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Posts posted by Cadaverousbirth

  1. Last stand and Accusation should go together nicely. You don't need to kill stuff, just survive. Last Stand feels like a Hoffman-centric scheme just like Thralls and Terra-cotta Warriors help Lucius. 

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  2. 20 minutes ago, Gnomezilla said:

    I still want to know if a reporter embedded in a riflemen nest will provide the counter-push necessary to remove a threat which may charge into them, but have none of those models, so.

    They definitely could. Two Exclusive Interview actions can push an enemy model 10" away (assuming enemy model is B2B with something close). It's only Ca5 but unless your opponent realizes what's happening they probably wont mind too much. That is 14-28 stones (assuming at least two Riflemen and maybe Dashel as well) clustered up and not moving, which is a lot. Field Reporters work best mid-field causing a ruckus, I've found. The Guardsmen could get there, but then they're not shooting either.

    I will still try the gunline idea and see what's what eventually, as this is mostly conjecture but the basic premise is sound, if a bit hit or miss.  

  3. Gunlines are static, easily countered in this game, and frankly boring to play. I think the only good use for Riflemen is with Dashel guarding a deployment zone corner and giving out Accusation when they get engaged, because they will. They're play-style (shoot things) is only great when it's done by a mobile model like Perdita, which they are no where close to being. Great models, fun fluff, blah rules.

    Wardens and Mounted Guards help give a boost to the Guardsmen station but it can still be a trap to focus on it. Lucius loves Thralls and Wardens and they work really well together.

  4. It must be my meta but everyone seems to hate puppies. With McCabe+Luna they're solid gold but outside of them they just get punked early and don't do much else because of Insignificant. Echoing everyone else, they're great for Interference all around.

    Outside of McCabe/non-Interference strats I'd really only want to take Reporters and Watchers.

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  5. 1 minute ago, Ludvig said:

    Haven't used trappers with Nellie but I dig them in general.

    I'm not sure what edge the strongarm would have over in-faction choices in the same price range. It can charge without LoS or something?

    It ignores models and terrain when charging, and can do so while already engaged. I debated between the Strongarm and Peacekeeper for a long time. I settled on taking both. 

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  6. 3 hours ago, Nukemouse said:

    If you make them harder to kill they will just compete with TT Brothers. Making them into better charge machines just puts them up against Yokai. More burning tricks faces them against Obsidian Oni.

    These guys are supposed to be aggressive and arguably sadistic, plus they have that disengaging strike burning thing. Maybe they could have Terrifying (Models with burning) with something like TN9+amount of burning? Or maybe an aura that gives enemy models with burning -1 to :melee per burning? Those things would actually cause them to do something after a charge and actually make people want to try and disengage from them. The terrifying idea has cool imagery, the idea that the haze from the heat and smoke would make them more intimidating etc.

    I really like this idea. It gives them more cool factor and something unique.

    • Like 1
  7. 15 hours ago, newsun said:

    What was your list? Mine involves ten models, already two bros and plans to out activate and use end of turn burning to attrition or possibly brilliance. Again it's unplayed and thus theoryfaux only.

    It was something like Lynch w/usual upgrades, Huggy, Graves, Illuminatedx2, HRMx2, 10T Brox2 but I can't remember specifics as this was months ago. Basically the Lynch and 10T Bro side of things won me games, and the HRM's died to odd glances and the occasional cool breeze. Blah. 

  8. If they got their damage boosted to 2/3/4 ignoring Armor on Burning targets I would take them as scheme runner hunters and think they could do that job fairly well. As it stands they can'T do much at all. 

    I want to wan to take them but I can't justify it unless the person I'm playing is brand new which is less than 1% of my games :P

    • Like 1
  9. 46 minutes ago, newsun said:

    I've yet to run them, though I have a list with Lynch geared around discarding aces for charge attacks.

    I've done this and it's cute for the one time you can do it, and then they die next activation and you ask "why didn't I just take another 10T Brother?" 

  10. Hi all,

    In the spirit of fixing things that are garbage, what would a good fix be for our favorite useless minion, the High River Monk?

    I was thinking of a zero stone upgrade much like the Low River Monks received which can play to their strengths and make them worth taking.

    Flaming Fists of the Dragon, 0ss

    Friendly Monks of High River's attacks ignores Armor when damaging an enemy model with the Burning condition. 


