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Everything posted by Nymie_the_Pooh

  1. I had limited time to paint yesterday. I tried to slap the leather on. I'm not happy with the results so will likely repaint the area after I work on some other sections to make certain the vest does not work for me. I may just try varying it up with glazes (thinking green, blue, and maybe some purple) if I take too long on the other parts of the model before laying down the freehand and final highlights. I may try some chestnut ink before I make any decisions.
  2. Denim is something I struggle with so I decided to have a go at it on this model. I played around with some colours on paper first to see if I could cheat some sort of faux denim finish. it didn't really work, but it did help me in choosing colours for the jeans. I think I need to brighten up the thighs a bit and kill some of the lower highlights now that I see the model photographed. I stopped the green because I am trying to decide if I want to do some sort of plaid or not. There is no point in refining the green until after placing the pattern if I go that route.
  3. Thank you. On the model itself, those are just what is likely to be my middle colours over the dark blue I put down yesterday. I guess all areas essentially have two colours now even though I think of this stage as basecoats. My hope with the colours I picked is to have the eye be drawn to the hand, face, and jacket where I plan to do some freehand. I am super nervous about my selection this round as it is much less straightforward than what I did last round and depends completely on the finished execution. The good news is that if it falls flat I will get expert advice on how to fix it.
  4. Not a lot of progress today. I laid in the base colours on the model itself and worked on getting the wall in some sort of shape.
  5. I have started with the paint. Not much to see yet. It is mostly me jabbing shadows into all of the recesses and playing with the lighting on the wall.
  6. This is likely the last update before priming. I finished adding bricks to the wall. I stippled Liquid Green stuff over the surface to try and tie it together before pressing kitty litter and sand into a thin layer of putty spread over the base. I used thinned down white (PVA) glue to set the loose stuff in place. My roommate saw the jaw I clipped off sitting on top of my waste bin. I tried to convince her I was not lazy and it was simply too small for me to see. I worked on the original jaw a bit. I am contemplating whether to use what I put in, or rip his throat out and use the original. It is the hippopotamus swimming in the blue tack in the second picture.
  7. Sand paper or a file might work.
  8. You are a painting machine. I love the attention to details like having the ground catch the light as well.
  9. Beautiful job on both. Two days is insane. I am not sure how to even assemble that in two days.
  10. I was trying to make his lower jar. Dried miliput is supposed to be easier to work than dry greenstuff. I could not really see what I was doing when putting it on because it is so white and glossy when it is pliable. I had taken most of the jaw off since sharing.
  11. That could work. I do not have experience with silicone, but putty built up over cork would work so I fail to see right off why silicone would not serve just as well. Another option involves cotton stuffing and a tea light. Take a wad of stuffing and tease one end out into thin wisps. Spray about half of it from the middle to the thicker end with red. Then spray the bottom (again the thick end) with black. Set on the base over one of those battery operated tea lights which flicker. You can spray some yellows in there before the red and some grae after the red if you want more variety in the transition. You can drop the red and go with grae and black instead if you want it to look more smokey. It's not the prettiest way to make fire, but it is easy.
  12. Progress is slow at this stage as I have yet to learn how to hold things to where I can push putty on one area and not mess up another area that has not set yet. I think I am going to have to scrape off some of the putty and try again on a couple of parts.
  13. I paint with a bit of whatever everything. I have an old GW set from when they still sold inks. I slowly replace the old pots with new paint because I have easy access to GW paint through a couple of local retailers. I find their current line a bit hit or miss for me however. I will sometimes use craft paint, but not often any more. I like P3 a lot. If I am painting away from home it is usually going to be with Reaper HD as I have a carry case with thirty or so colours that fit in it along with some brushes. Between that and a tub of washes and technical paints I have enough to paint almost anything. I tend not to use the Reaper paint at home as while I can order more paint, I can not just go to the store and pick up a bottle. I have a few Valejo Game colours from a base set I rarely use. Valejo Air is the only line I know where to find locally so I do not use a lot of Valejo. I have a couple of Valejo Air colours but I have not used them enough to comment on them.
  14. It's compressed cardboard off the back of a picture frame that would not sit flat against the wall. I wish I had thought to wear it as a tie before I cut it up. Thanks. The Razorspine is two colours. I need to smooth it out and add some variation. I am glad that blue tack with save another painter's sanity.
  15. There was not a lot of progress since last time. Most of my free time yesterday was spent either shopping, working on other models, or getting a game in at my local shop. I did start on one of the elements for the base. This wall is a couple of pieces of pressed cardboard glued together with plasticard over top of them. I will putty this up later. Possibly today. I needed to set the height on the wall before I worked on some other elements as it dictates quite a bit of what is to follow.
  16. Probably not. The stuff I have seen has been completely clear. Ink or washes work fairly well for wood stain if you do not want to use actual wood stain. It's water soluble so a lot easier to clean up too. I like to use the inks/washes that are meant for flesh when going for polished wood.
