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Posts posted by solkan

  1. 2 hours ago, KID55 said:

    1) If Edmonton make his Vollie Fire at fireteam with Sharpshooter, would shoot once or twice?

    Once.  Edmonton causing a fireteam in a squad to take an action doesn't activate that squad.  The Adjunct abilities essentially only apply to the fireteam's own activations, they don't apply otherwise.

    End result:  One action, not two.

    2 hours ago, KID55 said:

    2) Due to rule that artillery team doesn't need LoS for attack, does it mean that they ignore cover?

    "does not require LoS" doesn't change the procedure--the fireteam still attempts to draw line of sight.

    Previous discussion on the forum:  



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  2. 1 hour ago, Dominion said:


    A question about this ability:

    can i select the same model over and over to give plus flips to everybody?

    the abilty says "...it may gains SLOW, if one does so..."
    is the fact that i'm choosing a model to gain slow that trigger the  :+flip flip (and then ignoring the stacking slows) or is it the change in status from "NO SLOW -> SLOW" ?

    The "if it does so" clause means more than 'it chose to try to gain slow', it means that it has to actually succeed in gaining Slow (which it doesn't do if it already had Slow, since you can't gain the same condition twice).


  3. 3 hours ago, Brilliance Laced Whiskey said:

    Question 1.  Does Lucius have to have Line of Sight to said model for use of hidden sniper?

    No.  Pretty much the only implicit qualifier on that 'any' in "can draw LoS and range from any friendly Mimic or Elite model" is "in play".  :)

    3 hours ago, Brilliance Laced Whiskey said:

    Question 2, if an Orderly gets his Hold Down trigger on a melee, can a friendly/elite model use hidden sniper even if they can't draw line of sight to Lucius?

    The words "another friendly model with LoS to the target" in Hold Down means that Lucius has to have LoS to the target.  Hidden Sniper's italics don't give Lucius the ability to ignore LoS requirements or to be considered to have LoS from those other models except during the action.

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  4. 8 hours ago, Kotep said:

    Forgive the silly question, but how does academic zeal work? It's 0 cost... But has a special (lecture) assigned to it  So who gets it?

    If an upgrade has Special(whatever) on it, it pretty much means that the upgrades only come into play due to someone's special rules.  In this case, the Lecture upgrades are attached by Von Schtook's Peer Review action.

    The setup is pretty much:

    - Von Schtook takes the Peer Review action to put the Academic Zeal upgrade on a Transmortis model.  That model kills someone, discards the upgrade, summons a new minion and attaches the New Student upgrade to the summoned model (inflicting Slow, and also 2 irreducible damage if Von Schtook is out of :aura6.)

    You end up being limited by the the number of Peer Review upgrades (limits how many summons you can prepped for) and limited by the number of summoned models you can have in play (the New Student upgrades).


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  5. 5 hours ago, joe caelli said:

    Finally, why is the phrase 'enemy models treat the area within :aura3 as having' used when the rule could read 'enemy models treat :aura3 as having' ?

    It's partly a matter of tradition, and partly a matter that 'treat :auraX as having' would be like saying 'treat within X" as having'--the effect has to have something to apply to, and if it's applying to an area (rather than the things inside that area) it needs to say so.

    And it also avoids having to answer various questions like 'How tall is an aura?'

  6. The way the rules are written, you have to treat the phrase "[terrain trait] terrain" as "something having the [terrain trait] trait".  In other words, the phrase "Hazardous Terrain" covers markers with the Hazardous trait, terrain pieces with the Hazardous trait, and aura areas with the Hazardous trait.  All three of those things are "Hazardous Terrain".  The same goes for the other terrain traits.

    That means that abilities like Outrider does protect against things like the Vent Steam aura, and gaining Burning from Pyre Markers.  

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  7. 3 hours ago, 11Anthonyc said:

    Just trying to get a concensus:

    Pandora's action, No Shelter Here, doesnt seem like it specifically gives the target a 3" Hazardous Aura. Rather, it creates the Aura around the target. But if that's not the case and it gives the target the Aura then Nino, with his Spotter ability, becomes a liability. 



    The only thing Spotter does is make friendly models ignore the range of the model's auras, it doesn't change the effect of the aura.  It might have been more clearly written as:  "Friendly models treat this model's auras as :auraInfinity."

    In other words, Spotter does not cause friendly models to treat the aura caused by No Shelter Here as Hazardous.


