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Everything posted by psymonthewizard

  1. And another thing that I just remembered about Pandora, what is the point with Self Loathing and Self Harm having a built in mask?
  2. Ok so a Sh attack that targets Df, is a Sh duel for the attacker and a Df duel for the defender! Thanks for the clarification!
  3. Hi there, I have a question regarding Pandora's Misery ability, Fading Memory ability and her Expose Fears ability. Say someone takes an attack targeting Pandora's DF, expose fear states that she can use her Wp instead of DF and that she considers the duel as a Wp duel. If she wins the duel, does the Misery and Fading Memory ability trigger? If not, why? My friend told me that they don't trigger but didn't point me to the rules that clarifies this. Thank you in advance.
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