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Everything posted by crushmurderfist

  1. Thanks, The eyes are still worrying me a bit, but the models dont have an eyeball so i went with Glowing/Eyeshadow effect dont know if i pulled it off yet. Might try white and one of the ghost tints from minitaire see how that works.
  2. Sup?, this will be my new thread for my foray into Malifaux and the joy of not painting Marine after Marine like in 40K. Presenting my first Rotten Belle. Comments Welcome.
  3. I have actually found out more by going to one of the online stores and seeing what is up for pre-order.
  4. Excellent review, Im just waiting on the starter set arriving so i can play. Just started a ressers crew with Seamus Box set cant wait to get my teeth into the rules.
  5. I did reply a few days ago but obviously the post was dragged away by some unseen being. Thanks for the info i have managed to drill a hole in the base of a foot now i just need to find some wire thin and stiff enough to fit it. the rest i left with sprue on where possible to do as you did.
  6. Thanks for the quick replies, I am completely new to Malifaux trying to get it started in my gaming group so for now i think just the rules will work and the big book can be Santa's (Or whatever Semi-Religious, yearly present bringing, omnipotent deity you prefer.) job.
  7. I have ordered the starter set but am i right in thinking i doesn't contain the complete rules in the box only as a digital form? If that is the case whats the difference between the rules manual and the rule book which i was also looking into getting along with it?
  8. Sweet looking paint job so far, i have just got the belles to start myself and as this is my first foray into Malifaux, i was a bit suprised with how delicate the models are. This leads me onto a question what did you use to attach the belles to the bases? Super glue? did you pin them? Cheers
  9. such is the life of an early Internet Explorer, i can only remember about 3 usernames and 3 passwords all created about 15 years ago lol.
  10. Wotcha forgot to use this to introduce myself. i decided to get into Malifaux as i could not justify a second full 40K army and i wanted something completely different but still with cool models for me to paint (Cos i quite like painting mini's), plus its waaaaaaayyyyyy cheaper. so Helllllooooooo and prepare for many many odd questions.
  11. Sweet, I shall go have a look at whats out there then. I'm coming from 40k so its just a joy to get a playable crew for so little money for once and the mini sculpts are really looking great to me.
  12. I am about to dip my toe into the world of Malifaux, and the starter box looks like an amazingly easy way into the game. As a Brand new player i will probably be looking to expand with a crew box set at the same time as purchasing the starter set, would i be better expanding on the factions in the box or pick another faction that isnt?
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