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Posts posted by Stur

  1. Hey looking to expand my Misaki crew. I have not played with her yet so very inexperienced.

    I have the following models:

    10T Brothers

    Lone Swordsman

    Misaki Box


    Thinking about getting:

    Low River Monks


    Charm Warders

    Katanaka Crime Boss


    Would these be bad choices, would you rather reccomend something different? Also from what I can tell people do not consider the undying box to be very good, except for summoning the Katashiro. Is there something I have midunderstood about them?

    Anyways greatly appreciate any help and thanks in advance!

  2. 11 hours ago, Amdor said:

    Thank you for another great unboxing. Unfortunately I got my Carlos last week, so this was the first time I didn't have one of these for reference. I'm confident in my modeling skills, but it felt strange not being able to double check some things.

    Agreed, it feels incredibly fragile to have the whole model balancing on three tiny wisps of flame and connecting to one of the thinnest supporting parts. Still, I must find a way to get him to the field in one piece, just to be able to call out the name of his attack.

    My modelling skills are horrible, but I just had an idea! If you base him on a street type base you could perhaps file the contact points on the flames to fit in the cracks and make it a tad bit sturdier, dont know if it will work or not but could be worth a try :D!

  3. 6 hours ago, Dogmantra said:

    Edit: also, it's just a nice feeling to have something that's rare, ot makes you feel like you're part of a special elite even if all it really means is you showed up to an event and got a mystery box.

    Hehe totaly get you, hence my ibsession with collectors edition video games and limited edition models and such. And thanks for clearing it up, did not know it was tournament legal :D!

  4. 2 hours ago, Dogmantra said:

    Off the top of my head for 10T you're missing Miss Anne Thrope, the alternate Wastrel

    Ah yes thanks! Added to the list :D

    24 minutes ago, mythicFOX said:

    Also assuming you're not counting metals (Miss Pack, Dead Justice) or alternate colours.

    Johanna may as well be an Arcanist by all accounts.

    Yeah im only counting M2E plastic kits.

    And yes totally forgot to add Johanna to the list haha.

    Can I ask, why are the colored sprues popular? Doesent it go away anyway when you paint the models? Or do you just assemble them and keep them blue, pink, orange etc?

  5. Not sure if this is the right board for this but seemed the most correct one.

    I am making a checklist of sorts for my self with all the limited edition plastic models in 10T, Arcanists and Ressers.

    After some googling and forum search this is the list I have come up with and wanted to ask if I was missing any from my list.

    Thanks in advance and any help is appreciated!


    Dark Carnival
    Nightmare Duet
    Miss Fire
    Miss Step
    Alt Performer
    Alt Firestarter
    Alt Kaeris
    Alt Joss
    Alt Blessed of December
    Vintage Rasputina



    Nightmare Tara
    Alt Mcmourning
    Alt Rafkin
    Alt Madamme Sybelle
    Alt Nicodem
    Alt Izamu
    Vintage McMourning


    Alt Izamu
    Katanaka Sniper
    Vintage Misaki
    McCabe Nightmare
    Alt Ototo (incoming?)

    Miss Thrope

  6. 7 hours ago, silicon_dioxide said:

    Just wanted to mention that I really like the new format. The information is far more concise. Even knowing what the models do, I tend to listen to the opening bit, and seem to always find something new. Thanks for the work you do for the community. 

    100% agree, being a completely new player ( have not even played a real game yet) its very helpfull and the new format feels more organised

  7. Alright! @retnab Thanks for calming me down around Ironsides haha! And thanks to everyone in here for all the advice, really helped me out to make my mind.

    I am going to go for the second list I posted, with the Mech rider instead of Gunsmiths and Essence. And I will take Ironsides since I am not afraid of that she is just flat out horrible anymore :D.

    @dancater Unfortunately the Colette box does not do much for me aesthetically, playstyle might be awesome though but thats for another time waaaay down the line. With that said I will need to get the box eventually because Cassandra is just too damn sparkling, Chick with a big ass sword :wub: Also helps that from what I have read she plays well with others!

    The only thing left for me to brood over now is whether or not I should take the rulebook for fluff or maybe add Mei feng. But that is much more of a personal decision hehe.

    Again really appreciate the help, and look forward to getting more into the game and discussing/talk more about it!


