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Posts posted by Boomstick

  1. Hunted for some Tomes in the library last night. Mei is definitely the pick I'd suggest when fighting for the Man this time around. She takes a wound or two for railwalking into position, but Price of Progress gets rid of those really quick if you send her into the enemy flank of minions. Plus, tying up a good chunk of the enemy force early allowed me to grab better positioning for tome collection early.

    Hope this helps #keepthebeast!

  2. Aww, our debonair lycanthrope is learning that knowledge is power. Looks to be a rough one this round - probably a lot of Mei/Ironsides in our fronts. Ramos might be able to do his thing and heal up if enough constructs die. Definitely bringing the Arcane Effigy, that's for sure. 

    Because really, who can say no to him getting true control of his abilities? Personally,  I'm hoping for a Swine-Cursedesque form swapping ability (except with actually swapping out his man model for a werewolf model). 

  3. I think Taxidermist are underrated in general, most likely because people see the points cost and compare to Burt and Francios. I see them work well to take flanks. Give one Dirty Cheater and a stuffed pig and watch him chop up opposing scheme runners, sending new pigs into the middle to explode. 

    Could definitely see them in a killy Brew Crew.

  4. I'd use Drinking Contest less often than normal,  actually.  One For The Road, even at full range, is an instant -2 wp for the target, so I'd spend a higher card for that to make swills on a hard target that much easier. The Drinking Contest as a passive defense is good, but by putting whatever threats are nearby on - flips will do a lot of that job for you, combined with your opponent being more worried about your scary models who haven't activated yet and are breathing down their neck.

    • Like 1
  5. Myranda with Imbued Energies so she can scoot up, shift into a beatstick beast, and you get 4 cards. With Colette especially,  she can prompt Myranda with the reactivate trigger, second activation she shifts before she dies, the beast doesn't die, and gets to activate itself. I haven't done it myself yet, but it seems nasty.

  6. 7 minutes ago, Macumazahn said:

    In my experience the brewmaster only makes use of drinking contest in two models, tops...

    I would also say that his upgrades are not... very good... like at all. Only Binge and I don't see that upgrade as powerful as other people do. Thinks like "The Good Stuff" shouldn't exist. XD

    I agree with you about picking two-ish key models and locking them down, with the caveat that pushing low Wp minions and such into the bubble and letting them lock themselves down has worked for me in the past (especially in interference and reconnoiter).

    I generally agree on his upgrades lacking luster. I generally take Binge with the idea that even if I don't use it much my opponent will chuck cards quick so I can't get rid of them. In gremlins I put Drinking "Problem" on Fingers of the Whiskey Golem to give them a (0) that helps get more thing out of position/into the Drinking contest. Really wish it didn't specify *other* friendly model doubles the healing. 

    Really think more single faction TriChi models would give more reason for Running Table, though I think with the terra-cotta warriors in TT it will see some more play. 

    Anyone else keep looking at the Good Stuff and Hold Their Hair Back and think you're missing something right in front of your facell that would make them...at least decent? I know I do. Though I guess I haven't re-checked them with regards to book 4 yet...here's hoping. Though honestly,  Stilts and Hide in the Mud do just fine in Gremlins, with Misdirection and Recalled Training  performing well in TT, in my experience. 

    • Like 1
  7. 10 hours ago, hydranixx said:

    I like it! I think I will definitely consider the Kaeris option depending on who I'm up against. I've always liked throwing people around with Blinding Flame.

    I presume you're referring to Bleeding Edge Tech, rather than Open Current though? Open Current forces a Df within 8" I think, which if failed puts remaining Df duels on a - flip for the turn, while Bleeding Edge Tech simply puts all Ca actions within 3" on a - flip. Seems like anyone holding Bleeding Edge could be valuable, though yeah, Joss would be the most survivable so he'd be best suited to chilling out near the judge with it.

