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Everything posted by Mooseyfaux

  1. If one was to paint aspects of the smoke edition do you think it would detract from a collectors point of view? Say like painting the eyes of NB, the majority of Tara and Katrina....just a random thought.
  2. Hey everyone! I am looking to expand my paint arsenal and with that I am unsure to invest in secret weapon, army painter or continue with the GW line. I tend to use allot of washes and inks rather then pure, out of the bottle pigment. So I am hoping to entertain a discourse on what people have used or just plain prefer. Thanks as always!
  3. Hey wyrd people! I have recently attempted to self cast some bases. I was baffled on what to use seeing as my budget hadn't figured in how expensive local resin would be, so I used some of my latex I had lying around and I am amazed at how well they cast. I was wondering if anyone else is trying this or has tips on how to get a cleaner removal? or any tips on how to avoid cracks in painting (though I haven't had time to paint them up yet I did apply primer and if I wasn't careful it cracked pretty bad.) Photos to soon follow!
  4. Did you sculpt each individual brick? The bases look amazing, I also love the slight church feeling your marshals have, it's a very interesting choice.
  5. Agreed! I wouldn't mind them reimagining the old sculpts and possibly giving use a few more character base accesories like the rising dead for Yan Lo or Seamus's bag.
  6. With the new status of the stolen do you still need all three? I remember seeing people use upwards of six. How do people feel about including rat catchers?
  7. So I am in the process of reassembling a Hamelin crew and I'm looking to gather a general consensus on how people feel about him. Rules aside I just want good old opinions good, bad and ugly. Also anyone who has painted a large scale crew I'd love to see or hear how things went because I'm slowly being swallowed by all the rats....
  8. Here is one of my finished SPA's and my desolation engine just to break up the gap between me finishing my night walkers.
  9. Hey all you wryd people! i am trying to conjure a way to make some stellar sewer bases for my new Hamelin crew. I don't know if I should start with the pre-made ones from wryd or fabricate them. so my question is: A) have any of you made or used the wryd bases was your choice successful? And any other advice using realistic water compound would be great!
  10. you have a great concept with how to layer colors so you are starting off better then I could've dreamed when I started. and those bases are something else, I was content to use cork and rocks but seeing these makes me think I really need to reassess my ascetic choices. Really great work so far keep it up!
  11. the drowned are a good additive as well as the doxies, but seriously rotten belles. The new sculpts are so amazing and who dosent want to seduce a big nasty with a moldy hooker?!?
  12. the idea of a steam punk western land of zombie hookers who walk the streets, rats that dance to the music of a plagued piper and a set of show girls who use the art of misdirection....SOLD! I also fell in love with the fact I could build a team and draw from other crews in the faction to give me diversity. Also the sheer fact that I could buy a total team for $40ish dollars was so wonderful. ... zombie hookers FTW
  13. a nice place to start would be to dry brush over some cloth areas and or armor to add some depth to areas. as for decals or emblems I would say either google something you like or just draw it out and use your hobby knife to make a stencil that you could easily apply multiple times so you don't worry about free handing each one. with the entrails and cords base coat them with the color of choice and use an ink to bring out the details then use some more dry brushing to add a final touch. you have a great start to these, I look forward to seeing the finished work.
  14. Thanks for all the input! I have a feeling it may turn skaven but we shall see. The rat catchers are something else though, I've been looking through reaper as well as hell dorado miniatures but I have come up empty handed. I hate having to proxy these but I'm just to impatient to wait for the new plastics.
  15. I was looking to replace my Hamelin crew as well as procure some proxies for the new rat king models. Has anyone done so already with some success? I would also like to work out some way to jazz up the rat catchers seeing as M2e Hamelin is most likely a year out. Any input is appreciated.
  16. Thank you! The first belle is by far my favorite of the new sculpts and the one I paid most of my attention too.
  17. Hey all, I just thought I'd join in on sharing up some of my painted concoctions. I'd love to get some feed back, critiques and such.these are two WIP belles for M2e I'll have finished photos soon but figured I'd start here. thanks for checking out my post. until next time, moose
  18. Salutations faux'ians! I'm Moose, I come from the land of western Montana where GW rules the tables with a plastic fist. I picked up malifaux on a whim one day because I thought Hamelin would do well as a Role playing mini and soon found a love in both painting and the lore of the 'faux. Later on I came to purchase many crews but have since found a calling in colette. Figured it was time to stop lurking and join the fray.
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