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Everything posted by WWHSD

  1. Just for some background on my modeling experience, the arachnids are more complicated than anything I've ever assembled. I was planning on attaching the spiders to small washers and then attaching magnets to the bases. In messing around with positioning 3 spiders on the 40mm base, I'm having trouble making them all fit without having their legs overlapping which doesn't seem like it will be possible with the legs glued to a washer.
  2. I'm new to Malifaux (just started on my first crew and have yet to play the game). Ramos looked like a good box to start with since there's other Masters in the same faction that appeal to me and he comes with models that look useful no matter which Master I'm using. I ordered the M&SU box and a box of spiders to get started. I was planning on magnetizing them so that I could have 12 spiders or 4 swarms or some combination in between. However, when the models arrived and I assembled them I realized that my plan exceeded my skill level. What I'm wondering is, "Will Ramos ever need more than 6 spiders or 2 swarms?". Assuming a 5 round game and Ramos summoning two spiders per round, the most spiders that I should ever need will be 10. Hitting 10 also requires nothing to be killing my spiders which means that all that scrap has to be coming from somewhere. Will I kick myself for making 2 swarms and 6 spiders? I really want the flexibility from magnets but I'm not sure how to pull it off.
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