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Posts posted by Cadaverousbirth

  1. ...Have you looked through the Wyrd webstore? Gmorts also has the majority of models released in the unboxing section.

    Unless you mean rules, then I'd suggest getting the books or just asking about stuff you are curious about.

    16 minutes ago, Four_N_Six said:

    The art in the rule books are all accurate to the models, but as far as an online resource for everything I don't think there is. 

    That actually isn't true for everything. Zoraida and Snowstorm have older artwork printed before their models were released, for example.

  2. 1 minute ago, Surrealistik said:

    I really wish there was an upgrade for Hoffman where he could grant the Construct trait to a model; 'Mechanical Enhancements' or some shit.

    Fluff-wise he is 100% against this, at least publicly. Johan doesn't really need the help anyway.

  3. @Lakshman I would probably swap out Yin for Izamu as first pick-ups. Yan Lo and Shenlong both love him and the Emissary and everyone loves TTBs.

    McCabe can put anything over the top so he doesn't care too much, but those infiltration models are really helpful for him.


    For a second round purchase I'd say Yin, Katanaka Snipers, and Toshiro + Komainu for Yan Lo. If you want to focus more on McCabe then Guilds Hounds and Austringers are great additions to him (but only him).

  4. That's a lot of info! Thanks for the write up. I ended up winning the Child scenario 10-7 thanks to a TTB getting shown the door, and hitting his mask trigger to get her out of harm's way turns 1 and 2. She spent the rest of the time sitting in my deployment. Good stuff.

    Parker is really flexible and tricksy, I love the depth of his play. Whenever I start Outcasts he will be a must-have.

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  5. On my end I always try to bring everything needed for a game for both players. Often tokens that aren't used like Scrap or Corpses can become Heads, condition tracking, or proxy bases for pre-measuring. 

    I also have extra decks and dry erase markers in case my opponent forgets them, which happens. I had a game drop once because they forgot their deck and I didn't have another. Never again. 

    If I forgot my crap I would never expect my opponent to automatically have what I need. That's my business. In the case of needed markers usually solutions can be found. Quarters work well. 

  6. Declaration of intent really solves all these infinitely minute issues people ask about. Arguing over the definition of the word "is" and other stuff like that. :mellow:

    Communication with your opponent (otherwise known as your friend, buddy, pal, etc) is as easy as saying "I am positioning this model so that your Belle cannot have LOS to it at this moment, do you agree?" Your opponent then performs a Walk and gains LOS and you lose.

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  7. Wave 2 General Upgrades are being released to local games stores this month. You don't need the wave 1 upgrades for Guild that badly, but if you have a friend with the wave 1 generalist desk ask to buy them. Most of them aren't worth it.

    An easy way to reach that ten card minimum is to buy a few metal models and get those cards too. Metal Witchling Stalkers are a good choice, and you can find cheap alt metal models in a lot of places.  

  8. They do fit on their 50mm base. @Bumpasses didn't like the stock leg pose and adjusted accordingly, which also meant he needed more area to attach the model to its base (it looks fantastic btw).

    The Ml5 hurts a little but you should be hitting often enough to make them earn their points (or if they're summoned, even better). Even taking one they're really survivable. HtW and HtK plus Eat Your Fill means they will take a beating. For my own anecdotal evidence I had one rush Molly and Sybelle and survived two turns with the latter and a summoned Punk Zombie. He took disproportional resources to put down. They're not unkillable, but very tough for 9ss. Also three with McCabe...mmmmhmmmmm.....


    I don't think this "fix" will have the effects you desire, not even a little. If people like elite crews they'll just use elite minions instead. And if they ever used some of the cheaper henchmen and enforcers that aren't very powerful in the first place, they'll stop completely now as the "slots" will be filled by their favourite beaters.

    I agree with all of this. Limiting slots would have be exact opposite effect you want. People would take the exact same lists with a few minor minion differences. It would be a min/max nightmare. "Why would I ever take x when y is better?" 


    As the slow Molly player I'll admit I was impressed. She only really summoned one thing but I could see the potential. We were both learning through our crews and made some mistakes but that's an early game for ya.

    Solid crew and fun game.

    You were not slow :lol:I've seen slow and that was not a slow game sir!

    Good thing you didn't summon more - I could have won with more Marked targets ;)*makes sword swinging sounds with face*

  11. Played my second game with Asami today, some thoughts:

    Opponent: Ressers, Horror Molly

    Headhunter, mark for death (both), Hunting Party (me), Convict Labor (opponent)

    Ended in a 4-5 loss but was a good game cut short (ended turn 3)

    I took Nefarious Pack, Servant 5, and Grasping Tendrils. Immediately I regretted not taking Heavenly Design. That 6" place is too good. NP was on for the card draw but otherwise didn't come into play. Neither did the other two upgrades really, more to circumstance than anything. Lesson learned: HD always, the rest maybes

    Betti is amazing at Hunting Party. It's her job. She hunted small children and destroyed them. A severe in hand is worth a VP. The no LOS charge will catch people off guard for a while until they learn what she does.

    Tannen also punched above his weight this game. The anti-cheat aura plus Manipulative took the Valedictorian out of the game for a turn and a half. Glorious. I didn't even use his +2:mask aura but he will still be an autoinclude for the native defenses alone. 

    Samurai with the movement upgrade did alright. RJ'd another Crooligan and got two vp for HP and HH. Ok, needs more trials. 

    Lone Swordsman did his thing. Perfectly timed :tometrigger cut down a summon Punk Zombie nabbing another point. He died later to Molly. No real synergy with Asami, just a solid model in general. 

    For my only minion I took a Jorogumo who tanked Molly and Sybelle for a turn but ultimately died without doing much else. He had a "gotcha!" moment with the 1ap charge but that's all. I should've taken two. Two and Amanjaku who could've hid away from everything. 

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