    Having more closely read the strategy, I'm thinking that Mei Feng could be pretty disgusting at it as well; I could literally get her by the Judge on turn 1 with Porkchop helping her move, and sway him in preparation for turn 2. Vent Steam multiple times each subsequent round, essentially denying any Lures, most placement tricks, movement tricks, conditions as well as Litigate or Approach the Bench. It allows her to sit camping almost the entire 50mm base the Judge is on each round, with him already swayed my way with that 3" engagement range. I'd probably post another model on the far side of the Judge to prevent interactions on the flank where Mei can't stop them; this is where Joss with BET comes in.

    The only weakness would be against someone with Dont Mind Me. I would probably bring The Firestarter and Emberling to burn any Dont Mind Me models down.

    I totally had the upgrades switched in my head, you're right.

    Wow, that'sounds a stupendous idea for Mei. I'd mentally brushed her aside considering I usually play her very upfront and aggressive. 

    Another thought to get around Don't Mind Me is to bring a performer so you have your own and maintain activation control. With Mei, I'd drop the MechChop and fit in the MechPony for the summoning (spiders can litigate as well as anyone, and have high defence), plus, with Joss with BET they'll all get healed up. 

    With Joss and the Mechpony you have two solid constructs for Mei to jump to in the opening turn, then the latter can run around popping out spiders in a near perimeter and getting schemes done. Firestarter can still light up problem models if you need.

  8. Brewie was my first master, followed by Colette. Somehow I still have friends =P

    The biggest trap I see in a Brew Crew is to try and get everyone in the Drinking Contest. As a few others have said, it's more about picking your targets and keeping them there. I usually end turn 1 with Brewie scooting up the field, (0) One For The Road on something meaty they brought a little forward, and poison punching either that or something else nearby. First activation of turn 2, Swill those things, put up the contest, and Swill something else or Binge to taste.

    I never focus on poison, per se, but I find those first few models stay put, and re-poison themselves with the contest and from there on Brewie is either swilling things or poisoning the occasional newcomer sent by Trixie's gremlin lure or Fingers/Whiskey Golem holding Drinking "Problem".

    The key point I found early on is crew selection. Some theme is good, but too much will ruin your game. Fingers is amazing - in an interact/scheme heavy pool. I know a lot of folk don't rate Whiskey Golem, but I find it's a matter of how you apply him: send him after small to medium-sized targets with the understanding that he's sending models with a generally low willpower towards the contest with Drinking "Problem". Once there, they will be stuck and not running schemes (or in the case of Chompy, not eating your face. Keep a card for You'really Drunk Go Home ready in those cases). Even if they don't get there, they're out of position and usually in a prime state to be hunted by the support crew floating around; moonshinobis and such.

    I tend tof feel Brewie is lacking a truly heavy beater, but fitting Burt or Francis shouldn't be too much of an issue. I also keep meaning to try him with roosters. In Thunders I like him with the dawn serpent, a fermented monk (they make great scheme runners that can handle themselves) and Sensei Yu with either Wandering or Low style, and Yin.

    After crew selection, @spooky_squirrel is spot on: locking down/debugging models is good, but you have to do it at the correct spot to win games. Reconnoiter/Interference? More models stuck in the middle means fewer to hold quarters. Turf War/Extraction? Precisely the opposite. Let Brewie keep their crew from getting points so yours can get more. Put Stilts on him to get a ht3 aura so it's harder for them.to block it with their models. 

    Oh, and beware of Take Prisoner.

    • Like 2
  9. 19 hours ago, hydranixx said:

    Any ideas in this strategy for Kaeris/Mei/Ramos?

    Kaeris jumped out at me right away for the man's day in court.

    Burning isn't damage, so despite people in his courtroom suddenly combusting, the judge won't freak out, and while burning is benerally easier to deal with than damage, in this scenario if the opponent is using AP to put themselves out, they aren't litigating or swaying the judge. Plus, Kaeris has a ton of board control she can do with her Blinding Flame upgrade.

