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Everything posted by D-A-C

  1. Looking at it now, that's probably what I'll do, thanks. Its fixed crew and lists because no-one has more than one crew except for me and another guy who can pool our resser resorces and run Nico, Seamus (I think that's who he is using) and McMourning (me). In terms of strategies and schemes I haven't got all the details yet, but I'm pretty sure its 3 rounds: Round one involves personally chosen strategy and Master schemes. Round two involves random but shared strategy and the schemes must be announced. Round three involves random different strategies and player decides to announce or hide schemes. In terms of models I own or have access to McMourning, Sebastian, x4 Canine Remains, x3 Crooked Men, x3 Necropunks, x3 Guild Autopsies, Bete Noir, x1 Flesh Construct, x1 Rogue Necromancy, Zombie Chihuahua, Thanks for spotting that. Unfortunately I don't have access to a Belle although I can definitely see how one could be useful, pulling models towards Doc or particularly Sebastian. That is awesome, thank you. I will do this first turn and then depending on the strategy/situation/opposing crew I will either summon a Rogue Necromancy or a Flesh Construct and keep the exceess bp's. Just a quick note, the reason I took the Guild Autopsy was to fill out the last SS's and because he was going to tag along with Sebastian and his dogs, shoot and wound something, and this would then allow all three dogs to use Bloodhound to finish it off. Was that a viable tactic or a waste?
  2. Hey everyone. My gaming group is having a (friendly) 25ss Tournament in a couple of weeks, and unfortunately, alot of people are showing up with crews that I was going to play (Lady Justice and Seamus), so I have decided to run a McMourning crew and I was just wondering if I could get a little feedback on my choices as I am still relatively new to Malifaux and have never used the good old Doc before. My Crew is: Dr McMourning w/ Zombie Chihuahua - 1ss Bete Noir - 9ss x3 Canine Remains - 6ss x1 Guild Autopsy - 3ss Sebastian - 6ss 6ss Cache (1 Flesh Construct waiting to be summoned) My first turn plan was to summon a Flesh Construct out of the Chihuahua by: 1. Exchanging 1ss out of the 6 available to gain 1 body part (bp) 2. Move the Chihuahua 5" 3. Use Wracked With Pain on Chihuahua = 2bp 4. Trigger Scalpel Magic to kill it (so I get free 5" movement for McMourning), gaining 1bp from A Piece for Me and 1 Corpse = 5bp 5. Summon Flesh Construct It might be more efficient to use Canine Remains in the process, but this way I have exchanged my Chihuahua and 1ss for a 5ss Flesh Construct, have moved Doc 5" and have all three dogs at full strength to accompany Sebastian and the Guild Autopsy. Meanwhile Doc can now tag along with his Construct for protection, and Bete Noir can wait in the wings to strike. Also, for what its worth, the tournament consists of around 8 players who are all new to the game like me, so advanced soul stone use and tactics shouldn't be a real feature, and in fact, I am betting that this kind of summoning tactic might be the most advanced tactic used if I manage to pull it off lol. What do you guys think? This is all theory Malifaux as I've never used the models before, but I'd love to know if there are any improvements I can make to my crew selection and my summoning strategy? Thanks.
  3. Thanks for the tip, I've updated my profile a bit. I'm actually hoping that a few in my gaming group would consider playing some Malifaux, so I'm kind of hoping that if I turn up with a nicely painted crew, a couple of terrain pieces and a decent grasp of the rules that maybe it will inspire a few people to switch over as well. Yeah I hear you! I'm a long time Daemon player, but after seeing Malifaux I'm really re-considering 40k. I'm hoinstly already tempted to switchover permenantly because it would save me a boatload of money as I could sell my existing models to fund the switchover and come well out ahead, in terms of space and transport its much easier with the exception of some extra terrain needed, and it just seems alot more fun being able to do things like cheating on cards and going after a variety of objectives etc. But maybe I'm jumping the gun a bit. In 40K was mainly a story player and never really enjoyed the highly competitive scene, but unfortunately fluff rarely makes its way onto 40k battlefields, especially considering how often Space Marines are fighting each other! I also like how much of a smaller scale Malifaux is, so you can focus alot more on painting a single model well, its more character driven and even starting a new crew from time to time wouldn't break the bank if you planned it right. But anyway, thanks for the friendly welcome Dorian and Rameses, as I'm sure you both can tell from my rambling response I'm excited to have discovered a new and enjoyable gaming system.
