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Posts posted by gribble

  1. What is the difference? Or are you asking if it deals two separate instances of damage? I.e. 2 points and 1 point (so with armor, it would still be 1+1 = 2 damage)?

    If the latter, I'm pretty sure you only ever get one instance of damage from a single attack, so it would be effectively 3/5/7.

  2. So, I found a couple of differences called out on the Malifaux musings blog, specifically:


    Each of the characters had a personal goal they were trying to accomplish during the session. Sometimes they were simple (kill this many of this type of creature, earn this much scrip, etc.) Other times they were down-right bizarre (convince all the other players to call you by your nickname rather than your real name, oink enough times during a conversation that someone eventually tells you to speak English, etc.) Additionally, the players’ actions would play a role in determining [SPOILER ALERT IN CASE YOU HAVEN’T READ SHIFTING LOYALTIES] who would take over the Guild now that the Governor-General has blown himself up. Players had four candidates to support: a military general, a bean counting union-breaker (unsurprisingly, this one has been consistently the least popular throughout), a smooth politician looking to soften the Guild’s image, and a sorceror associated with Sonnia’s Witch Hunters who honestly reminded me of Rasputin.



    One of my favorite parts of the Nythera event, unfortunately, isn’t included here, as the pre-gen characters had their own personal goals to complete every chapter when we were playing it live. Some of these were straightforward enough, but many were rather unorthodox like “make someone call you ‘Arizona’ during the game’ or ‘Squeal like a pig at someone until they demand that you speak English.’”

    This is in addition to the rumour chart described here:


    The version that the Fatemasters got during the event included a table of rumors that the Fated would hear, tidbits supposed to be thrown in to reveal more about the four different candidates and what they were getting up to. Marlow is very aggressive and impatient, and feels the Witch Hunters are asleep at the wheel. He starts working with Sonnia and the Fated can hear about some of the results of their experiments as parts of the city burn (independent from Act I) and witnesses start asking "did that used to be a person?" before Guardsmen threaten them off. Aisha was pretty boring and it was mostly a mix of her trying to centralize the guild and cut out the reliance on mercenaries and outcasts, and bring in machinery/constructs to replace the reliance upon the M&SU miners. Rowan was aiming to increase weapons and ammunition being made in the city and sent in from Earth and militarize the city against the escalating threats, but she also got some rumors about her being pretty fair and defensive of her men and maybe a half-decent person. Andre just had lots of people talking about how wonderful he was, along with some rumors about how he was supposed to hold a party on an airship but its gone missing.

    Was there similar content for A Stitch in Time? I don't suppose anyone kept a copy of these character goals and interactions with the GG election by any chance? Would love to see them  and integrate them into the published adventures. :)

  3. 2 minutes ago, yool1981 said:

    Additionally, can we get a watermark of the version on the cards like "180106" (for example) for this errata so that we know what we have is up to date?

    Seconded. Small text at the bottom of the card, or a little "strip" (like on the alternate model cards) with a date would be great, so you can quickly and easily tell if you have the most recent version or not.

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