  8. I don't have that Fates Entwined box yet, so I'm just looking at the build instructions for that model and being intimidated by it.  😬

    I think the main questions I have would be:

    - Are you using plastic cement (the stuff like Testors where the pieces get melted together slightly), and something to hold the pieces in place while they dry?  (Even if it's something silly sounding like the GW Colour Assembly Stand, one of the old fashioned stand things that have a magnifying glass and two bendable arms, or just some non-hardening clay to prevent the pieces from moving around...)

    - If you leave off some of the pieces that you don't like, can you come up with a version of the model that you like?  I'm guessing that as long as you get the two arms connected, Zoraida will look okay.

    By way of disclaimer, I got the Witness boxes at GenCon and started putting them together without instructions.  I could not for the life of me figure out the piping on Marco Bonatti's back, and I probably didn't get all of Lohith's fiddly bits in "right" places, but the end result looked reasonable enough.  🙃  

    I think overall the models have been getting better about having sensible connection points and good keying.  (The Living Soulstone box was nice to put together...)  But the sort of company that takes a dig at itself by producing a 'masochistic modelers' t-shirt and "Nightmare" editions probably can't help producing the occasional excessive model.  🤕

  9. On 10/1/2022 at 3:13 AM, inbrain said:

    But what about my specific example with aura and marker?

    That situation is the same as a model overlapping both a hazardous terrain piece and a hazardous terrain marker--the model is standing in two different "hazards" and the effects of each are applied.

    Aura effects such as Vent Steam's "treat the area as Hazardous Terrain" don't make hazardous terrain in the area redundant or join together with the other hazardous terrain.

    Injured, Burning, Distracted, Focused and Poison listed with a + for Hazardous because those conditions are always listed with a plus--it's a numeric (self stacking) condition and the convention is that it is always Condition +X instead of Condition X.   If there were Hazardous with Fast, Slow, Staggered or Stunned effects, those would not have a + on them.

    • Thanks 1
  10. 2 hours ago, hollow1351 said:

    I know that this question was asked previously many times in different forms about different abilities:

    But the answer is still unclear to me. Should effects of abilities that mention targeting be resolved immediately after initial effect? Or should they be resolved according to Detailed Timing (step 2 d I)? Abilities examples:

    Detailed Timing (p 35):

    So conditions to trigger mentioned abilities are clear - the model itself or another friendly model was targeted with an Attack Action. But what's the exact timing to resolve the Ability's effect? Immediately or during dedicated step 2 d I? It meters when attacking model modifies the Duel with Focus, for example.

    Take the Hit and Intimidating Authority are good abilities to quote because they are two examples of abilities which cause an effect that is resolved at different times.

    Take the Hit's effect resolves in/after Step C (Declare Target) because its condition is "After an enemy model targets" and there aren't any other timing rules governing its effect which say to resolve it later.

    Intimidating Authority's effect is resolved during Step D because that's an effect that modifies a duel.  The model with Intimidating Authority waits until Step D to decide whether to discard the card.



  11. 11 hours ago, mr_raspberry said:

    After some hiatus am getting back into the game. Are there still plans for the release of the full pack with GG3 cards and errata? I like physical cards 🙂

    On demand card printing from Wargame Vault is as far as that goes.

    If anyone has started a comparable print on demand service in Europe, everyone would be delighted to be told about it because that would solve a lot of problems.

  12. “Is there any other way of getting a Carlos Vasquez?”  You’re posting a few weeks after GenCon, and this year the “Miss” alternate sculpt was a lady version of Carlos Vasquez.


    So you may be able to wait for Black Friday and see if Wyrd puts that Alt for sale, or you may be able to trade (or eBay) for someone’s extra copy.  (The ones I got are spoken for already…)


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  13. As far as markers directly sold/distributed by Wyrd, I assume there's a hobby competition factor involved--it would take a lot of graphic design work and production expense to do better than what the unofficial marker makers can do while producing something for every existing marker in the game.  And as frequently as new seasons of Gaining Ground or new models make up new markers, it would be a lot of work to keep an official set current.


  14. To be more direct:

    If Hazardous terrain puts a Condition on a model, and that Condition later causes damage, the Hazardous Terrain DID NOT cause that damage (it is not damage from Hazardous Terrain).

    Likewise for any shockwave, blast, pulse effects or actions—damage from Poison or Burning done as specified in the condition is damage from the condition, not whatever applied the condition.

