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Everything posted by MunkyMuddFace

  1. My pledge this month shall be Burt Jebson (7SS), Colette (15SS), and a Moleman (4SS)*. Plus whatever round 2 Iron Painter turns out to be - assuming I choose a Wyrd model for this. *Pledge subject to change. I have a couple tourneys coming up, and I may decide that I need something bumped up in the paint queue. Pictures incoming, once I get home. Adding the (blurry) pic of my pledge:
  2. Finished my original pledge: Miss Deed (10 SS), Kentauroi (8SS), and Miss Demanor (7 SS) for a total of 25 SS. Things changed with my Iron Painter stuff, and it will not be complete today, so that will tack onto October, I guess.
  3. I have been reading through the backlog of Chronicles stories, and found one that introduces Gwyneth Maddox. Issue #15 - Your Lucky Day.
  4. I have been quiet this month, but quietly (and slowly) working on my pledges. Here is a WIP of the Centaur! I have also jumped in on the Iron Painter contest. Is it cool if I use my Iron Painter models as pledges for the last couple months?1 (since this Monthly gig is not sponsored and has no prize payout, I see no issue) I may still paint bonus models for this, depending on how many SS I paint for Iron Painter... This is what I am working on for Iron Painter: The theme is OSL. The Magic overhead will be a rainbow (aggressive, but I think I can pull it off)
  5. My vote is for The Judge. Or, the female Executioner.
  6. My pledge for this month will be: 1 x Kentauroi - 8SS 1 x Miss Deed - 10SS 1 x Miss Demeanor (Convict Gunslinger) - 7SS
  7. August pledges finished! I was also able to rip through the Brotherhood of the Rat boxset. August Pledges: Jaakuna Ubume, Jack Daw, Scion the Void, Rat King - a total of 37SS! Jaakuna Ubume. I lost one of the partially drowned heads in the carpet Not too noticeable though. Jack Daw - the 1.5 Malifaux mascot! I love this old metal sculpt. Scion of the Void. I was trying for a "void magic" look on her extended hand... Rat King - the King in Yellow. Brotherhood of the Rat. This was a serious quick and dirty paint job. Aside from the Yellow Rat king, everything else was painted in one night. Even the Pickle Rick rat. While painting the yellow Rat King, I felt like I was painting with mustard... so the other Rat King was painted red for ketchup. So that is a total of 73SS painted this month. 37 for my pledge, plus 36 for the brotherhood box (I made sure not to double count the yellow rat king)
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