    I think you could take either limited on her since the pyre markers will limit their access to the judge while giving you more access to non-attack action damage via hazardous terrain. But personally I'm planning on taking grab & drop to put down a bunch of free, uncaring-about-4"-distances markers near the judge in a hurry, and also bring Willie for his action to blow up scheme markers when enemies come close. Add in the effigy for removing Fees and some ice dancers for their ice path markers to keep the opposing models sliding away from the judge and I'm guessing a lot of players will attack first put of frustration. 

    Other thought I had is to put Open Current on Joss and run him up near the center to keep them at - flips on all Ca actions, like litigate and approach the bench. For bonus points put in an oxford mage with Blood Ward (I believe) to keep Joss (with warding runes) immune to enemy conditions.

    All this and the thing I keep laughing about is the courtroom will A] be frosted over, B] be on fire, C] have dynamite flying through the air, and D] contain a large man with an axe-shaped Tesla coil, and the Judge is fine with it. But anybody punches someone in the face and he freaks out.

    Laughter ensues.

    • Like 4
  10. Another way I've been looking at the Coryphee is they'really the same cost as an Imbued Protection Hank, with more AP between the two of them and their shenanigans, and more inbuilt + flips, and a heal once they merge. Not to say one'side better than the other, rather that they have different uses. I just find that frame of mind helps me more easily accept the cost.

  11. WhIle the idea of the kid going through a Rocky montage is fun, who doesn't want our werewolf lawyer to up his book smarts  (academic, anyone?) and back up Amina?

    From a logical standpoint,  if we want a character when all is said and done, it'seems focuses effort that will pull them in. This week's is a particularly good one for the Man, which would get us another week of wins for him and pull us ahead of the pack. (Wolf pun indended).

    • Like 1
  12. I've only dipped a toe into Ressers thus far (primarily going Arcanists and Gremlins myself), but from what I've looked into, the mantra seems to be "Buy the crew box you like the look of, then buy Seamus." Seems like solid advice. I can tell you Seamus' box is fun by itself and with minimal additions (Yin, Hanged), and Belles and Sybelle are super useful for the rest of the faction, from what I can see. Personally, as a second box, I'm planning on McMourning. Nurses seem like another key piece in the faction, and I doubt I'll ever regret having a flesh construct to soak up a beating.
    Molly also looks like she'd work particularly well with the rest of Seamus' box, but she needs a few more things for her summoning game.
    My two cents.

    • Like 1
  13. I am, and shall remain, in favor of the Self-Righteous Man. A right-proper werewolf might actually get me interested in picking up Marcus.

    The Trickster and Child both seem...a little generic in comparison, for us at least. Lady Ramos and Baby Kaeris, respectively.

    Agreed with Fog, the Child's Neverborn set up is intriguing. And her Gremlin one is the start of something hilarious. Kid & Giant Chicken, there's a buddy cop movie I'd watch.

    The Trickster also seems interesting for Gremlins, learning some curses after twisting the lil' greenies' perceptions of the situation. I think I like her Ten Thunders one better though, sets up a good bit of intrigue.

    I think we got the best Self-Righteous Man though.

  14. I've had a few games with the emissary, and I have to say, I actually prefer him with the Equality upgrade. Granted, that's been in games where I haven't been taking many minions I want in direct combat. It doesn't do anything special for Brewie, but has been working pretty well anyway.

    Anyone tried a poison list to take advantage of the Dragon's Blood aura? I've started theoryfauxing it, and so far it centers around a rather punchy Brewie, who then (0) One For The Road away. I'm thinking with Yin and other Wp based things to take advantage of Brewie's - to Wp without necessarily focusing on Drinking Contest (I've found it can be situational useful in TT, but it hasn't done wonders as a focus for me). Mix in Sensai Yu for more One For The Road, and maybe a Fermented Monk or two. Thoughts?

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