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Everything posted by MR TORGUE

  1. Well I just grabbed some gremlins the other day and gremlin 1 was missing, and gremlin 4 was missing feet. Raised form for missing models, pictures, detailed description etc and finally I have today received a package from wyrd. Opened to find the following: - 2 x feet for gremlin 4 - 1 x gremlin 4 left foot..... Now all I need is the rest of the missing Gremlin 1... To say i'm angry would be a lie; I'm just deeply disappointed... *shakes head sadly* Couldn't they just send me a box of gremlins to replace the two unable to be made to avoid such a cock-up? Whatever happened to this fabled American customer service
  2. As dracomax said; spiders are Ramos' thing. Prob good to grab two boxes of spiders, maybe three. Metal gamin are cool too; armour 2 and hard to kill is so frustrating to shift and they drop scrap at death. This combined with bleeding edge tech makes them insane!
  3. Yeah fair enough; that was my opinion in fighting them but it really comes down to hiring them in games I suppose; I was playing Ramos against them too so they didn't get shot up in that instance. I'm thinking of hiring them for my viks crew in the next game I play; hopefully I'll see something useful there and repost my results. ;p
  4. Thanks for clearing that up zfiend; without my rulebook so was just wishful thinking on my part there. Actually would lure trigger terracotta's damage outcome? Just want to make sure. Thx in advance.
  5. I've had a few games against a friend who fields two alongside ronin and they can be extremely hard to shift at times. He walks them up in defensive stance and hogs the centre board. With such a great defence flip opponents will often miss or failing this suffer negative flips for damage. Furthermore you can't charge them meaning you have to waste a walk action just to be in combat range with them. Their 2 cost action can also be horrible since you can generate up to five attacks. My overall experience of them was that they proved frustrating to move and dangerous if ignored. Their just so distracting for 5ss and really seemed more than worth their cost for what they could achieve in game.
  6. Its a good concept about the chi farming but something I can rarely see being used in an effective game; I'd be more concerned about getting yan near the centre line and dropping terracotta curse for that denial game he offers. Doubling this with some rotten belles to assist in luring the enemy into range of this melee focussed crew; I reckon that Yan could be a really annoying master to fight against (for some factions anyway). I'm thinking you could lure enemies out of combat with yin to trigger her disengaging strikes in this way also?
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