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Everything posted by HoboDevil

  1. Ashigaru, Drowned, Molly and Vultures mostly. As far as other factions go, Killjoy and large steampunk arachnid would be nice too.
  2. Bumping, added a price for the lot. Will entertain all trade offers though!
  3. Yeah, that spooked me a little at first. "Bigger" games seems like it'll be less skirmish at first. But it'll be the same thing. We'll just be paying more for models. They mentioned a lot of 4ss models going up to balance out low cost dudes. So it'll still be the same "35ss" game just with a bigger name.
  4. Fetid, could you elaborate on why the Doxy is bad? I've been hiring in a suite of 2 Rotten Belle and 1 Dead Doxy and the Doxy has done very well for me. Perhaps I am missing some key fact because I am new. She has range, which is something I am happy to see in a Resser and her 0 action is really solid for movement and an occasional Seduce/free attack. I rarely get the Seduce off, but that's not really been a huge fault. She's tough, doesn't do wretched damage, has range and is pretty hard to take out. I have nowhere near as much experience in the game as most players, though. So I could be totally off base. I am just curious why you consider her defunct. Also is the CCK worth taking for Seamus's scheme with him? You'd have to burn a high card to hit and probably another to kill something but is that worth 2VP? (Curious.)
  5. Yin, the Penangalan is pretty sweet in a Seamus crew. Float, pretty sweet mass of viscera ability giving all attacks against her a negative flip, Anathema and she can give something with Terrifying Anathema. She gives out WP penalties in melee and has a pretty sweet set of triggers and such. Not to mention she's the purdiest lady in the crew! Haha.
  6. I honestly feel that Seamus's alt model will be extremely hard to improve upon. I friggin' love that model. Who knows though! I'm just stoked. I'll end up buying the Seamus box for plastic Belles though, probably. Haha. Hell, I'll probably go into a frenzy at Gencon, buy everything and starve to death in an alley in Indy. What has me curious is the idea of new models for avatars. That could be gnarly, but I fear that their price would still be 35$. Hopefully they'd be in the same boat as all the plastic one piece models though...Hopefully. New aSeamus model carrying Sybelle in his arms all romantic like. Wouldn't that just be daw'lin?! Haha.
  7. You guys rock. Thanks so much for all the advice. Tomorrow is a day I plan to dedicate to painting, so I will have more janky photos for you to scoff at! Also starting a project...The Resser master I use 9.5/10 times is Seamus, and I like Toshiro, but see....He just doesn't fit. So I'm going to Purdy him up! Going to give him a "Belle of the ball" theme, haha. Same will probably go for Yin of course...
  8. I have only used Ramos in a few games, but I used him with aRamos and loved it. From what I saw, aRamos transfers a bit from mage to melee leviathin. A 0 action using scrap counters to give himself various bonuses and some pretty cool melee triggers/damage arc. (I am always worried about posting specifics about model stats, not yet sure if it is taboo or not.) I loved him, though. In the 3-4 games I played with him, I used Ramos to ping people with magic and protect my stuff until I wanted grenades. Then aRamos dealt with big guys/masters or other stuff that needed way more than just two silly hands!
  9. Alright, I've looked around the site a bit and I just don't see a place to download it all. I am dumb, so there's probably a big button somewhere but it is what it is. Also, is Vassal a program to allow playing Malifaux online? Haha...Yeah, dumb. If so, that's friggin' gnarly!
  10. Sweet! Thanks for all the info. Though I see you guard the secrets of your witchery carefully... Couple questions regarding advice. Dry brushing...Seems this is a simple thing, but it completely eludes me. Am I incorrect in doing it as a last step? It was suggested to do it after the base coat (Which I had also been skipping. I've been priming black then painting all the details.) and THEN do the details. That could be a big part of my error(s)! Also how can I keep the paint from getting that inelegant clumped look on the edges of some of my minis? Namely the yellow Belle in the pictures. Am I painting layers on too thick? Could someone explain to me the purpose of "Glazes" in paints? Thanks again!
  11. Alrighty, so I finally borrowed a digital camera so I can embarrass myself with showing you guys my asinine skills. My camera sucks. My painting sucks, and yeah. Anywhoo, if you guys could offer some advice that would help my painting suck slightly less I would be stoked! Also, how do you guys learn your insane-painting-witchcraft? Seriously. That's crazy.
