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Posts posted by ezramantis

  1. I'm to understand that a game can be created and shared with an opponent online via forum accounts. I'm sure it could be figured out but as my opponent is literally on the other side of the world and we have limited and sporadic windows to play, I don't want to waste valuable play time mucking about with the app. Thought it would be nice to read/watch a walkthrough. I've run into problems sharing QR codes in person before and been left to manually input crews. So, yeah, don't want a repeat of that.

  2. 8 hours ago, Maniacal_cackle said:

    @ezramantis, it is concealing, not severe. So Grootslang, McTavish, etc.


    Well there's another thing to nudge me into finally buying those 2. Though those still create markers rather than drop them so i'll still have to move (or be moved) into them. The in base contact restriction will require more attention but still, more markers for the team. I do notice that the wording on grootslang says "after THIS model is deployed" rather than "after deployment". So if i end up as attacker, put Groot and Juju in different groups, AND get lucky enough to have  my opponent pick Groots group for first deployment i could then put Juju starting in a marker.

    I can't disagree with @Ceodoc. It does feel like the answer for this keyword is often to pay X more ss for a babysitter (or 2) in order to get a model working rather than just to optimize it. Not that those models don't also come with other uses, but still. I guess to be fair the synergies and combos are what has always made malifaux fun for me so i'm getting what I want in a "wyrd" way. Nyuk nyuk.

    And as to the def discrepensy, maybe I've just had some bad luck in a small sample size, but still i feel like I'm not getting those 4-5 hits worth of hp. Compared to Monty, sure it's only 3 pts difference, but it's also a Terrifying check beforehand. That'll ruin your attack before you even try to break his def. I'm willing to put in more games and see what a larger sample size looks like. Glad to hear others aren't having the same problems with it.

    Thanks gang, I'm a little less bummed. And glad to hear that Bad Juju has more supporters in this edition than the last. Got another HH game on vassal today. Vs Lurch again. Gonna get that sucka.


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  3. I'll tell ya guys, it was the Demise (eternal) that tipped me over the edge. I'd come to grips with my giant swamp monster not having terrifying anymore (was that M2E? M1E? Oh man I'm finally forgetting old stats), cause it had Demise (eternal). I accepted the abysmal defense that lets most attacks hit, often at higher than min damage, because of Demise (eternal). I'd adjusted to keeping focus on Jujy to shore up it's defense and recognized I may have to activate it before I want to to proc the regen.  Then in strolls Lurch with a huge defense, being terrifying all over the place, and makes my special little (ht 4) guy feel not so special. *pout*

    Didn't help that it was out there playing in the swamp without mama (yup I took Juju into a henchman hardcore game. Go ahead, tell me I'm a fool. I'll do it again, by gum, cause I'm stubborn :) ). Made it really apparent how much Juju relies on mama to really shine.

    So, @Fixxer what models you bringing that let Juju start in severe? I've got waldgeist (cause, ya know, tree monster) but since they create markers i have to walk models into them before they can ambush. It's doable, just not convenient. I often feel like I'm eating up AP and telegraphing my moves.

  4. I love Bad Juju. I love the model. I love the idea of the swamp come alive. I use it whenever I play Zoraida no matter how bad the community says Bad Juju is cause I love the big, mushy,  mossy lugg. In M2E I had a good handle on it because I always took the upgrade that summoned Juju when a swampfiend died and dared people to kill my fiends. Fun.

    I'll admit I haven't had an opportunity to play much M3E. But felt Juju's big attack, mixed with Regeneration, Hard to Wound, and Demise (eternal) was decent and playable. Tricky with the 3 def, but playable.

    Then I played vs a crew with Montressor.

    That bugger costs the same as Juju, also has Demise (eternal) and Hard to Wound. Plus he has Terrifying (11), an additional hp, and double the defense of Juju at 6. For the same cost (9ss).

    Add to that a reasonable ranged attack, the built in triggers on Montressors attacks, an execute trigger, and a bonus action that doesn't suck (I'm sorry, I'm trying to be positive about Ambush but having to toss a card for 3" of movement if you aren't in severe terrain?  phlllbt) and now i look at Juju next to him and...it just makes me sad.  How are these two models are equal? Sure Jujy has that sweet 3/4/6 damage but still.

    Make me happy about Bad Juju. I want to be happy about my swamp monster daggit!


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  5. Was reminded today of one of the things i didn't like about D2:OS. The fact that you have to deplete a foes armor before status effects are even considered to take effect. Not sure why they went that way instead of giving a different percentage chance with/without armor, but there ya go.

