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SKC Founder

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Everything posted by SKC Founder

  1. Hoping this is the right subforum for this topic. Sorry if it's not. Are there any Malifaux players in or around Ann Arbor, Michigan? It feels like all anyone plays here on a regular basis is Warmachine/Hordes, and I'm just not all that excited about that game.
  2. This might be a bit of a premature topic, but I was hoping somebody might have some insight as far as Malifaux plans for GenCon 2016. 1. Is there going to be an Enforcer Brawl this year as an option for qualifying for the Avatar Tournament? 2. With regards to the Enforcer Brawl, I was wondering: if you qualify through the Enforcer Brawl, do you have to field the same faction in the Avatar Tournament that you did in the Enforcer Brawl? For example, if I take the Killjoy to the Enforcer Brawl, do I then have to field Outcasts for the Avatar Tournament?
  3. Sadly my store has jack in terms of Malifaux merchandise, and I didn't see any metal ones for sale at MiniatureMarket.
  4. Any word or rumors on when the Onryo are going to be released on their own? So far, Kirai's box set is the only way to get them, and I've got a list I'm planning that's going to need more than two.
  5. They've changed the Finals event to say "Fixed Faction" rather than fixed crew.
  6. Welp, forget what I just said - against all odds, I found the Fate Deck of my faction on Miniature Market!
  7. Damn. Was hoping not to have to spend money on an official fate deck. I didn't realize the faction-specific decks qualified as "old." That term does not give me much hope for seeing them again.
  8. I had a couple questions with regards to Fate Decks. 1. In official tournaments, do you need a Fate Deck, or is a poker deck with two easily differentiated Jokers okay? 2. Are the faction-specific Fate Decks going to be re-released anytime soon?
  9. That is very odd, especially since being able to switch up crews to fit the schemes is so important.
  10. That's a good question - fixed crew or fixed faction? Any way to get an official word on that here?
  11. Just saw the listing for the Malifaux Masters event at GenCon 2015, and I have a question: What does "fixed faction" mean?
  12. Still no Dead Doxys, I see.
  13. Any word on when the Dead Doxy minis for the Resurrectionists are coming out? I need them for a Seamus list, but if they're coming out near to or after GenCon, I might just bite the bullet and get more Rotten Belles instead.
  14. Just bumping this to remind everyone in the area about the tournament. Registration starts at 10 a.m., tournament begins at 11 a.m. Entry fee $5.
  15. The Malifaux players at Get Your Game On in Ann Arbor, Michigan are currently in the middle of a slow-growth league, and we're going to cap it off with a tournament on Saturday, February 28th. Registration begins at 10 a.m., the tournament begins at 11 a.m. The tournament will be four rounds, with 35 Soulstone lists (because that's the level the slow growth league is ending at). Any other questions, feel free to ask me.
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