  12. Don't forget that it's extremely relevant to at least break even rather than just give something away. I don't think it's so much an issue of "Let's make a tiny profit!" so much as "Let's make enough money to print more!" (Also, in like six years when 3D printing becomes easily accessible and cheap enough to do often...Do you think threads like this will pop up for models? I'm lookin' at you, Mindless Zombies! Hehe...)
  13. I'm sure it's already been stated a zillion times, and I apologize for being redundant. However, I am happy to buy the faction decks and I see them as a good thing for newer players and whatnot too...(And I am really friggin poor, so it's definitely not because I can willy-nilly purchase.) I don't have all the models, and I constantly fear buying "Model X" because I am poor and if it sucks or I hate how it plays them I am just boned. Having the faction deck lets me know what I am buying, which rocks. Also, printing off all the stat cards (At least in color) would be lower quality and probably cost more than just buying the decks to begin with... Now, if Wyrd sees this post and wants to buy a heap of used laminator sheets, feel free to buy them from me. I accept pretty much any currency. Even the imaginary kind.
  14. Do you still have the dead justice set available?
  15. That makes a lot of sense. I've not really played with or against Yan Lo so I have very little knowledge of the actual game applications of the abilities. My new stat cards should be in soon, then I can play Mr. Lo! Until then, everything I blurt out is coming from Seamus's perspective.
  16. Sorry if this is in the wrong spot, but if it is I imagine it'll get nixed soon enough. I'm curious if any of you artsier-than-me folk either have knowledge as to where/how to obtain things such as novelty corpse counters, soul stone tokens and such. I'd be willing to work things out with someone to have them crafted and buy them if that'd be possible (And not crazy expensive haha.) but any advice on where to pick them up or even "Hey, they aren't impossible to make! Stop being a whiny baby!" and advice on their construction would rock.
  17. Again, I'm no expert at all. However, "Can be" is something that can be applied to every model. Everything "can be" weak if your opponent has the appropriate resources and applies them accordingly...Though, I definitely see where you're coming from. If they are using those resources, hopefully at least burning cards to get through terrifying and spending activations to deal with Yin then isn't that a success as well? I like the idea of having dudes that your opponent has to actually put effort into dealing with rather than ignore for VP. I've always been of the mind that anything (Like Yin) that makes your opponent think hard will eventually make them either make a mistake or over extend. What has me curious, though, is the fact that she's 8 points. I habitually screw myself over taking a bunch of fatties and getting half the activations...I love Yin, but I do kind of agree in that she's a huge gamble. She can either rock the house or wiggle around on the floor and that's a harsh chance to take for 8 points. Sorry for long post. Lots of thoughts, lots of words.
  18. I feel bad chiming in to such a thought out post with such a redundant comment, but I disagree with her being fragile. In a game I played recently pretty much my whole crew got nixed right off. Yin's Mass of Viscera makes her ridiculously unsquishy from my experience. She managed to sandbag my crew pretty well against Marcus's onslaught of furry critters. I think she's very deceptively a tank in her own right. (Also I am dumb, so I could VERY easily be wrong, haha!)
  19. Howdy! Selling some of my unused crews to prep for Gencon, haha. All cards are laminated currently. I'll take 150 for all of the following, or entertain any decent offer for specifics. (Prefer not to ship out one model at a time, but will. You pay shipping of course.) Guild: Lady Justice Alt model Lady Justice Avatar (Crow is missing face part) Judge Ryle Arcanist: Arachnid Swarm Arachnid Swarm Arachnid Swarm (I also have the Large Arachnid Swarm card with them) Marcus (Painted, but not professional or anything) Myranda (Painted decently) Outcast: Von Schill Neverborn: Marionette Marionette Lelu Lilitu Teddy Ressers: Kirai 2 Seishin Ikiryo
  20. Sweet! That's a lot of advice! It's certainly been a fun read. Especially the pull my finger thing, that was a swell find. I only own one Drowned, but I will have to try it out now. As for the beatsticks, I have most of them but not Killjoy. I'm not familiar with that one at all, could someone give me a brief run-down of why I should pick him up? Also, this question is more of a general one than a Seamus one I suppose, but it's something that I am in a great deal of conflict with myself on... I read all the time about how important it is to be able to win the war of attrition, especially as a Resser. Having the numbers to out-activate your opponent being key. I rarely do, though. Most of my matches with my Resser crew have been against Collodi and Gremlins who dominate me pretty hard in numbers. I'd like to know your opinions on Quantity v Quality. My example will be 5 Canine Remains or 1 Izamu. I often find myself with more >5ss models than the cheaper side and I wonder about that. Teach me ol' wise ones! Aaaand one more question. Would it be better to run one Hanged or Jack Daw? Ignoring the 2ss difference. Just curious about that too. (Very curious in general.)
