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Posts posted by admiralvorkraft

  1. 5 minutes ago, Filox said:

    Well, most of the time I ended up with 4 focuses on Dita and 3 on Francisco and they were still bad. I think we have to wait until next Errata to see them buffed

    Possibly because, if you were stacking focus, you weren't leveraging your ap advantage appropriately. But that's just my personal experience. 

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  2. 1 minute ago, Filox said:

    Well, I think it was because of replace stacking for Golems and Rat Kings. Family got hit just by standing on sidelanes, surprised they did not get anything in return

    I've been turning my focus into damage with Family almost as soon as I get it. I'm not worried about the change. It makes Steward a complete waste in that keyword instead of just mostly a waste though. 

  3. 29 minutes ago, Harlekin said:

    Are they? 
    Those 4 minions already are totally different:

    - Dead Doxies with Take by the Hand for extra Movement + the awesome Regret Trigger

    - Rotten Belles with their Lure + :-flip on damage counting as :+flip

    - Dead Dandies for eating Scheme Markers or Corpse Tokens to create Scheme Markers or Corpse Tokens

    - Mourners with anti Ruthless Tech and On Your Heels Trigger plus a bit of healing


    They all do different stuff with their Actions. But they still lack. Imho it's mainly the lack of movement to keep up with Seamus himself. They just don't synergies this well with their Master. 

    What role does each one play? They all do a slightly different flavor of hang-out-midfield-being-kinda-tough-and-killy. 

    Lure is the only stand out action.

    • Like 1
  4. I'd love a master that screws with terrain in a reality-horror way. Think the portal tech that the Umbra hench has. 

    A keyword ability "Endless Twisting Hallways; At the end of this model's activation place an Unreal token on a piece of terrain within Aura 6"

    A trigger on attacks, "This looks familiar... - Enemy only, place the target in a piece of terrain with an Unreal token."

    A free action, "Echoing Laughter - place this model in base contact with a piece of terrain with an Unreal token." With the trigger "It's Coming From Inside the Room - immediately make a melee attack against a model drawing range and LOS from a piece of terrain with an Unreal token."

    Grimwell is still the hench, the master is Peggy Rauschenberg. Once a promising architect and painter Peggy was committed to the asylum by her family. Unfortunately her the "treatments" she underwent only made her powers grow and now she has turned the very stones of the asylum to her purpose. Peggy is certain that she is the only sane person left and it is the world that must be cured of its madness. 

    Her totem is "Patient #5" - a mobile assassin more than a frontline beater. He has Demise (memetic) - attach an Idea upgrade to a model within line of sight before removing this model. The upgrade has two abilities, "Obsession - this model must end its activation in base contact with a piece of terrain with an Unreal token if possible." And, "Ideas Are Bulletproof - when this model is killed summon a Patient #5 model in base contact."

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  5. For the record I don't think that Redchapel is actually bad, it's just that their minions are all basically identical. If I were to change anything about the keyword it would be to give each minion a more defined role rather than being "the same thing with higher/lower numbers."

    • Agree 1
  6. At least once a game I use a Por El from Abuela to the Nephilim to get an extra push. 

    The more I play the keyword, the more I like it. You have to stay on top of your resource cycle, but there's a lot of power to unlock here. 

  7. 6 hours ago, Dark Reaper said:

    He will obey Meredith to spam more simple duels, is what he is saying.

    Oh, sure. And bully is a thing. 

    Again, her threat range from the bubble is ~11" which isn't a problem to play around and if she pops out of the bubble then I can kill her - flush with cash or no. She's stat 5, 7 wounds no tech. 

  8. 52 minutes ago, trikk said:

    Fun fact. Nobody who took Runic Binding won a game in the 5 Vassal tournaments :D 

    I believe it, it's a terrible scheme. But I'd still rather play it than Claim Jump into Public Enemies when the best models to score it are both non-stone users who cost 9+ in a very linear crew. 

    Though a Guardian chucking a Warden in for the first point would be cheeky... yeah, I'd consider that. 

  9. I wouldn't play Hoffman into that. And if I did and saw McMourning... woof.

    You're right, if my back is against the wall like that I probably take Melissa, two Wardens, three Hunters and a Medical Automata or watcher. I take Runic Binding and Vendetta and just try to outmaneuver. 

    • Haha 1
  10. The obey isn't hugely concerning - the crew has decent wp and intimidating authority means he's either stoning for positives or the mask but not both. 

    The shockwave is just something you have to factor into your resource management, and if Stanley is breaking the bubble to throw flasks you can probably scalpel her out...

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