  4. Hey everyone. I'm thinking of buying my first crew in the next day or two, but I've read in a few places (including this forum) and spoken to people who have mentioned that the Malifoux models are being converted from metal to plastic (or some maybe have been already?). So I was just wondering should I hold off and wait for new kits to be released, or is that going to be a long way off yet? I was going to buy the Seamus' Red Chapel Boxset, but if I thought that in a couple of months it would be getting re-released in plastic I would hold off, but if it is likely going to be 6+ months or more then I'd like to push ahead and purchase it and get gaming. Also, I have an instinctive dislike of working with metal due to my experiences with GW as their metal figures were often a b*tch to assemble and often required pinning, so I'm just wondering how you all feel about working with the existing metal Malifaux models and if your happy with the switchover?
  5. Hey everyone I'm D-A-C I'm a long time Warhammer 40k player (and member of Heresy Online in case anyone else is too) who has recently come across Malifaux. I had never really considered ever playing other gaming systems, but after trying a game I became almost instantly hooked. I've always been big on fluff and stories so I love all the unique characters and models available in Malifaux, and I like how two crews can have completely different objectives, rather than just standing and shooting one and other (although they can still do that too!) I also like how its on a much smaller scale than 40K so it costs alot less to begin with, is easier to transport for gaming events, and is easier to paint as you can focus on a small selection of detailed and great looking models rather than painting masses of the same models. I'm a huge fan of style and rules for Seamus, so I will more than likely have him as the Master of my first crew, but if I'm honest, I'll hopefully one day have all the ressurectionist crews as they are my favourites (although I do have a soft spot for Lady Justice and Perdita crews). Enough about me though, let me just finish by saying hello to all you other members. Hello.
  6. Hey everyone. Until very recently I had never even heard of Malifaux (I was living in the sheltered world of WH40K), but after trying a game at my local gaming group I have become hooked as I enjoy that it's more character/story driven than 40K, is set on a smaller scale which allows for a more intimate engagement with whats going on (and makes it easier to transport and spend £ on) and yet still retains a really competitive side aswell. Anyway, leaving that aside, despite enjoying the look and playstyle of several crews I have decided to make Seamus and his Rotten Belles my first crew. But before buying my models I have a couple of quick questions: 1. I'm not too sure what SS level to start at. I was thinking of aiming for about 25 SS, as that would be small enough to learn with, but would be big enough to buy a few of the more 'exciting' models as well. What do you think? 2. I'm looking for a fluffy yet competitive enough Seamus crew so I was thinking of the following purchases for a 25SS list: Seamus w/ Copy Cat Killer -2SS Madame Sybelle - 6SS x2 Rotten Belles - 8SS x2 Crooked - 8 SS 3SS (and x1 Dead Doxy model available for use when a corpse counter becomes available, so I can basically trade a Belle for a Doxy once it dies and save 1SS) I'm thinking this is a balanced enough beginner setup that has decent moving speed, is tough to kill, can manipulate some enemy crews, has decent close combat abilities, and has some nice long range firepower with Sheamus and Copy's .50s and both Crooked Men's Shafted/Cave In. What do you guys think? 3. I haven't yet got any of the books that tell the back stories of the various crews, so I was just wondering what you all to be consider 'fluffy' Seamus choices? I know you can make it up yourself, so for example at some point when I'm used to the rules and want a bigger crew I will definately be getting an Onyro because I love how the models look, so I have already thought that it could be the spirit of an Asian Geisha who worked at the Brothel that Seamus butchered and so is eternally bound to the misery she experienced there. But I was just wondering what you all consider to be the more likely minions that would feature in a Seamus crew aside for the obvious Belle's and Madame? 4. Is Seamus one of the more popular crews in Mailifaux. The reason I'm asking is because if he was overplayed ala Space Marines in 40k, depsite how much I like his crew, I would consider switching over to McMourning or even Karai as I tend to enjoy fielding armies/crews that aren't overlypopular or flavours of the month. So as a beginner to Malifaux those are all the questions that I'm stuck on at the moment. Basically I'm thinking that in order to get started I'll buy the Red Chapel Gang set, a box of Crooked Men and a box of Dead Doxy's, but if I've missed anything or there would be better choices available I'd appreciate any and all comments and critiques so that I can alter my first purchases. Thanks D-A-C.
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