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Posts posted by Flinroz

  1. 1 hour ago, Dogmantra said:

    Straddling the line between bare minimum and next steps:

    • The Pigapult. The ability to churn out three models a turn and then place them wherever you want on the board is silly good. It's especially powerful for Interference (which I believe is still in the 2018 rotation?). It's not required or even useful in several strats, but it plus either Ulix or Som'er is pretty much a mandatory pick when any Reconnoiter or Interference appears for any Gremlin player trying their hardest to win.

    The GG2018 interference equivalent is Ours, in which summoned models don't count, and it doesn't check for engagement.

  2. The faction that is most OP is whatever faction beat me last... or at least this is how it feels. When I first got started I played vs a lot of rezzers, and they seemed like the most OP thing in the world due to just beating me by attrition.


    In all honesty though I do feel like pretty much any faction can beat any other faction. Specific master match ups may be a different story. You guys have a very limited pool of data, and I could not give any less of a care about "ranking" sites. They are very skewed by what gets reported and how, and that comes from me both as a TO and as the person who is apparently 10th best at malifaux according to that site. *eye roll*

    • Like 2
  3. 55 minutes ago, Kaos said:

    I'm sure I am the one missing something, but apart masters, who ignore armor? If a master is out there to get your models, you should be able to punish him. Which other non master models have such abilities? I didn't encounter many of them but could be meta related. In outcasts we got Levi and Marlene (that is, anyway, a very expensive model), in ressers there is Anna Lovelace, who else?

    Can't speak for other factions, but off the top of my head gremlins have Banjonistas, Lightning Bugs, Swine cursed.

  4. If I have 2 lightning bugs activate this aura do :mask's count as +4 and :tome's at -4?


    The ability does not say "at least one model with this ability" as some other auras do. I only had one lightning bug on the table last night, but our group got to talking about it. They were pretty sure it would stay at only +2, but I am not convinced.



  5. 26 minutes ago, Sol_Sorrowsong said:

    But its still cool because you can cheat the trigger regardless of regular damage flip.


    You cannot cheat the second flip if the original was on negatives. That's what both just said.


    As for wrastlers I love them. Pretty mobile. Reliable damage. Good way to remove corpse/scrap if your opponent is reliant on those resources. 

  6. 3 hours ago, Zirenius said:

    Hi there,

    that is a very generous offer. However, I am afraid that shipping from the US might be really expensive... I also double-checked if there are any other models from the guilder store that might be of interest - however, I don't think so. Thank you for offering anyway, though!

    Also, maybe I'll get lucky in the Black Friday sale. :)

    Have a nice evening, 


    Yeah, that's usually the case. I've got a standing trade offer on something else from a guy in New Zealand, but ugh same deal.

    • Like 1
  7. I'm really excited about the Bokor. A 6 stone model, that can target DF *or* WP, give out slow, and give out a great debuff if I bring other gremlin casters? Yes please. And that is before their situational abilities to drop scheme markers, heal, protect, card draw...

    I feel like comparing models to what other factions got is a mistake, because if everyone got the exact same abilities this game would get pretty stale. You are playing gremlins, try and find some cool things for gremlins can do. If you are upset that gremlins don't do the same things as arcanist models...     ... why aren't you just playing arcanists, who do those things?


    14 hours ago, Drunken Kung Fu Kid said:

    - Reactivating wesley can be crucial in some situations (When he needs to move again to be in range to safe brewie or to cast binge again)

    Loved the post, great ideas, but a quick point here. His copy ability is once per turn, so reactivate would not get him another use. I had initially planned on doing the same thing.

  8. 4 minutes ago, WWHSD said:

    Seems like some low damage models that target Wp would be decent at doing the couple of extra points of damage needed to push a model over the brink to being dead. Do Gremlins have anything like that? 

    Ooh, I will have to take a break from my wrastlers and let my lightning bugs join the party

    Edit: nevermind For some reason I thought they were Df or WP. Fortunately those new voodoo gremlins from book 5 are.

  9. I dunno, I think it works as is.

    The model takes three damage at the end of the turn. Next turn if thy activate early to heal before I can take advantage of the damage, then I only need to knock them down to three before the end of this turn.

    If they activate late to try and heal late then I can attack them before hand and they'll already be down 3 health.

    The poison itself is never going to kill anything, but I can effectively treat all models in the contest as having 3 off their max health by watching my timing when attacking them.

  10. 9 minutes ago, Ludvig said:

    Cheers. Which faction, gremlins?

    Gremlins can take Mud Toss on Mancha or McTavish

    Rezzers and TT Have Chiaki

    Guild have Witchlings

    Neverborn have the guy from the starter set

    I think the arcanists just have the effigy, and that is only friendly


    Obviously others, but this is off the top of my head

  11. 14 minutes ago, Drunken Kung Fu Kid said:

    Dont use hold their hair back. Swill an opponent then use mancha and make him get paralyzed reliably, since the df duel is on (-) and just finish him with a second atk and the "finisher".

    Kills any beater in 2 Attacks and a swill.

    I know that is the general consensus, I like to try out things that normally don't get used to see if they have any value. Wanted to see if I could make it work since Brewie could paralyze with it and Obey the finishing blow in the same activation.


    It didn't work out, but I'm going to be doing some more testing.

    • Like 1
  12. 15 hours ago, Cadaver_Junkie said:

    Not taking the new upgrade for Brewie?

    The thread is from May, so the new upgrades would likely affect the original post haha


    Yeah, I am really excited to try out the poison effect on that upgrade. 3 damage is enough that things get weakened to the point of being in danger from my other models.


    I've been using Brewie with Mancha and Wrastlers to great effect. Calling it my Drunken Wrastlin' Federation. Both models benefit a lot from Brewie's support and do well in the drinking contest. 


    50 SS Gremlins Crew
    The Brewmaster + 5 Pool
    - A Friendly Ear (1)
    - Hold Their Hair Back (1)
    - Binge (1)
    Apprentice Wesley (3)
    Mancha Roja (10)
    - Mud Toss (1)
    Trixibelle (8)
    - Quality Mash Liquor (2)
    - A Gun For A Lady (1)
    Wrastler (5)
    Wrastler (5)
    Performer (6)
    Akaname (4)


    Used this list to great effect the other day.

    • Like 3
  13. Come one, come all, to compete in The Pumpking's Moot!


    This will be a 3 round event using a modified GG2017 packet. The main modification is that the round will use story encounter strategies to be announced at the event.


    The event will be held at Villainous Lair Comics http://www.villainouslair.com on Saturday the 21st.

    Registration starts at 10am, event at 10:30am. 

    We will have prizes for both the event, and for the achievement league that has been running between San Diego and Los Angeles.

  14. 46 minutes ago, Bazlord_Prime said:

    Absolutely agree that those two aren't essential for the plan, as you'd probably only get Fast on Whiskey one time before it hares off out of range.

    The Fermented River Monks are putting the poison on the Whiskey for the Tanuki to use?

    Or trixie can hand out poison with her (0)

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