  21. So I flipped through a few pages of the Resser section and there doesn't seem to be much discussion on Seamus. I'm aiming to fix that! I adore the fluff of Seamus, so I picked him up a while back and since I haven't been able to play Yan Lo I decided to play a few games with Seamus. So far I love him. Now, take everything I say with an entire pack of salt. I'm new, I'm easily excited and I'm pretty dumb. So yeah. Now for questions: 1) Is it pronounced "See-muss" or "Shay-muss"? 2) Is the Hanged bad or am I bad? 3) What are some good models to help maximize the neatness of him? I currently play 35ss games and although I vary a bit, I always take 2 Rotten Belles, 1 Dead Doxy, Grave Spirit and I intend to always take Yin. I do like the whole terrifying thing but I don't want to rely on it because non-living dudes just point and laugh until I cry myself to sleep in a shower. 4) General advice. You people know stuff, I don't. 5) I like the number 5. (Remembered the question and edited!) Does Anathema work on non-living dudes that do not have Anathema? Or is that a no-go? Thanks a ton in advance for any and all information and any neat conversation!
  22. Hey, I popped on to see what people thought of Willie and apparently not a whole lot! Haha, so I figured I'd throw out the line and see if anyone bites... Things to keep in mind: 1) I am dumb. 2) I am noob. 3) I am very biased because Willie opens up an absolute trove of puns of a certain stature... I really like Willie, but I kind of want to know how the more seasoned players feel. I am also not sure how much of what's on the card I am within rights to post so yeah... I like it a lot that he is just six stones and can lob his good stuff even without LoS and his Dropped Load and Wheel barrel of doom abilities are a ton of fun, but soon I am competing in my first tournament so I am curious where the competitive line gets drawn on a model. Like Willie. Thanks for all your knowledge!
  23. That's probably the most welcoming response I've ever received in a gaming community! I'm touched, thanks so much for all the help! Haha. To quote the wise Cartman "Screw you guys, I'm goin' home!" Haha.
  24. Howdy. I'm a new player and I have questions, haha. Funny story with it, though. I decide "Hey, I wanna play Warhammer 40k!" So I go out, spend sickening amounts of money on Tyranids. Paint them all up pretty, build the ninety-gazillion dudes and play some games. Some nightmarishly complex, buckets-o-dice, obscurely long games that I simply hated. My buddy had been talking about Malifaux for a while, going on about how simple and whatnot it was. So I got on ebay and snagged a Zoraida box. Played a game, friggin' loved it. Short, sweet, no dice, fluff is fun and so on. So that's that. I have several questions now. Enjoy! 1) I want to put together 4-6 crews. Why? I'm dumb and a prodigy at wasting money mostly. Secondly because the VAST majority of my playgroup = Me + Girlfriend. So it falls to me to buy the crap and whatnot. I want a decent variety of playstyles and themes as well as enough to still play "competitively" at events. So far I have (Or am close to having): Zoraida box set + Spawn Mother and 1 Gupps. Also 1 Voodoo Doll. Jakob Lynch box set + Tannen and Mr Graves. Rail Workers Box Set + Rail Golem Leveticus box set + Lazarus + Desolation Engine + 1 more Waif. My girlfiend is gungho about Perdita. So what should I pick up for that? I also want to get Ramos and eventually either Nicodem or Seamus. (Probably Seamus) As well as also having a decent variation of crews and I love playing Leveticus so any advice pertaining to any of this would rock some serious socks. Thanks, sorry for the long post.
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