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Posts posted by Passenty

  1. 12 hours ago, Zebo said:

    Not sure about Rasputina's Shockwave, but Pandora's limitation could be related with 2 reasons. 

    1 - Her Shockwave doesn't affect Woes, so she can blast a combat and, if the enemies cheats fate it suffers damage anyway. This is extremely good. 

    2 - Probably Wyrd doesn't want Pandora to be a nuker, as it is Rasputina. 

    That was just an example, Rasputina has a normal range attack with blasts for nuking, the shockwave is much better then this attack

  2. 3 minutes ago, bsm86 said:

    So... don't take Myranda?! Basically what you're saying is that she is utterly useless to the way you used to play Marcus. Take other options; take that Grootslang from the beginning.

    @solkan said it best: It's all situational. Myranda is a model for certain situations but for every possible certain situation. You want to be prepared for anything? Take Myranda. You don't? Don't.

    Yeah can always not take a model, but Myranda is Marcus's thematic henchman so why should he resign from her? I think its not like this edition was intented to work.

  3. 8 minutes ago, Hawkoon said:

    You do realize she can shift back right? Even if a beast has a low SS cost it could still be worth it if you get a beneficial ability. You even get to keep a mutation going back an forth.

    yes i do, but will you risk 9+ss henchman by turning into 3-4ss minion? And you do understand that all of those are narrow cases which will come up once/a few games most of time you will want to change into something decent(7-8ss).

  4. 3 minutes ago, Hawkoon said:

    A simple solution would be "Any beast this crew can hire". That way you still get the chimera beasts regardless of faction.

    thats a good idea Sir!

  5. 4 minutes ago, solkan said:

    The various beasts in the faction are each useful in different circumstances.  That's the point--it's same idea as with summoning.  And it has the same problem with summoning.

    Take a Neverborn crew and introduce any one of the Arcanist beast models into it, choosing that perfect beast during the game.  Then go the other way, take the Arcanist crew and introduce any one Neverborn beast model into it, choosing that perfect beast during the game.  Especially since "Summon any Beast that would be appropriate for this situation in place of this model" would be really compelling for a lot of crews for 10SS.  Rasputina gets a Lure for the start of the game, and then gets to bring back her Blessed of December when it gets killed earlier than it was supposed, that's not a keyword tax it's an investment.

    I think the part that's easy to overlook is that Myranda can be used to substitute for a beast that gets killed during the game.


    She cant replace the dead beast as you can/will hire chimera stuff(which is mostly arc) but cant shapeshift into them. So if lure for 10ss is a concern for rasputina(she gets no beast synergy so basically you are taking myranda for lure) maybe just take showgirls, you two of them for 12ss(yes i know their lure is 5ca but wps are lower and its not like showgirls dont have other utility)

  6. Ill agree that adze might by useful in narrow cases, but rest?. She costs 9ss i think she needs option for better damage then 2/3/4 and  in arc she has as you can change into cat or bear both of which seem much better then nvb options.

  7. Can Myranda please have her shapeshift changed to "arcanist or neverborn beast". While playing arc you basically lose nothing in neverborn you can only change(relevant stuff not counting dogs and ever <8ss models) into rougarou or grootlslang. Grootslang when shapeshifted into loses a lot of utility as he places his lairs at the start of the game so it leaves only rogarau as viable options(he still loses some utility as he doesnt create underbrysh marker).

  8. 32 minutes ago, bsm86 said:

    Why do you think it should be on her card?

    No model needs to be unkillable; Terrifying 13 is powerful enough in an environment of lower WP. Of course, Ruthless counters this pretty hard but not all models are Ruthless.
    I tried Pandora a lot and think, she is in a fairly good place right now. Learn to live with her limitations and make the most use of her opportunities (semi-pun intended). 

    What i advocate is to lowe her all powerful terrifing 13 to a normal number like 11 or 12 and give her some other defensive tech or stats so she just dosent die to ruthless models. More over some cruacial woes have manipulative as their only defensive tech which is also countered by ruthless. As per m2e esaily countered masters wont see any competetive play even if they seem ok in vacuum and in 3 you even cant take someone by surprise. Just my opinion.

