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Posts posted by Sol_Sorrowsong

  1. I guess its lucky MD didn't get buried.  But yes, Emissary makes him better.  Tricky though to see if regen and 1ap and 3" makes it worth so many stones. Maybe keeping MD safe a bit longer and starting with the effigy and upgrade to get a cheaper one.

  2. I can second the Woukou raiders. Two might be too many in most cases, but one is quite nice.  I'm a big fan of combat finesse and they attack nicely.  Mad dog is strong, but I hate relying on henchmen as for me they get singled out hard.  Bandidos are great minions, Convict gunslingers are pretty nuts. I think Sue is a bit less special than he was in M2E but still Sue.  Dead outlaws have seemed pretty lackluster compared to other bandit models of late.  Versatile, I think Effigy/Emmisary is good. I haven't used barbaros yet, but again its hard to step out of bandit because of the synergies.   No idea on benny. I don't hang with the vermin. 

  3. After staring at it for a long time and rewriting a few times. I can sort of see your distinction.  I understood the "unless otherwise specified" but I took Eyes in the Night to be rather all or nothing in that regard. However, I can see that it doesn't specify that the Targetting is coming from the swampfiend model, but only the LOS and range.  Even though, they are the specific portions that make up Targetting.  


    Sounds to me like it will only be solved by a FAQ.  Sorry for being dense. :)


  4. A minor grievance I have with @Adran's interpretation (although maybe I'm just playing this part wrong) is that targeting requires LOS from the original model (Zoraida in this case).  

    If we forget about stealth and just think of a case where Zoraida has a swampfiend within 12" of her and another Targetted model. The targetted model is blocked from LOS from Zoraida (say around the corner of a building).  By Adran's logic, Zoraida could not target the model because only the swampfiend she would draw LOS and range from could see it, but not her for the initial targeting.  I've not been playing that way, but perhaps that is a fault of mine.  What do others think?

  5. Your painter did a fantastic job bringing out the best of these models.  I really enjoy the gnome conversion idea on gremlins, it was executed very well and the glowing eyes on Marcus' beasts mesh with his lightning and the arcane effigy really well.  Also the tiger print is spot on.  Not sure what you paid, but you got your money's worth.

  6. I'm a fan of how crews are looking to be packaged now.  Master box, with a side box or two as keyword options.  In M2E that was pretty much what you'd need for most crews to play at full strength or to give them a bit of flexibility but a lot of new players seemed to be told that just a crew box would be enough to get into the game and that always seemed a bit untrue to me.  

    With this new split of smaller Master boxes and keyword boxes (from what I've seen), they package well, with a good mix for new players starting out.  

    Additionally, I find some of the master boxes more enticing to pick up for masters I don't already have but do have several individuals or minions in the keyword (ex. I don't own somer [yet] but I do have 8 bayou gremlins).

  7. It seems quite simple to me, but I'm not a lawyer. If the ability is being used in melee :melee1, then it is not being used as a :ToS-Range: action in that moment. I guess I'm more of a RAI kinda guy. and it seems if you are point blank pistol whipping someone they aren't going to be taking just a glancing blow.

    • Agree 1
  8.  I don't see how great this is.   


    6ss model, 5 severe cards (played before each draw card happens), no real scheming/movement.

    Max Reward: +2ss (+8ss total-6ss cost), +15" movement if others place scheme markers in LOS, +5 cards (each requiring a severe before it).


    Granted 8ss and 5 cards is a pretty nice thing in game, but is it really worth being a model down in the main scheme/fight skirmish taking place?    Maybe, if the cards are good, but you used severes to get them anyway.  I feel usually I'll want someone who can move AND attack.

    • Agree 1
  9. Additionally, Shang (Misaki totem) has an ability:

    Flickering Flames

    When a friendly Misaki Katanaka model Unburies using the From Shadow Ability, it may Unbury in base contact with this model. If it does so, the friendly Misaki Katanaka model Heals 2, then this model suffers 2 irreducible damage
    Using this ability would also ignore the shadow marker - MV clause I believe. 
  10. On 3/5/2019 at 12:57 PM, PetitDalek said:

    Viktor Brothers! A sexy swordfighter duo. Bonus point if they look like they could be featured on a bodice-ripper cover. Something like this?

    Guts and Griffith from Berserk?  

    For real though:


    Model: Jack Daw

    Name: Miss Rabble or Miss Erable depending on how you want to spell it. I know its same root as Miss Ery, but I think its different enough to not mistake the two. 

