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Everything posted by Lancer

  1. Easiest Bodyguard and Protect Territory. Hardest Assassinate.
  2. I keep giving the SRM a new chance to prove herself but she always falls short of what an 8ss model should get you. For one stone more you can get a blessed december. The SRM really exists for Myranda to transform into. Lazarus with the arcane effigy gives a Condition Removal. I know its not the most powerful thing but adds a lot of utility which is what you need since he has great weapon already. I heard somewhere that condition removal will become a more prominent part to strong crew building.
  3. Lancer


    When are we going to see the restock hit our local game stores? I understand it depends from store to store but I was just wondering if there is going to be a delay overall. Want to know if i should jump on this opportunity or if wanting to support my Local Store is an option.
  4. Master: 10ss *This is for upgrades and totems. Totems are kinda like an extra master upgrade* Hench/Support: 15ss *This is for your henchman and their upgrades or some other form of support or synergy for your crew* Combat: 15ss *These are all the models that will spend most of their AP on Dealing Damage or gaining Map Control* Obj Runners: 10ss *These are all the models that will spend most of their AP on scoring VP or laying Scheme Markers* As far as how many upgrades goes it's the same as trying to figure out which crew works better against other crews. It comes down to: -Factions Declared -Terrain -Strategy and Schemes Example McMourning: If you find your crew lacking Objective Runners, Plastic Surgery is a great choice to give you that extra mobility. If you are lacking in the Combat area you may want to take Unknowable Pain. Also you should know i consider Canine Remains as Objective Runners and Flesh Constructs as Combat. Nurses and Sebastian fall under Hench/Support. It's less about how many upgrades you SHOULD take and more about using upgrades to improve a part of you crew that may be lacking. I find my best games are ones where my Master doesn't have a set job to do and can help where ever they are needed. If you are having trouble remembering Upgrades i suggest writing them down. Some times writing something can help you put it in your memory since you have to physically copy the text instead of just skimming over it.
  5. Jacob Lynch, because i feel like he is just hanging around playing cards the whole time while the hungering darkness does a lot more of the Scheming and Deviousness.
  6. Well i live in america so i could only find 1 inches and 1 1/4 inch dowels. Cut and sanded them down to 30mm. took about 2 days.
  7. Just wanted to show off my Scheme, Corpse, Scarp and Strategy tokens.
  8. From the album: Tokens

    Silver and shiny.
  9. Lancer


  10. From the album: Tokens

    Gld - Red Arc - Blue Res - Green NvB - Purple Out - Yellow 10t - Orange Grm - Brown
  11. From the album: Tokens