  8. Not sure if this is the right place, sorry if this is not.

    If I want to read ABSOLUTELY all of the fluff/lore and get every important story and such. Do I need to read the old 1.5 books? I read that the story continues from 1.5 to 2.0 instead of restarting. Are the old stories important and good? Also I know that I should read the Wyrd Chronicles for extra stories, but other than the 1.5 books, new 2.0 books and Wyrd Chronicles are there any other I should know of and check out?

    I am also guessing that the by far best way to get the 1.5 books is Drivethrurpg, since they seem to be a little bit of a bother to get on amazon for example.

    Thanks in advance, any help is greatly appreciated and sorry again if this is the wrong place for this topic

  9. @dancater Yeah it was a little bit silly not mentioning a budget I have around £200 +/- £20 (I am more comfortable staying at £200 but might go to 220 for Emissary or Mech Rider).

    I have had a look at S&S Building on a budget, and I listen to his podcast regularly. But as you said its not Gospel and only 1 or 2 peoples opinion :D! My problem with S&S B on a B, is that the budget is too small for me. Since its mainly just - M&SU + Other Crew Box + Johan as a starter. So it is more as to what to prioritize after that. I feel I have gotten some pretty good help in this thread and that has helped me change some in my list.

    This is cemented I guess since I already have Raspy, this seems to benefit me the most, and its nice to get the luxury items out of the way so that in the future I can focus on just getting models.

    - Snowstorm

    -Ice Dancers

    - Blessed Of December

    - Arcane Effigy

    - Fate deck

    - Generalist Upgrade 1+2

    - Core rulebook (I love fluff)

    What I am thinking now is the original list I posted but, I will be content with just using Acolytes instead of Gunsmiths. Thinking about ditching Gunsmiths and Essence of Power in favor of Mech Rider. That totals £201 from the webstore I will get them (Not sure if its okay to list the name).

    I am still conflicted I must admit whether or not to get Iron or Mei. Since I keep reading very split opinions on Ironsides whereas people seem to universally agree that Mei is rather Solid whether it is for Arcanists or TT. 

    Also when I bought my Raspy crew I got the TT Brothers and Lone Swordsman aswell, the plan was to include Shenlong in that order aswell for the sake of variety, but ended up not having enough money at the time. So what I have been thinking is maybe get Shenlong Box + Mei Box and arcanist suplements. That way I would have 2 TT and 2 Arcanist masters and some units on the side to play around with. But I must admit the more I think about that, the more it seems like a bad idea as others have already stated in this thread. Anyways this is turning into a rambling, I really do appreciate all the help, starting a new system or even just a new faction is always hard when you want all of it haha!

  10. Well this simplifies it a bit. The essence is out.

    I have been considering the mech rider as suggested but its a little bit expensive hehe but I may end up getting it.

    Why Claw and Fang? Is it just for Myranda because I do not see my self playing Marcus anytime soon, probably will at some point but its probably going to be the last one or second last one in Arcanists that I will get

  11. Alright thanks for the help so far!

    Couple of extra questions 

    1. Is Angelica not redundant if I end up having snowstorm, captain, ox mages to push?

    2. No one has mentioned Gunsmiths, I have seen in older threads that they are relatively hated, is this still the case or are they only good if I also have Fire gaming and Firestarter?

    3. Would I be better of with getting the Mei box instead of Ironsides, and instead of Gunsmiths, Willie and Essence of Power, I would get something like Metal Gamin, Soulstone Miners, Mech rider/ Arcane Emmisary / Rail Golem or Mechanized Porkchop + Sparks?

    4. I read or heard on some podcast that Essence was good for Raspy and the Ox Mages, is that still true or very situational?

    Really appreciate all the help here, its hard to find concrete data with no local players (working on getting people up and going, but we have not started yet) and with many of the threads/blogs outdated haha!

  12. Hey, I have yet to play a real game of Malifaux but have read half the rulebook and played the first 2 missions in the two player starter. And I really really like what I see, read and have tested so far

    I have been looking at Malifaux a long time and I am going to just take the dive from the get go. In order to do so I need some help deciding on what to buy!

    What i currently own:

    - Rasputina Crew

    - Silent Ones

    - December Acolytes

    What I am currently considering:

    - Snowstorm

    -Ice Dancers

    - Blessed Of December

    - Fate deck

    - Generalist Upgrade 1+2

    - Core rulebook (I love fluff)

    So far this is what I am kinda already decided on, what I am currently having real problems with are the following:

    - Ironsides Box

    - M&SU Box

    - Arcane Effigy

    - Essence of Power

    - Johan

    - Gunsmiths


    - Electric Creation

    - Arachnid Swarm (The double box)

    The idea behind this is to predominantly play Iron and Raspy to begin with and get a real nice selection from the start. The Swarm and Creation is mainly there to just have a little beginning for Ramos without focusing to heavy on him. 