    Simple and effective, putting more emphasis on both the synergy with Shenlong/Sensei Yu giving out Burning, and the HRM's own attacks being able to do something besides hit an armored model with pillows. Rail Golem's beware!

    What do you think? Do you have a better idea that works both thematically and realistically? 

  11. Standouts-

    Nellie. This will be common answer among everyone I feel. She does things for the Guild that we never had before and that opens up so many options and puts us back into competitive contention. It helps that everything she does is good - although Hot off the Presses is situational, but useful if it pops up, and her totem is the best Guild has to offer.

    Field Reporters. Another common pick here I feel, arguably our best scheme runner now and has always delivered 2-3 at least on their own. Great models too which really keeps them interesting and fun to take, versus the Watcher who is our second best scheme runner but also has a weird perspective-skewey sculpt. 

    New Lucius. Not in a wave but he needs to be mentioned I feel. Removing the hand tieing restrictions with the latest Errata has really opened up his playstyle to becoming functional. I picked up his box to try him out and I am quickly falling for the masked chap. Headhunter? Easy peasy. Any scheme that needs markers, of which there are plenty GG2017? He makes it easy. For a cool segway we have to mention the best big beef minion we have now...

    Witchling Thralls. Oh my god these guys are beasts, going over 1000MPH with Lucius. Extra "free" actions (still have to flip a card but always passes Lucius' horror duels), a great Ml attack with auto-heals OR auto card draining depending (side note: combined with Austringers this will eliminate your opponents hand very quickly) AND an excellent Ca with blasts that wont randomize. Combined with their zero action to reposition to friendly models makes them amazingly mobile with a huge threat range. Hunting Party in the pool? Tell your opponent "good luck" as you ram two of these bad boys down their throat, but do it in a nice way and always with a smile. I haven't tried them out with McCabe yet but I assume there will be similar results there.

    Arrest Him. It's free, gives triggers and an easy to get off summon on a model that doesn't usually fill up his upgrade slots anyway. Dashel with Debt and Arrest Him can dish out some serious hurt at range. I love it. Guild Guard may be garbage but it's a free body for Interference or Guard the Stash that can be key for VP. 

    Debt/Numb. Oh my god yes. The best things to happen for Guild so far. I will never not take one of these to a game, likely both depending. Telling Lynch that I will in fact NOT be given Brilliance is amazing.Making Franc min damage 4 is sooooo good. 

    Middle cards-

    Phiona. I love this lady but she hasn't been an auto-take for me outside of Nellie (in which case she goes top tier, but not in general) but she is definitely a good choice and wouldn't disappoint. Wrath of the Guild is stapled to her and then its a choice between Debt or Transparency depending on what you wanted to do. If Show of Force and Hunting Party are around she can be an absolute monster to deal with. She doesn't give much crew benefit in comparison to Francisco so that is why she falls somewhere in the middle for me. 

    Grimwell & Orderlies. These lads are alright. Nothing obviously bad about them but Grimwell especially needs some help so he isn't popped right away. I think they suffer from better choices (cheaper ones like Phiona/Reporters) but they can still do the work they're hired to do. Themed crews look amazing with these as well.

    Queeg. With the right set-up can be great and in low point games he can be an excellent leader as well. He's a buffer/debuffer which doesn't fit too well in my own playstyle. He definitely is not a bad choice for the right crew, I just haven't shined to him as I have other things. I love his fluff and his model so I'd reach for him from time to time but not always. 

    Brutal Emissary. I think our Emissary is definitely on the powerful side between all seven of them, maybe second only to Shadow. His effectiveness varies depending on your master, with Hoffman likely getting the most out of him. He is a very solid model, but there is usually one or two models I could take to replace him if I felt like it. He's always a "maybe" pick for me, so he falls in the middle. Like but not love. Definitely the best sculpt out of all seven. 

    Ugh why did I take this-

    Nurse Heartsbane. She's never done a good enough job for her cost before dying to a small breeze. The only use so far has been shocking McMourning up a bit first turn which Grimwell, Aiustringers, or a Nurse will do anyway. Enforcers with suit requirements on their base abilities aren't great - unreliable and swinging, especially for 8 stones. In friendly, themey crews I'd take her, but I wouldn't expect to see her anywhere outside of that. 

    Pride. She has some fun abilities but has the same problem as Hearstbane, all she does well is die. Again an 8 stone model that doesn't live up to the cost. I haven't played with the other Crossroads 7 but I assume she would be a bit better there but I don't know. Love the model/fluff but I can't bring myself to use her anymore. 