    Flesh toned with red spatters.
  12. From the album: Tokens

    The Squatter tokens are black on one side and white on the other, for the flipping. The Turf token is Gold. The Story Pieces, Gems and other Strategy are pink.
  13. I copied these line straight from the pdf file. Didn't change their spelling error, their being Wyrd. It just the wording makes it sound like it counts as a second activation, even though he gives all his AP to the target. So does this mean if you Alpha someone with regeneration he would heal?
  14. I just wanted to know if Marcus has regeneration does he heal an extra time from alpha? It says "This activation does not count as the target’s activation this turn, but does count as a second activation in a row for Marcus’s Crew." "Regeneration +1: When this model Activates it heals 1 damage."
  15. Played two games in a row as Misaki: Game 1: Misaki (10T) vs Seamus (Res) Squater's Rights Misaki schemes: Make them Suffer and bodygaurd(Ototo) Seamus schemes: Kill Protagee(Ototo) and set trap or something to do with a scheme marker. all unrevealed. i just did her box crew Seamus took 2 belles, Cybell, 1 Nurse, 1 Flesh Construct also it should be noted that we had a Ancient Monument (+2 Ca to any model within 2") that i placed near me. Basically I expect Ototo to be a very durable heavy hitter, confident enough to give Bodyguard and charge in and claim a squat maker. But Seamus was there waiting with his big gun and silly hat. 6 damage 1st turn and hard to kill saved me the 2nd. I then run back to heal at my shrine because needing a 6 is better than an 8. Ototo spends a turn or two just healing. I got back up to 5 Wd so i still got enrage. My friend really wanting the VP for Ototo he bring his flesh construct in just in time for me to strike and kill the flesh construct with Ototo. One classic Malifaux turn for the worst and Seamus' big gun was back with his stupid hat and got me down to 1 when i was slapped by a belle and died. Game 2: Misaki(Out) vs McMourning (Res) Turf War Misaki schemes: Assassinate and Break Through McMourning schemes: Distract and set trap or something to do with a scheme marker. all unrevealed. I went outcast taking Shang, Lazarus, 3 Torakaga, 2 void wretchling McMourning took Yippy Totem, Sabastine, 1 Nurse, 1 Flesh Construct, and 1 Belle, he focused on summoning it was brutal. So i don't care what you say "Scramble" (+1Wk/+1Cg,cost 2SS) is the best general upgrade Lazarus took it and Misaki. It gave Lazarus the speed boost to keep up with the action (the only thing i was kinda worried with him) and Misaki, whom i love, got a 6 Wk and a 9 Cg! with diving strike and next target... lets just say Break Through. So not only did Lazarus also kill the Flesh construct single handedly he did it at a distance and also hit Mcmourning with a blast. He also never once went under 9 Wd (out of 10). His Heal flip doesn't have a Cast required. The whole idea behind the enrage champs like Ototo and SRM look great on paper but the high Wds and hard to kill just don't give you the same sustain as Armor. But i save the best for last, last turn Lazarus kills the ratdog but also a nurse and a belle with 2 Ml attacks at moderate with them both flip/cheating a ram. Lazarus is everything i want Ototo to be but better. Same SS cost, and even though i lost out on a upgrade slot by taking an enforcer instead of a henchman was worth it to get Scramble.
  16. SOOO i have been playing Misaki by proxy, waiting and waiting to get that email saying they are back in stock. But when i went to offical malifaux site. Misaki's box set is not even listed. Now i know they are probable out of stock and that's why its not showing up but she is out of stock everywhere. Just wondering if anyone had any info as to when they tend to restock or *i hate to say it* are they putting the 1st waves box sets on hiatus till they release the 2nd wave.
  17. I have been playing marcus quite a bit lately. Marcus Jackalope Sabertooth Cerberus Razorspine Serpent Slate Ridge Mauler i have found that simply taking the model that you would have myranda turn into works a lot better. everyone suggests Silurid: they require no specific suit to do anything. plus with the ability to leap in with a 0 action and then do up to 3 attacks with blood frenzy. and to top it off if you dont get that extra attack you can disengage with another 0 action. Mailfaux Raptor: cheap only costing 2ss with crazy movement distance. but you will want this model to give models the beast characteristic till the end of game unless they discard a card. Giving marcus so much more power by being able to wild heart and stare down for both attacks instead of attacking once and then stare down and then attacking again. Night Terrors: also cheap great against ranged fighting teams. all 3 of these models i find work better when you take more than one. if your looking for another heavy hitter the Rouge Necromancy. which i am going to try the next time i play. basically combined the Sabertooth and the Razorspine. cost a huge 10ss but i am sure will be worth it before he dies. and trust me he will die because when you have a model like that he will be a main target. Marcus lacks range and area effects. keep that in mind.