    I'll have to look into those touchdown. Maybe it's time i buy a gaming pc as many of the suggestions in the thread aren't on console

  6. Been playing Age of Wonders: Planetfall and enjoying it. Have to play though the strategy portion to get to the good stuff. Lots of faction and special tech combos to keep things interesting. We'll see how long it takes to get bored. The only objective is wipe the board so it generally means focus fire on one or two dudes til they're dead and move on to get numbers advantage. Status effects out the wazoo, almost too many to keep straight, especially when you have similar names/themes like burning, immolate, charred, etc. It's quite easy and too tempting to stack the battle in your favor by bringing multiple armies, but that's up to me to control myself: if i want a fair fight I shouldn't weight it in my favor :P.

  7. D:OSII is great. I bought it largely because of the arena mode. I like the conditions and positioning tricks. Some of the fights in the story are freaking awesome! At one point I had a running retreat, through a gate to catch my breath, further retreating to a bottle neck and just barely coming out on top. The game fights are PACKED with drama and tension. The areana mode is hit or miss depending on my mood. Great mechanics though.

  8. On 1/29/2020 at 3:43 AM, Cromwell said:

    Can Zoraida use "Reading the Cards" ability in such situation?

    My guess is, that since Consumed by Pride says "The enemy model cannot Cheat Fate again during that duel" it implies that fate has been cheated, since it cannot be done "again" unless it has already been done at least once. So Zoraida's ability would take effect.

    It does say the card is discarded "instead" of cheated. But I think that applies to the card, not the "act" of cheating. I feel like if the intent was to negate the act entirely the ability would read "the enemy model does not cheat fate and instead discards the cheated card". This is based on the way the rules read on pg 25 of the rulebook concerning killed models healing after being killed. This ability is not worded in that way so I believe the cheating still occurs.

  9. 20 minutes ago, santaclaws01 said:

    Second paragraph in measurement.

    Measurement is almost always done horizontally from the closest point on the base of the object in question. If a player is measuring to an object, they measure to the closest point on the base of the target. If there is a vertical element, that distance is added to the distance, minus the lower object’s Size or Height (to a minimum of 0).

    Well there ya go.  Missed that.  I'm still making too many assumptions based on the M2E rules. The Marker had LoS but not range then. Thanks santa

  10. 5 hours ago, Adran said:

    Line of sight is two way (unless special rules apply) so if the marker can see the model, the model can see the marker.

    The Marker rules tell us that the marker is treated as a Ht 0 object if you are drawing line of sight, (its down at the bottom of the bullet points on page 28).


    So hope that helps you answer. Treat it as a ht 0 model for calculating line of sight

    Thanks Adrian.  I should've read further it seems.  It all makes sense to me now.

  11. How do Pulses and Shockwaves (also pulses) interact with models and elevation?

    Does a pulse extend vertically to an infinite height?  Or is there a limit?  The Size of the model or object generating the Pulse?  The Pulse rules offer no clarification that I could see.

    We had a situation last night where a model was on a ht 2 building.  A Shockwave (2) was dropped right next to the building.  The model was within 2" of the marker horizontally.  (For visual reference you can use the picture of Dashel and Parker on pg 18 of the rulebook.  Dashel represents the Shockwave Marker and Parker the model).

    I reasoned that it depended on whether the Marker had LoS to the model.  The building had the blocking trait so it would block LoS, but I haven't experienced too much of the new elevation rules so I consulted the rulebook.

    According to the rules "When drawing LoS between two objects, any intervening models or terrain with a Size or Height that is lower than either of the two objects is ignored."  So the Height 2 building is lower than the Ht2 + Sz2 model on the roof so LoS is not blocked.  The Shockwave's Pulse would effect the model, right?  It as LoS and is in Range.

    But the Shockwave is in the Shadow of the building, so the LoS is blocked, since "if either model is in the Shadow of terrain with Height equal to or greater than the Size of that model..., any sight lines that pass through the terrain generating that Shadow are blocked" (Shadow rules pg 18).  So there is no LoS.  The Shockwave's Pulse would not effect the model.

    Except this:  (pg 28)  "Unless otherwise noted, Markers....have no vertical distance (ie., Height or Size)" and so figuring LoS using rules that refer to the Size or Height of objects that have no Size or Height leaves questions in my mind.  Do Shockwave Markers ONLY effect objects and models on the same elevation?  If they had Size of 0 they could add the Height of the terrain they were on to figure LoS.  But they don't.  So I'm assuming LoS is ALWAYS blocked by any difference in elevation.