  9. Of course you can but then why should i pay 2ss extra just for stuff that should be on her card (and you use just one ability from the upgrade anyways)

    32 minutes ago, Dzsovi said:

    She had the butterfly jump but it was removed due to high mobility

    She gets mobility if the opponent targets her, seems fair

  10. She indeed looks not too great. I think her terrify should be lowered and her stats made better so she is not countered easily by ruthless and high wp. Terrify is her oly defensive tech and if someone can bypass that she is made from paper. Her defensive trigger could be better imo, cant she just get a butterfly jump similiary to 2e?

  11. The lure is everything she does, if she has ca6 why is she 2ss more then a belle? 

    And lelu is just bad, wont be taking him to give lilitus regen+1.

    Edit- Didnt noticed lelu was changed with tome on his b2b he is much better

  12. Saying she only has 10wds is awful, most masters have 12 and often no defensive tech. I would trade 2 wds on any master just for - to attacks, and she still has the bury. Plus you cant "just focus" against her because you are either distracted. slowed or both.

    • Agree 1
  13. 7 hours ago, Myyrä said:

    Assuming the models are about equally divided into 7 factions, that's about 500 000 000 000 crew combinations, give or take a power of 10. Would take about 60 million years of malifaux testing to test each of them only once.

    I hope M3e is going to be released a bit sooner;P

    • Haha 4
  14. 20 minutes ago, wobbly_goggy said:

    Anyone strictly competitive will have enough minis that it's less of an issue.

    Also you can't please all the people all the time. The strictly competitive is a small percentage. Keeping more people mote interested is more important. 

    Side note - strictlycompetitive Nico was frankly horrible to play against.  The main purpose of a game is for both people to enjoy it.

    There are plenty more masters to chose from. Far more than have gone. So you can use the dead ones for fun, non dead ones for competition. Don't bother learning them for competitive play...and that's that

    I play competitive and still see it as a problem. Its so nice that I can just throw out of the window 1/3 of miniatures I bought and just sulk it up! Merc I understand but deleting masters is over the top!

    • Agree 2
  15. 5 hours ago, Rufess said:

    As a programmer I see the "Dead Man's Master is not allowed in tournament" is just a default value in case. In the programming if you would like to use a variable but forgot to set a value before, then this will be some error occurs.

    In the Malifaux case it would be like a henchman has organized a tournament but forgotten to announce if the "Dead Man's Master" is allowed or not. Then some players may just take their dead master while others did not expect that they will seeing those masters. So what Wyrd has done is just set a default value here to prevent some henchman forgot to set value. 

    The problem is not setting some kind of value. The problem is you need to play 20+ 2h hours games to master a crew and who will do it when they might not play it. I think dead man was announced really poorly. Its an important issue and you have one paragragh about it - Wyrd should write clearly whether they will be legal and supported.

    • Agree 1
    • Respectfully Disagree 1
  16. 10 minutes ago, Malovane said:

    Given that we have not seen official M3E tournament rules yet, the restriction might very well be to world campaign and major events only.  If everything is tournament balanced, I wouldn't be surprised if the recommendation for local events was an "unrestricted" format.  If I was a TO, I would run unrestricted locally regardless.  Even at larger events, I wouldn't be surprised to see both formats running.

    If big tournamnets will play restricted format no one will want to play unrestricted on the small ones

    • Agree 1
  17. 1 minute ago, Memnaelar said:

    My guess is because they're emphasizing story as part of the meta.  Magic rotates cards and sets out of the meta even though those cards and sets are still balanced and various other Minis games have rotated out figures without providing updated balanced stats for those figures in new editions.  I get the frustration, but I do think that short of agreeing to keep every mini evergreen through all editions, Wyrd is taking the best possible approach here (and, frankly, I don't think the evergreen approach is either best or possible in the market).

    I think its a little bit insulting to customers like myself - I own almost whole nvb fraction+most of merc, what I'am to do with all the stuff I bought, 3 masters cut out of fraction, merc gone. And really if the deleted masters are to be competetive why put dead man's hand restriction on tournament play - the restriction should be only on world wide campaign which change fluff not normal tournament circuit.

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