    Curfew. It's just so situational to be really useful. It isn't bad when used properly, but that can be hard to do. Now with Last Stand being a thing I could see taking it a bit more often just to screw over the opponent, unless we're both going for it... I haven't played against many summoners lately so that may color my opinion the wrong way. *shrug*


    Things I want to try but haven't yet-

    Ready to Work. On paper this looks amazing and I'm sure it is, I just haven't had the time to bring the big boys out to play yet.

    Mounted Guard. Yes please, one day soon.

    Allison Dade. Love the model, fluff, and her rules. I'm excited to use her with Lucius and some Guardsmen too. I feel like she's the mini-Nellie as Queeg is the mini-Lucius. Love it.

    Death Marshall Recruiters. More skills. More flames. More beef. My LGS should be getting them soon so I'm excited!

    Sanctioned Spellcasters. I have them but haven't found a way to use them well to bring them out. I should just throw one in and see, but I've been busy with other stuff lately. Soon.

  12. I'll add another one. The Foxhunt list. It's been theoryfauxed plenty on here (even by myself) but I have never had the chance to run it. With the Mounted Guard debacle it's been delayed quite a bit, but I just ordered the Lone Marshall so that's one step closer.

    And a second one, making the Lone Marshall do work...

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  13. @trikk Lynch is an outcast amongst my local scene. ;) I was just comparing the cache of 1 versus other masters with a lonely cache. I think Jack Daw has 2 or 3 right? Don't know that one. Schill is still too low compared to his own faction.


    Sulkan has it. You can shake things up yourself among your local meta if you feel the game is getting stale for you, and that's great for you and your meta. It shouldn't be the rule for the entire Malifaux community. It would be a fun one-off tournament idea but I can not imagine that would be a popular choice, nor good for the health of the game and community.

    Tournaments are competitive. In a competitive setting people generally take the most optimal choices to help their chances of doing well. You have the choice to play with whatever you want but there shouldn't be great limitations on what you can bring to each round beyond the base rules. 'Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmerica!

  14. I've got another one.

    Von Schill's cache should be bumped up to 3 or maybe even 4. It's a small change but would reflect where he sits on the overall power curve of masters, especially within Outcasts alone. He is no where near the levels of Levi (hiring pool & damage) or Lynch (deck manipulation & damage).

    • Like 1
  15. 26 minutes ago, tomjoad said:

    But now they'll actually have some expectation that it will happen, and be upset when it does not. Added with the confusion caused by issuing new cards (or not, as the case currently is), I am pretty convinced that big erratas are not for the best, especially if they happen every 6 months.

    We shall duel.

    I think the majority portion of Wyrd's players are mature enough to handle the crushing rejection that they're idea didn't make it into circulation. Wyrd have already shown a tremendous amount of community engagement on and off the internet and are (generally, coffee depending) keen enough to hear some ideas from the people giving them money about what they want to give them money for.

    Aaron has also stated that the errata's will be once a year, with the July (?) slot only for emergency game-breaking changes like Ratjoy that should be fixed. I don't expect to see the amount of FAQ in July as we did in January, but I do expect that if something is complete bollocks it will get addressed officially.

    • Like 1
  16. 16 minutes ago, Griffin839 said:

    I'd like an errata to gaining grounds 2017 that limits the appearance of named characters to 1 round per tournament. War machine ended up going this route for the better and I fee malifaux has grown to the point where it also needs this rule. There are so many good and viable options but every list you see the same models because they are the "best".  Limiting the appearance of Howard, joss, nekima, papa loco, etc would make tournaments better experiences to play. 

    A TO could provide this rule in a tournament but I can not see it being part of an official document. It's far too limiting, even for models that aren't "the best" like Santiago Ortega. Malifaux is about its characters and while some are very good yes, the best are very expensive and you can play around them with some experience. This seems like a knee-jerk reaction to a bad game against a big beater.

    I would not want to pay to play in a tournament if this was a rule. All this would do is reward players that have/buy everything (like me...) versus the new player that only has one box and a couple extra models. Bad. Bad. Bad.

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  17. Inspired by @Nathan Caroland and to help @Aaron keep things organized, here's s thread of suggestions for future Guilder models. Bring on the ideas!


    I really want to see the metal Lady Justice sculpts redone in plastic. She is one of the most popular starting boxes for new players because it looks so cool. It's time for the third original queen of faux to get her old sculpt(s) redone. 

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