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  15. 15 hours ago, thunderwolf said:

    So anything that does damage from say a tactical action isn’t affected by incorporeal as they aren’t attacks ?

    Yep.  If it’s completely baffling why they’d set that up…

    In the previous edition, actions had a spell casting, melee, or shooting tag on their stat, and Incorporeal reduced damage from everything but spell casting actions by half.  This edition got rid of those tags, and the designers settled on the new version as less extreme (and thus easier to balance).

  16. 46 minutes ago, thunderwolf said:

    If an action has a tn but no resist does target just suffer damage and no reduction from armour incorporeal etc

    and could it still soulstone to reduce

    If there's no Resist stat, only model makes a duel and you only compare against the TN to determine success.  The absence of a Resist stat doesn't mean "Nothing can be done to resist the effects of this action." 😕

    From the rules:


    If a duel doesn’t have a Resist stat, it is a simple duel.

    If a duel has a Resist stat, then it is an opposed duel. Opposed duels involve two different models each making a duel and then comparing their final duel totals to determine a victor.

    A side effect of being a simple duel is that there's no accuracy fate modifier (the difference between the duel total and the TN doesn't matter).  But that's pretty much the only difference.

    46 minutes ago, thunderwolf said:


    Such as jack daw whispered truths or unquiet soul ?

    The 2 damage that Denial trigger on Jack Daw's Whispered Truths trigger causes is subject to Armor because says "Reduce all damage suffered by this model" (to a minimum of 1 because of the default damage reduction rules).  Incorporeal doesn't apply to it because Whispered Truth isn't an Attack Action.


    • Thanks 1
  17. 2 hours ago, muraki said:

    I think the real flow would go something like

    1) before declaring bring it, the gunfighter model determes if it has an engagement range

    2) bring it is declared

    3) bring it succeeds, model is pulled towards and does / doesn't do a melee' based on what was declared in step 1

    Theres no rule to recheck / redetermine engagement mid action step, as if there was it would mess up stuff like determining engagement for guns / interacts / etc where a gunfighter model could 'change his mind' and force things to fail mid action.

    There's no reason for Step 1, the engagement range of the gunfighter model is irrelevant.  (There is not even a requirement that a model engage the target of its melee actions...  That's sort of important for the models that can punch buried models, too.)

    The sequence of events is entirely simple:

    1.  Bring It is declared.

    2.  If Bring It succeeds, the model moves a distance using a non-Walk effect, and then takes a :meleetargeting the provoking model.

    There is no principle in the M3E rules where a model is forced to make a choice in advance.  The words "must" and "if able" in the action are essentially redundant:

    • 'if able' is redundant because the action resolution rules skip over effects that cannot be resolved
    • 'must' is redundant because by the action resolution rules state that every effect is resolved in sequence.  In other words, the default for everything is that it must happen.

    Why does the action say 'must ... if able', then?  For emphasis--if you see the word 'must' you have a reminder that the effect is not optional and that the word 'may' was not used.

    For the record, consider the related scenario:

    A model with two melee actions is subject to Bring It.  The model's movement brings it within range of one of its melee actions but not the other.  Can the model use the out of range melee action to satisfy Bring It?  When it does so, it will have no valid, in range target in the targeting step and the action will fail, resulting in a resolved melee action and the satisfaction of the action resolution rules.

    Is there a requirement that the model choose the melee action that could have succeeded instead of the one that is out of range?  No, there isn't.


  18. 4 hours ago, Corn said:

    Wait, you mean you've got more than the three from the original metal box and Miss Terious??? 😱

    You don’t?  🤯. Although, in my case it’s not twelve different sculpts…

    4 hours ago, Adran said:

    There are also the 3 from dead justice ( and she has had at least 2 different plastic boxes) ( there is also all the death Marshall models people based for their M2 Tara crew that can't be used there anymore. )

     It's one of the higher number of different sculpts. ( 13 I think, before you even consider that one set had different heads...)

    I was actually counting the metal and plastic Puppet Wars Death Marshals, too.  So by my count…

    • M1E metals (3)
    • M2E plastic (3, with variant heads)
    • Dead Justice (3?)
    • M3E Plastic (3.  Does it come with variant heads still?)
    • Miss Terious
    • Puppet Wars 1st Edition
    • Puppet Wars 2nd Edition

    And now the Los Meurtos versions.

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