Am I missing something? Who thinks this model is a good scheme runner and what do you use it for? Thanks in advance!
  6. Im sorry, but what does it mean if it's a bubble pool or not? Can you give examples?
  7. Hello Misaki players. If you should point out one single master/crew, perhaps 2... Which Master do you find it hardest to beat? What models destroys your gameplay with misakis the most? Thanks in advance
  8. Hello bayou folks. I have a gaming Buddy. We play 35ss games because we are both parents with limited time He plays Misaki i play Zipp. He destroys me everytime, sending out Torokages to wear my models down and sending in Misaki all over the board to finish the job. It makes no sense for me to focus on destroying his shadow markers. It's too much work for too little reward, I find it. I tried locking his torokage down with Zipp, but they can just walk away. Which Bayou master should I try instead? What do you think is the best counter to Misaki in Bayou? Thanks in advance.
  9. Thanks. How do you use and take advantage of the skeeters in a killy strat and schemes? Can you give a few examples?
  10. Opponent is bringing Misaki. How would you go about making a lidt for public enemies with zipp then? If he brings a thunder archer I would make sure to either lock it down with zip or go nuts on it with Emissary.
  11. We've drawn Public enemies and a very killy schemepool for our next game. How would you guys make a killy Zipp list? I was thinking something like: Killy Zipp (Public Enemies) (Bayou) Size: 50 - Pool: 9 Leader: Captain Zipp Twelve Cups of Coffee Totem(s): Earl Burns Hires: Mancha Roja Gracie Lucky Emissary Whiskey Golem What is everyone's thoughts on Zipp with a killy crew ?
  12. Hello Gurus. if you duo to The duel result have minus flip on your damage, but an ability on your card gives you plus flip, which brings you to No modifier, Can you then cheat The damage, or did that duel just involve “one or more minus flips. “
  13. Hello Gurus. Torokage hits Zoraida and triggers reposition. Zoraida has The DF trigger “regret”. Does The Torokage g’ets to reposition?
  14. Thank you everyone for all your replies. While you convinced me that there’s probably nothing wrong with Zoraida as a good matchup vs. Misaki, and that she’s a very strong master too, there’s still something I don’t really like about her for now. I’ve decided to move deeper into the Bayou faction as has gotten me Mah and Zipp. I have heard they are more basic and will try to become good at them before I give Zoraida a try again.
  15. Hi friends. I have an upcoming game vs my friend playlng 10T. He had Misaki, Shenlong and Yan Lo. He Will probably use Misaki. I want to use Mah. I have access to all other models since we allow proxies for all models not in core boxes. We already generated strat and schemes. Strat is Public enemies and Schemes are 1-4-5-7-11 I have never played Mah before. im thinking of doing Claim jump on Gracie, looking out for when is a good turn to secure the middle, use little las and/or roosters and/or Mah to move enemies away so Gracie can score. Maybe picking Breakthrough as my second scheme and try to score the last 2 turns with roosters. What are your thoughts? Thoughts on a list? How would you go about it? Thanks in advance.
  16. I Think What Zoraida is lacking, for me as an inexperienced casual player, is a strong keyword mechanic. Im looking at Hoffman right now for a good matchup for Zoraida
  17. I’ve been looking at Perdita Ortega and buying the box with the Monster hunter. I love that theme.
  18. I stick with swampfiend. I have Zoraida Mctavish Juju 3 silurids Bayou Gators And as mentioned, it’s important for us that the theme fits thematically so I’m not gonna buy a bunch of models that doesn’t stick with the swamp theme. I’d rather look for another keyword that right off the bat, competes better/easier His list is the core box and Yasonuri. I’m struggling competing with his mobility. He’s all over the board where he wants to be with all his shadow markers and his Trained ninja upgrades.
  19. Hello friends. So, me and a good friend started playing half a year back. With no knowledge of master abilities or tier etc. we picked 2 crews that we liked the look of. I liked zoraida, he liked Misaki. Obviously I haven’t received zoraida yet, I have been playing her crew with bases with pictures on them. We are playing once a month and only versus each other. we have had pretty even games. I think I won the first, and we have had a few ties. All those first games he didn’t really use his shadow markers to their full potential. This recent game we both feel that he learned how to use them and we feel that his crews synergi outweighs my crews by far. tbh, I don’t really see the big synergi in my crew. Keep in mind, we are sticking to the keywords of the crews to keep the themes clean. I’m pure swamp themed and he is pure Kung fu themed. Our question is.... if I where to buy another crew to matchup somewhat evenly versus Misaki (we know that player skills has the greatest impact but we feel like we are very evenly skilled, but that his crew is just pretty overpowered compared to mine) Feel free to correct us if needed. However.... what’s your take on a crew that matches up versus Misaki. What has a synergi that would be good enough? preferably not one that counters, but just one that has a great synergy. Greater than Swampfiend. thanks in advance.
  20. If Mctavish with his 50mm base, creates a 50mm concealing swampscreen marker directly under him. Does he have concealment?
  21. 1. Can a model with a 50mm base stand on top of a Misiaki shadow marker (30mm base) to make her not able to unbury in base contact with that marker? 2. Can Mactavish not put his swamp screen marker under his own base? 3. Do you get pass tokens from getting fewer models than your opponent when your models dies? Thanks!!!!
  22. Hello. I had my first game with Zoraida last night, and me and my partner are left with a few questions. If I use her ‘Obey’ on a friendly model that is engaged, can she drop a scheme marker with that model? The ability is after all “Controlled by” Zoraida Can she summon the voodoo doll even if it’s already alive, and just take it from where it is and spawn it in base contact with herself? thanks in advance!
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