  17. That looks cool. The main breach is big enough for a train to pass through, but from my understanding other, smaller breaches open up from time to time. They are usually less stable however. I want to say there is a small one that has stayed open the Ten Thunders control access to for example, but I do not really keep up with the fluff like I should.
  18. Here are the parts for the model laid out. I cleaned up mold lines at this point, but that was about it. I used a knife to alter some of the details. There was not much done to the pants so far. I shaved down the cuffs on the boots a little. I want to keep them, but I am going to have to putty the gap where the pieces meet and am afraid of making them too bulky. With the torso I started by cutting off the pockets and shaving the plastic underneath to match the folds of the cloth around the pockets. They felt like an unnecessary detail and a little thick for how thin I picture the fabric of the vest being. I then removed the inner edge of his vest on his left as the torso would be angled so I do not think it would lay flat against him. I will reintroduce that edge later using putty. The wrinkles in the undershirt were carried over the line where the edge of the vest was. I cut around the knife a little as the vest basically hit a wall behind where the knife is. I shaved off the back of his right shoulder some to accommodate the final position of the arm. Finally, I started roughing up the edges of the fest as well. The right arm has been fairly simple so far. I have been reshaping the shoulder a bit to look a little more natural in a raised position. For the left arm I started by carving in a few lines to show where some of the muscles are in the forearm. I then cut off the pinky and ring finger followed by the thumb. I cut them a little deeper than I probably needed to as I figure I might have to sculpt the knuckles later and would rather do that cutting now than when I am playing with the putty. I then separated the model at the elbow. I carved a bit of the shoulder to help with the angle I plan to have the arm coming out of the torso. I finished by trimming away the elbow area on both pieces of the arm. I started on the head by clipping the neck. By clipping the neck, I mean holding it over the waste bin and snipping off the jaw by accident. I have a second male multi-part kit so I could grab the other head, but I feel this is one of those happy accidents that I can make work. I used a knife to dig out the underside of his skull so I could sculpt the palate, teeth, and tongue later. Yeah, the tongue should be attached to the lower jaw, but I think it would be fun to have it hanging loose from the skull. I can change it to the lower jaw later if it ends up not working out. I stuck all the pieces to some blue tack because I had a less happy accident where I set down my knife which decided to go for a joy ride and sweep all the pieces off of my table and into the carpet. Thankfully they were accounted for, but I probably should have thought to do this before now.
  19. I think I have most of the pieces I need for the model itself. I did a first pass at cleaning I need to reshape some of the bits, assemble the model, work the base, and sculpt some details. I also have the area around the model mapped out on paper. The end product should just be the single model on a 30mm base. It may seem like a silly thing to do, but it helps me to know the scene the model finds itself in if not painting for tabletop.
  20. I was worried about sharing too many pictures in the WIP thread for the first round of Iron Painter. I may share a picture or two there if another one pops up, but having a separate thread decreases the likelihood of me flooding that thread. Here is the torso, legs, and 30mm base I am thinking of using. I am still deciding on the arms, head, and feet. I am going out to pick up some supplies tomorrow as I am almost out of greenstuff. I may look to see if there is a different model I want to use instead as this one just kind of works for what I have in mind. These are both off of the male multi-part Through the Breach kit.
  21. Last Summer, a local said they were going to be hosting some games. I had two days to assemble and paint something so I decided on the Marcus crew. Everything in this post aside from Myranda was painted in those two days. The Jackalope is still just primer. The only thing I did on Myranda during those two days was the skin. The rest of the work on her was done later. She still requires a little work and touch ups, but she is probably about 90% to being done. Again, no adjustment of the levels on these. The game was cancelled if anyone was wondering how they performed on the table under my "amazing" guidance. If anybody is curious about colours that might have been used then feel free to ask. That two days was early on when I started to try to document what I was painting.
  22. First up we have Guild and Johan. I bought the Perdita and Viktorias crew when there was just the one big book because my roommate's granddaughter is named Victoria and she was interested in miniature gaming. She ended up choosing Skaven instead after I had bought the models. Father Loco fell off of his base a few years back and I never reattached him. Johan is the only one of this lot with any varnish. I usually adjust levels using a program called GIMP before sharing finished miniatures. Aside from Johan these still have work that needs done, and I was too lazy to take the two minutes to load his image in the program and move two sliders. This means no editing for any of these.
  23. Between my own desire to be more cognizant about documenting my painting to make it easier to learn from, and recent discussion in another part of the forums, I thought I would start a thread for what I am painting. I have gone through my existing Malifaux models. Most are not even assembled let alone painted. I have one model that I finished four or five years that I want to repaint as I look at it. My other models with paint are not done yet. The next couple of posts are going to be me breaking up my few models by faction.
  24. It's a good model for it. There is a lot of surface area.
  25. I can hear my sanity screaming as it slips from me. I love the drool and wetness of the mouths.
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