    This would be an alt. female model for Jack Daw since (s)he's the Tormented one after all.  I have two ideas.  The first is she could be bursting out of an Iron maiden type device showing the brutal spikes as she is free. (Think Mei feng dynamic). Model is wearing gown with holes in it from the spikes (modelled by indentations).      The second idea is sillier and she (Jack) is dressed like the witch from Monty Python and the holy grail. Silly hat and carrot attached as a pointy nose. She could be posed either tied up or  similarly dynamic as current jack breaking free and releasing her true power!


    Model: Big Brain Brin, but really any Bayou fellow could take the name.

    Name: Mrs. Ippi

    I see her as a strict looking no nonsense teacher looking type with glasses on a chain and big beehive hair on that big noggin. Of course, she'd be in cowboy boots and wielding a ruler while pointing menacingly.

    Edit: I could also see her in stereotyped football coach outfit, cap, leatherman jacket, Bayou logos front/back.  Whistle, playboard/book, bullhorn

    Edit: Another idea for the name. Mrs. Zippy (Zip alt.) who instead of a airship captain could be dressed up like a riverboat captain/Pirate. 




    Model: Misaki Katanaka (Sonnia?)

    Name:  Mr. E. C. Shun  (Misdirection, its a little stretch I know but I like it)

    So, I was of course thinking of the name before a model, but Ten thunder brothers have misdirection ability and Misaki is a ninja so TT seemed like a good place for the name.  That said, it also is very stately and important sounding so could be great with guild (Mr. E.C. Tion perhaps as Alt. Sonnia?)

    The design would be similar either way with more eastern or western flair depending but would involve a smart looking suit.  The weapon for both could be a sword cane and it would be slightly opened so that the sword was just coming out of the sheath. 



    I'd like an Alt. Charles Edmonton sitting by his gun drinking tea.

    • Agree 1
  11. Thank you so much for the quick reply!  It seems like we played pretty much by the book. Exception being with using multiple shaken or inspire tokens to get +4AV (very naughty).

    Your understanding for terrain matches mine in that LOS can be 1-way.  It is often weird to think about, but I understand the importance for balance, especially with titans.  Your answer was a bit in reverse of what I was looking for, but the outcome the same.  If A (regular fireteam) is on a hill attacking at range B (regular fireteam) in a forest (Low, concealing, dense), then A receives -2AV for attacking into concealing terrain.


    The other thing which is tricky to remember is the strictness of the advance order.

    My mind wants to think, "Pick move or action" but its more rigid than that. (Seen below)


    Advance actions take this chain of questioning (Fireteam 1, 2, 3 can be in any order)

    Fireteam 1

    Do you want to do an action (Y/N)     --> (Y) --> Do action --> wait for rest of fireteams.

                                                                   --> (N) --->                        Wait for rest of fireteams.

    Fireteam 2

    Do you want to do an action (Y/N)     --> (Y) --> Do action --> wait for rest of fireteams.

                                                                   --> (N) --->                        Wait for rest of fireteams.

    Fireteam 3

    Do you want to do an action (Y/N)     --> (Y) --> Do action --> wait for rest of fireteams.

                                                                   --> (N) --->                        Wait for rest of fireteams.

    All Fireteams have selected an answer.  Proceed to step 2

    Fireteam 1

    Do you want to move (Y/N)     --> (Y) --> Do movement --> wait for rest of fireteams.

                                                                   --> (N) --->                        Wait for rest of fireteams.

    Fireteam 2

    Do you want to move (Y/N)     --> (Y) --> Do movement --> wait for rest of fireteams.

                                                                   --> (N) --->                        Wait for rest of fireteams.

    Fireteam 3

    Do you want to move (Y/N)     --> (Y) --> Do movement --> wait for rest of fireteams.

                                                                   --> (N) --->                        Wait for rest of fireteams.

    All fireteams have selected an answer. Proceed to step 3

    Fireteam 1

    Did you take an action already (Y/N)     --> (Y) -->                     Wait for rest of fireteams.

                                                                   --> (N) --->  Take action -->    Wait for rest of fireteams.

    Fireteam 2

    Did you take an action already (Y/N)     --> (Y) -->                     Wait for rest of fireteams.

                                                                   --> (N) --->  Take action -->    Wait for rest of fireteams.

    Fireteam 3

    Did you take an action already (Y/N)     --> (Y) -->                     Wait for rest of fireteams.

                                                                   --> (N) --->  Take action -->    Wait for rest of fireteams.

    All fireteams have answered. Unit activation has ended.


    I pay attention to it because the striped skulkers can place anywhere on the map as long as they maintain formation.  To maximize benefit, I'd love to Move A, Place B, Move B, Place A.  But that is illegal because it breaks up unit movement and unit actions and thus the formation rules.

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