    1. With this buy list in mind does Ironsides + extras, compliment raspy and all the stuff I have for her well enough?

    2. Should I change something on the list in order to have a better selection for either masters better?

    3. (This is with competitive play in mind, even though there will be some time before I get there) Would I be better off using some of my budget on another faction aswell instead of going so deep into Arcanists from the start or just focus on 1 faction at a time, Expansions are inevitable its just a matter of doing it from the start or not? (What I have considered is Reva, Shenlong and Mei since she is dual TT)

    Hope anyone can help me make my mind and thanks for reading if you got this far haha!

  13. Im considering expanding my collection, and currently I have just begun playing. No real games yet just 2 missions from the starter set. I currently have Rasputina box + december acolytes and silent ones.

    I am going to get Snowstorm but was wondering if Ice dancers and Blessed of december will be used with anyone else than rasputina.

    I know that Marcus uses Blessed a lot and that you can use Ice dancers with Colette. But will they generally see much play with any other masters? And are ice dancers good with colette or are there better alternatives?

    I currently have no plans for playing Marcus at all and if I get a new crew box in the immediate future it will probably be one of the following




    With Mei and Kaeris later on in the future. (Lets face it I am hooked and will end up getting them all eventually haha, but the buy order is important :D)

  14. 22 hours ago, dancater said:

    But if, and I mean if, you plan to play veteran players and tournaments

    Good thing there literally is no vet player in our community. All starting up, so I guess I will enjoy the time with him while no one knows the game haha ^^.

    15 hours ago, Jordon said:

    It's just unfortunate because the golem looks so awesome. I guess using it as proxy for the emissary as mentioned above would still make sense since the bull doesn't really fit thematically. 

    This I like and no one in general has problem with proxies in our community in the other systems (well except for the WYSIWYG old school WHF/40k players). Cant see why it would be a problem in malifaux :D

    Thanks for the help, I guess I will just have to hope it gets buffed/reworked in the future at some point to make it more comparable to all the other goodies she brings

    • Like 1
  15. 33 minutes ago, Math Mathonwy said:

    Sorry, I've been trying to resist but seeing this topic title in the active threads again and again finally eroded my resolve :( 

    Hehe sorry completely new player here. Been reading searching info and could not find anything from 2016. Only 2015 and I have found some info on for example metal gamins for 2015 where they were cool but another in 2016 where they were trash not sure how much has changed if anything. So thought I would ask to be sure :)

  16. Damn sounds more and more like I should reconsider getting the rasputina box since he was the main selling point for me.

    Rasputina sounds cool and all but without the ice golem it kinda looses its appeal to me :/

  17. I know this is very dependant on schemes and strats and so on.

    But generally will I be using the Ice Golem much with a raspy crew after I get over the initial beginner phase and start to become better at the game?

    Or is it that cool model that sells the box and will only ever see table time when that 1 scheme or strat is in play and otherwise will collect dust?

    Would a Rail golem with mei feng or any of the other masters see a lot more table time regardless of strats and schemes than the Ice golem would with raspy? 

    Just wondering because the Ice golem is the thing pulling me most over to raspy but I cant really seem to find any real positive remarks about him. Only bad Df, hes slow, toss rarely sees any play outside of tossing ice gamin turn 1, easy to kill, cant really put down the hurt and so on..

  18. I am going with the following:



    Dec acolytes 

    Silent ones

    Arcane effigy


    Decided to dump a little more cash into it than i previously wanted and I do believe this gives nice variations for both masters and I just had to get the effigy since I like the model so much. I have read that it is probably a little bit more effective with Kaeris but I will probably get her eventually anyway :)

    • Like 1
  19. Not sure if this is the right place but could not find any other suitable place for it.

    Every time I open the forums no matter if its on mobile or pc and no matter if I save password or not it says "wrong password" so i have to reset every single time.. and i can only log into the device i reset the password on.

    This has been happening since i made the account on july 27. And i did send a mail through the comtact tab. And nothing has happened for a while. I thought it could be because of gencon but this is just getting annoying as hell. 

    Anyone had a similar problem and easy way to fix or is my only hope to wait and pray they fix it for me?

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