  18. Thank you for answering so fast. i figured i was right its just things that you think should work simply don't due to the way everything is worded, but thats what makes rules >_< Although you can still take regeneration if you could reactivate a model, but i am sure you will always have better things to choose.
  19. Mostly in regards to Doppelganger if she Mimic Talents "Regeneration 2" does she gain the effects of this and heal 2 or does it do nothing because it says Regeneration only heals at the start of the activation and mimic talents end at the end of the turn?
  20. thanks man that means a lot! i want to try him out... but i am trying to work on a LoL strategy. Where you have to destroy a nexus of sorts... for scraps you have a defender and for brawls you both have one.
  21. I play khazix all the time so here is one that i am very proud of Kha'zix (NeverBorn) wk/cg Df Wp Ca Wd Ht Base 5/9 4 4 5 8 2 30mm Weapon Blade Spike Rg 1" Rg 8" Cb 6M Cb 5 Dg 3/5/6 Dg 2/3/5B Talents Evolve: After killing a target choose to gain one of the following and you may only gain 3 per game: -Blades:Blade +2 Rg and Issolated becomes +4 damage insted of +2 -Spikes: you may target up to two addition targets within 3" and +1 Dg -Leap:Cg +3 and +1 additional flip to your damage flip -Active Camo: when camo is actived gain hard to wound and you may use 1 ap and still not lose your camo. Unseen Threat: if you activate out of LoS of all enemy models causes your next time you damage an enemy they receive slow. Trigger Isolated: Blade(M) if the target has no friendly models more than 2" around you gain +2 damage Blades: Paired (2) Sky Dive: Ignore terrain when charging (0) Camo: gain soft cover as long as you only walk or pass and gain Unseen Threat
  22. I pictured there being more of a crossover between malifauxers and LoL players but i guess you win some you lose some... this was a flop... but maybe we can turn this into something still. I would love to see some other peoples made up model ideas... i mean just one would make me feel like less of a loser.
  23. If there is anyone out there that play League of Legends. I have been converting Champions to Malifaux Henchmen at the soul stone cost of 10. I have a lot done but i am only going to tell you a few. Warwick (Guild) Beast wk/cg Df Wp Ca Wd Ht Base 5/9 4 6 6 10 2 30mm Weapon Claw Bite Rg 2" Rg 1" Cb 6 Cb 5R Dg 1/2/4 Dg 2/3/5 Abilities Flurry (2) Triggers ®Hungering Strike [bite]: after hitting a target this target makes a healing flip. +1 Wd per Ram. Actions Hunters Call: (2) (8") All friendly models may make a strike with one target in melee range. Blood Scent: (0) Push a Cg towards a target that has less then half health. round up for odd numbers, 7 must have 4. Infinite Duress: (2) Charge a target. target gains slow. -------------------------------------------------- Master Yi (Guild) wk/cg Df Wp Ca Wd Ht Base 6/9 4 4 3 8 2 30mm Weapon Katana Rg 1" Cb 6R Dg 1/3/6 Abilities Regenerate 1 Triggers (RM) Double Strike [Katana]: After hitting a model make another strike. Actions (1) Alpha Strike: Make a Walk action and you may make one Katana Strike during this move. (1) Meditate: Make a healing flip. (0) Wuju Style: Next katana strike gains +1 to damage flip Spell (1) Highlander: [15/-/C] Gain Reactivate ----------------------------------------- Nunu (Arcanist) wk/cg Df Wp Ca Wd Ht Base 4/8 4 6 6T 12 3 40mm Weapon Yeti Fist Ice Blast Rg 2" Rg 6" Cb 6T Cb 5 Dg 3/3/5 Dg 0/1/3 Abilities Frozen Heart Weapon Ice Blast: Enemy gains Slow. Trigger (T) Consume [Devourer]: heals all Wd. Actions (1) Blood Boil: Lose Frozen Heart and gain Fast. Spells (1) Devour: [13TC/Df/2" Melee] Sacrifice target living Ht 1 model. (2) Absolute Zero: [13TT/Df/6" Pulse] Enemy models take 1/2/4 Dg. Also lose the ability to charge and -2 Wk. If you would like to see more just ask. Also i would love to hear any changes that you all have.
  24. most help comment you gain 100 points! what if we added some model that could keep up and provide cover... i know the slurids do this but i really dont want to use them. i like malifaux so much because i feel like no matter which models you have you always have a chance to win. i know that ramos' big robot has smoke screen but he cost to much and isnt fast enough to keep up. So if anyone knows a model like that i would love to know. also a beast with a drag or toss would be great. to get models singled because his crew is meant to pray on the weak and the lone. i just want myranda to work so much... i mostly just use here to revive one of my beasts (because i have no other best models and i like to follow the rules.) with the horrcat pride they seem like more of a dangerous distraction than anything else but that could give my other stronger models ready for a strike. just wanted to some up what i learned to see if i have everything correct. -Marcus is best played with lots of terrain. -Slurids are apparently a must have for Marcus. -Myranda never works. -Jackalope is the best model in the game.
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