    The Shadow rules also refer to "models", not "objects".  But I assume that the intent is that the rules apply to objects (such as Markers) as well regardless of the exact wording?

    Also:  if the model had been within 1" of the edge of the terrain, it would ignore the terrain it was on.  That would give the model LoS to the Marker, but does it also give the Marker LoS to the model?

  12. I've been playing Zoraida since 1st ed and will continue even if she turns to trash in M5E.  I just love the swamp voodo witch  theme and grisly looking hag model. Add to that a big monster made of muck, a bunch of amphibian creatures helping her out, and some swampy tree monsters and it completes a very fun picture for for me. A powerful hag with the swamp at her command? Yes please.

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  13. I play with lengths of aluminum wire I bought from a dollar store (you could also go to a craft store).  i have them in 3 colors. One is in multiples of 3 (3", 6", 12"), one is multiples of 4 (4", 8"), and one is multiples of 5 (5", 10"). They are nice because they make measuring movement around corners easy. I also cut one at 7" because in M2E my silurids had a 7" leap. And now in M3E I'll prooly need a 14" for a few models.

    I also have a little piece of cardstock cut 1"x2" for measuring engagement range and short distances.

    The only downside is having a bunch of measuring sticks sitting around the table but that doesn't bug me too much. My buddy actually built a little rack/holder for his.

    I've thought about cutting a few pieces and marking off 1" segments, maybe a short 6" piece and a 12" piece. We'll see.

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  14. As someone who stuck with Zoraida and her swampfiends through M2E when she was considered a low tier master, I'm glad to see she's now actually a concern for other players :).

    As someone who stuck with Zoraida and her swampfiends through M2E and managed to play her reasonably effectively against stronger crews that had easier synergies and tactics, I say it's their turn to get creative to play against me :).

    As someone who yadda yadda yadda...I'll be pretty bummed if she gets nerfed into low tier again as a reaction rather than the community discussing counter strategy and learning to play against her. So I'm glad to see some really good suggestions on dealing with her in this thread.

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  15. Well, I've tried out Banner Saga and while it does have some push/pull mechanisms the battlefield is a featureless grid so they seem largely trivial in the long run. Also it's essentially a maths puzzle where I subtract from my enemy's armor until it makes sense to subtract from it's life/strength. Maybe I'm missing some positioning nuances that would come from repeated play but it's not engaging enough for me to get there.

    So I'm back to XCOM with a new dlc purchase: War of the Chosen. So far it's adding enough to satisfy me. Would love if it had a "one off" mission mode so I didn't have to play through the strategy layer to get to the skills and equipment that adds spice to the game. Plus I get attached to my troops gosh dangit! Losing a good soldier in a mission means they're gone. I think my best bet at this point is to play through the game on easy to build up a "model pool" making save games at points in the story that allow me a variety of missions/soldiers and then just loading up those saves when I feel like a quick battle. I could see how long I can put off spending upgrades/level ups so that I can custom build a "crew" every time an pick which mission I feel like playing.

    At any rate, would love to keep this thread active as a library of suggestions, cause I'm always looking and I'm sure others are as well.

  16. 8 hours ago, Nikodemus said:

    I haven't gotten round to it yet, grain of salt and all that, but Into the Breach seems interesting. Specifically the bit about "pushing or moving models". From what I've seen it has a fair bit of offensive model displacement and terrain/objectives influencing your positioning a fair bit.

    Not what you're asking but since we're talking games... When it comes to 1v1 board games I quite enjoy Tash Kalar. Far simple game compared to Malifaux but it too relies heavily on correct positioning on the board and achieving objectives that are (usually) not directly tied to how much of the opponent you kill.

    Thanks, I'll check those out.

  17. Every few months I buy a tactical rpg for my PS4 in the hopes that I can get an experience that even remotely compares to Malifaux. Every one has ended up boring me after I get past the discovery stage.

    Almost all of the skills are "+percent to thing you do". Boring. No pushes or moving other models. Boring. If there are objectives outside of "kill all da udder guys" they end up having far less game impact, value, or efficiency than just wiping the board. Boring.

    I dislike moving all my guys and then the computer moves all it's guys games.

    If there are actions that buff a team mate, debuff a foe, create an aura, or set up shennanigans they ultimately aren't as worthwhile or efficient as just hitting the enemy with your sword instead.

    Malifaux has ruined me. I buy games with 8+ review ratings and they feel like 5's at best compared to the experience of Malifaux.

    Now I HAVE gotten hours of play out of XCOM 2 and Mordheim but after a while they get stale because of reasons I've mentioned.

    Anyone have any recommendations for video games to check out that might live up to malifaux?

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