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Posts posted by retnab

  1. Hey all, I had a question about Banasuva's (0) which lets him take an ability or action from a friendly Gamin in range.  Specifically, if he takes Armor +1 or Armor +2, is that Armor considered a Condition or just an innate part of his card until the end of the turn?  The ability does not mention Conditions, just says it gains the ability or action, but I can't think of another time when you get Armor when it's not a Condition.

  2. They end up being ~5-6mm tall and 22mm wide.  And I have absolutely no doubt there are better ways to do the pictures haha, I'm beginner tier for this art stuff.

    Edit: I've also gone back and fixed a few typos in my file (noticed my Karait's Blessing was written as Krait's, oops lol) and also added on a little Condition marker on all Condition effects, basically just to make it easier for my opponent to know what effects I'm throwing on them that they can get rid of.  It's half the text size and not bolded, but still pretty visible from a distance which I'm happy with.


  3. Thanks!  I'm glad this is getting some love :) I agree that having the extra information is nice on the tokens, for myself it wasn't as much of an option because I wanted Sandeep's Beaconable abilities to be on tokens as well, and it's hard to fit anything else with "As Your Deed, So Your Destiny" lol.  One thing I forgot to mention above is that the cabochons have a magnifying effect on everything, so you can probably get away with smaller text size than I used, as you can see here:


    And in regards to:

    On 10/13/2016 at 2:40 AM, Mutter said:

    But this part I don't understand: " I made the tokens to be 50mm size, so everything else had to be upped 2.5x in the file to all look nice at 20mm. "

    In the original file I made the token pictures in I tried doing everything at the size I wanted (20mm) but when I printed it out the quality was pretty bad (see pic below, the 20mm size one is on the right and the 50mm one is on the bottom in the base).  So to get more dpi (dots per inch) I increased the size of everything by 2.5x (20mm became 50mm, 12pt font became 30pt, etc), put that into a page sized file (850x1100 pixel sized file became 2125x2750), and printed it that way.  As you can see, making the dpi higher makes the picture way clearer.  I could have done it even higher but I figured this was fine enough for what I wanted.


    I have no idea why the colour is so different between the two from the same style, it's all the same on my computer, but you can really see how unclear and pixelized the one I did as 20mm in the file was.

    • Like 1
  4. Hey all, I finally got all the materials together to put together some homemade tokens I've been working on!  I posted the instructions and links to stuff I used in the Hobby forum, but thought you folks here might appreciate some pictures of how they turned out.  I hope you like them!


    And here's how they look beside actual models.


    • Like 3
  5. Hey all, thought I'd share with you some tokens that I put together for my Arcanists!  I'm using 20mm brass basing and cabochons as the core, with printed tokens that I put together myself.


    I had the idea from a PG_Tylo on the Warmachine forum years ago, and also the directions given by Mr.Inquizarus in this link here.  Making the token pictures was pretty easy, I went through a couple different designs and ended up using a cropped version of the Arcanist logos seen on the Upgrade backs, cropped to make them uniform and with a gradient circle around them (I used this Marker Generator site for the gradient outline).  I made the tokens to be 50mm size, so everything else had to be upped 2.5x in the file to all look nice at 20mm.  As you can see from the stuck hair in my token for Solo above, human error's still a thing :P But while basically all of the tokens have tiny air bubbles, as you can see above most aren't really visible from more than a few inches away.


    Best part about this?  Each token costs about $0.15 to make.  Yeah.  I got the cabochon bases here, and the cabochons here.  Putting together the file to print out took less than an hour once I had the design figured out and the list of abilities I wanted to make them for.  You can find the token background and the file I made here, it's for nearly all the Arcanist things (sorry Marcus players, it doesn't have any of the Beasts, I don't play him so didn't work on it).  Anyways I hope you all like how they turned out, and some of you are inspired to make some of your own! :) 

    • Like 4
  6. I'm thinking of running Visions Sandeep for the Man, between Constant Yammering to mess with them swaying the judges and being able to put out late turn Don't Mind Me'd Interacts to Sway him at the last second sounds pretty good to me.  Although running Ironsides does sound pretty good as well, probably with a Performer to still have access to Don't Mind Me.

    • Like 2
  7. Bit disappointed we didn't get any wins this round, I was really hoping for a new Frozen Heart model.  Child does sound the most interesting this round I think, but if we get the Self Righteous Man then we'd have him at least 2/5 times which would give us a good chance at taking him for good.

    • Like 2
  8. 23 hours ago, angyi said:

    Two quick questions, if you care to share your experience:

    - Generally how do you summon the first manifestation of Banasuva? Eg. you always try to summon him into melee, or you summon him anyways and try to push him wherever he's needed, maybe you summon him in a completely different way?

    - Sandeep is full of scheme-related goodness, but did you try to max out his combat potential? How potent do you think he can be, when he's focusing on reckoning and the likes?

    1) I try to summon in melee, unless he has the Fire upgrade and is in charge range, or has the Earth upgrade and I have the card I need to let him use Sandeep's (0) teleport.  He usually gets summoned late in the turn and I try to have him on the board most turns of the game punching face.

    2) I think he has the capability to be damage oriented but he has just So Much support power I have a tough time really dedicating to offense.  I'll maybe throw out an Arcane Storm or two but that's beside him giving out Incorporeal and probably Summoning some models as well.

    Edit: I make his crew pretty darn aggressive.  I haven't tried the Academic route with him at all yet and instead have just been bringing in high value models like Sue (good ranged and card draw) and Howard (hilariously scary when Incorporeal).  My model count is usually pretty low because of this, typically 6-7.  I find I don't really need to hire scheme runners, but then again I play with Visions mostly and his summons do that job just fine there.

