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Everything posted by phreaker187

  1. Seems fun, would really need to swap it out against NB or other WP based crews though. Crews with high model count will also smother you with activations, but I agree in the right scheme it could be great. I like the idea of 2-3 Flesh Constructs, 2-3 belles, + filler a bit better personally though.
  2. Seamus IMO is one of the best masters in M2E. His crew is hard to take down, it has massive board control and can dish out a ton of damage. Seamus and Sybelle having Terrifying (living) is just icing on the cake. Lady J, right out of the box is outclassed in every instance. I've seen people win with her in 2E, but it was a far cry from the box set.
  3. This is correct. Each duel type is based on whatever stat each model is using.
  4. I don't have any nurses since I just bought in near the end of 1.5 and nurses weren't really any good. I'm planning on using that tactic as soon as I can get my hands on 1-2. I'll probably drop a Canine Remains and an extra SS and just plug a Nurse in.
  5. Because in the beta Joss or maybe it was Ramos had an aura upgrade that let armor reduce damage to zero making Pandora/Sorrow spam totally useless (not like it would work anyway). I think this upgrade was removed in the current release so Voices is pretty much useless right now. We could see something in wave 2 where it becomes relevant again. On a side note I would be shocked if Wyrd claimed both Misery auras stacked into a 2 point aura, they're both totally different sources. I wonder if the guy throwing around Justin's name caught the tail end of a conversation and took it as gospel.
  6. Played McM in a quick 35 pointer vs. Ramos last night and I was blown with how much damage McM can throw out. I played: McM -- Moonlighting, Evidence Tampering Sebastian -- Transfusion 3x Canine Remains Bette Noir Crooked Man Chihuahua Between Bette and Sebastian your core list is almost immune to any attack with . I mostly just used Canine Remains to bog down the enemy front line and drop a few markers on the way in, Crooked Man to toss out a few poison counters and be a valid ranged threat. The real heavy lifting comes from Sebastian dealing 3 poison damage instead of 1 to models within 6" of himself and McM turning the models killed by it into dogs. Save all of your SS for damage reduction and keep those 2 near the front line. With Scalpel Slinging back in full effect and +2 poison ticking for 6 damage a turn the crew can make short work of a lot of enemy crews. I'm impressed, not sure my opponent was though.
  7. 2.0 goes live in January across the board so I'm guessing January or February isn't optimistic at all.
  8. Her damage output is way lower. Most of the time in 2.0 you hit for weak and hers is only 2.
  9. I haven't played him much in 2.0. What's everyone running him with? I understand players in England are in love with him. I'm guessing McM Sebastian Nurse Construct Chihuahua Canine Remains. I used to run him with Bette, but she was hit hard with the cuddle bat in 2.0 so I think I'd rather save the points and spend them on something else.
  10. Pretty much all of NB requires upgrades to function at all. Lilith, Pandora, Lynch all need their signature upgrades to work. Zorida, is a little better off with her WP 10 and Obey, her signature stuff, on her base card. Even our Henchmen need upgrades to work (I'm looking at you Candy).
  11. I like the Sorrow in the list. I usually just hide it in some terrain and drop a few scheme markers with it. I like to hide it in the middle of the board and Lure models around it for a few extra pips of damage. There are really a lot of WP based duels flying around in the list and that damage adds up. Once I get one I can easily see myself swapping it out for the Waldegeist though, I think that offers more protection and utility in the long run
  12. I'm not sold on Addict over Expert Cheater, unless you're playing a fluff oriented theme list. You're damage dealers (huggy, illuminated) already get huge bonuses to models with brilliance on them so it's really overkill. I've played Lynch in closed and open Beta and am still playing him with the following load-out: Lynch -Woke up with a Hand -Expert Cheater -Rising Sun Huggy -Eternal Hunger 2x Illuminated 2x Beckoner 1x Sorrow That's 45 SS with 2 left over. On a sidenote I think Graves will be the Henchman since Huggy is already the enforcer
  13. Wanna See a Trick? Is so bad. Expert Cheater is so much better.
  14. With Candy/Pandora you wait for your opponent to move a model closer, hit it with Incite, then beckon/lure it closer to Candy. You get to pick when Incite triggers so you do it at the beginning of their turn while within 3" of Candy to paralyze a target for free. It's situational, but works great if you can lure an expensive target close enough.
  15. Crooked men are the way to go. I play McMourning with at least 2-3 every game. And no I don't play Von Schill because we all know he's broken.
  16. I've never lost with Pandora. I stopped playing her and started playing Ressers because of all of the complaining around the store. One the lists upgrade to Pandora + Doppleganger something seriously bad (ill timed black joker) needs to happen for you to even lose a model. Pandora's retirement game was an opponent board wipe on turn 2. There was an angry guy in the store that day.
  17. I'd personally like to see Lillith bumped up in power level.
  18. Someone in your meta buy Pandora and wastes you every game? Seems like a good way to start losing.
  19. Without violating the NDA from the beta I can tell you Justin's Edit: When you start with, "without violating the NDA" you're probably violating the NDA.
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