    • Like 1
  9. Thing about Henchmen Hardcore is you need your 4 models to all be doing some killing or support.  I'd say go all out on the Frozen Heart theme, or all out on the Beast theme.  Mixing them probably won't go so well.  If you're going to go the Beast route, maybe something like:

    Game 1: Sabertooth Cerberus + Imbued Energies

    Games 2 & 4: Myranda + Seize The Day, Sabertooth Cerberus, 2x Poison Gamin

    Game 3: Marcus, Myranda, Sabertooth Cerberus, 2x Poison Gamin, +23ss

    I'm not a Marcus player so I'm not really familiar with the beasts, but something like that probably.

    • Like 1
  10. I think my standard Henchmen Hardcore list would work as a pretty good base for this.  So it'd be:


    Game 1: Ice Golem + Imbued Energies

    Games 2 & 4: Snow Storm, Ice Golem, Ice Gamin, Silent One

    Game 3: Rasputina, Snow Storm, Ice Golem, Ice Gamin, Silent One, +19ss of things to fit schemes and playstyle

    • Like 1
  11. 19 minutes ago, Daimoniodes said:

    Questions about his summonings. Which upgrade is better To Behold Another Plane or To Command Another Plane, or are they just as good?

    It really depends on  what your schemes are.  However, having said that I find myself taking Behold way more than Command so far.  The Visions giving so much Interact control gives something that may not appear strong right off the bat but wow they're great.  For example, you can summon in a model with Visions of Wind to Interact the turn it's summoned, then have it take a walk action and then use Sandeep's (0) As Your Deed, So Your Destiny to Interact right away - with the option to do it while engaged, or with a push for even more distance on it.  Just think of having Set Up, summoning in a model with Visions of Wind with the above actions (taking the do it while engaged trigger) and summoning a Visions Of Fire model who (1) Interacts while engaged with the model.  That's two Scheme Markers by the model in question, which you can do from really decent distance away and probably pretty late in the turn too for some basically guaranteed VP.

    • Like 1
  12. Like the others have said, if it's Frozen Heart it's probably good with her.  In no particular order, you should look at getting the Wendigo, Ice Dancers, Silent Ones, December Acolytes, and Snow Storm.  With that you can have a really solid crew!  Mech Rider is nice for throwing out new Ice Gamin, but it's not a crucial piece like the Wendigo and Snow Storm probably are.

    • Like 1
  13. 5 minutes ago, Merellin said:

    With small box I meant, Not crew box, Something smaller and cheeper then a crew box as I can only afford to buy one crew box at the same time. Sparks and the Mechanized Porkchop are gremlins so they cost 1 SS extra to hire right?


    Also, This question might not be best asked in this thread but, What Master would you consider the most fun of Ironsides and Mei Feng?

    For point one, nope!  They're not Mercenaries, because they're Foundry models Mei Feng can hire them as if they were her faction.  Point two, that's a really hard choice.  I feel like I play Ironsides better, but Mei Feng flying up the board is really fun to do.

  14. I haven't done the Academic side of him yet and try as I might I keep having games where he needs the Visions upgrade where I really want to try the Commands upgrade, lol.  The Visions upgrade is really nice and while it's not killy it makes schemes much easier to complete yourself and harder for the enemy.  His Incorporeal upgrade is very nice, especially with someone like Howard (I had a game against the Viks where being Incorporeal let him charge through some models in the way and take out some back line models), Unaligned Sage seems nice but I haven't tried it.  Arcane Reservoir and / or some way of drawing more cards seems basically mandatory, I've done AR and brought Sue in all my games so far for the 8 card hand.  His summoning is pretty flexible but the penalties on the upgrades can really be a pain.  Wind upgrade seems like it should always be for a Metal or Wind Gamin, they don't mind the penalty as much at least.  Hope you have fun with him!

  15. I can't say I see much synergy between the Gunsmiths and Ramos, besides just raw ranged damage numbers and a bit of durability.  My standard shooter for Ramos is usually Sue, mostly due to Hurt for more cards in hand but also his min damage 3 (after crit strike) and Sh5 with built in :+fate.

  16. I won a game battling over the Child last night with Sandeep vs the Viks 10-8, it was an extremely scheme heavy pool (I took Convict Labour and Leave Your Mark, my opponent took Take Prisoner (Sue) and Leave Your Mark).  I took Sandeep (Arcane Reservoir, Enlightened Soul, To Behold), Cassandra (Practiced Productions), Kudra (Free Of Mortal Shackles), Howard (Imbued Energies), Sue (Imbued Energies), and an Ice Gamin.  My opponent took a standard Vik crew but with a Trapper as well.  He placed his Trapper 2" away from the Child and in my concern that he would get to the Child before me I spent turn 1 moving the Child very deep into my deployment zone with Sandeep's summons and the rest of the crew helping out.  That made most of the Stalkers walk to me turn 2, so I managed to kill 3 to my opponent's 1.  After that he began murdering me, though an Incorporeal Howard reached and killed Vanessa.  While he was off killing I got 1 Leave Your Mark point (Cassie ran to do it and Sue took care of her after that) and max Convict Labor points.  At the end I only had Sue left while he still had 5 models, so he maxed out both his Schemes but since I got 6 Strat points to his 2 (we went to turn 6 and he spent the last two turns getting the Child over to his deployment zone) I still took the victory.  Pyromaniac child here we come!

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