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St. Murphy

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Everything posted by St. Murphy

  1. Outside the Box is about an hour down 95 from me. I'd definitely shoot down there on a Saturday afternoon. The rest of this month is pretty packed, but we could probably get something together for next month. Sounds like you're in the right range to get Hussar in on it too. PM me if you want to make some plans.
  2. Please add me to the list St. Murphy North Brunswick, New Jersey The Only Game in Town (Somerville,NJ)
  3. Welcome to the 'faux. What LGS do you hang out at. I'm over at The Only Game in Town over in Somerville somewhat regularly, but there aren't any malifaux players there. (Very strong GW and PP groups though) I'd be down for visiting another FLGS for some games.
  4. 1. Finish my anarchists (1 model needs paint. 4 need basing) 2. Aquire one of the new starters and paint/base it. 3. Demo some games at my FLGS and try and drum up some interest. 4. Get in 25+ games for the year. (I don't get out a lot)
  5. I totally forgot about the min 1 damage! Thanks for the clarification.
  6. Does armor reduce the damage from each attack or the total damage a model takes in a turn? ex. My metal gamin was hit by a fire gamin's spit magma attack for 2 damage. The FG hit his trigger causing a Burning +1 on the MG. Metal Gamin have armor +2 so that cancel's out the 2 damage from the attack. Then in the upkeep phase the MG will take 1 damage from burning. Is that canceled out by armor, or has armor already been used up for the turn? Similarly, if the MG was damaged by a second model in the same turn, does armor come into play again, or has it already been "used" that turn?
  7. Just got my confirmation email this morning, so keep an out.
  8. Also good to note that the 2e rules for the models were broken into wave 1 and wave 2. Wave 1 is included in the Rule book and in card form in the Arsenal packs. The rules for rest of the models will be in wave 2, but can be accessed in their beta iterations here.
  9. I'm a bit under the weather so I won't be heading over tonight. Definitely next week though.
  10. I'm heading over to the Strategist this Thurs (12/12) for some Malifaux. Anyone want to get in a game?
  11. There sure are. Try these out. I just printed them up last night. They're great! There's also a page with some other references and counters. I'll find the link and post it up for you. Here's the page with counters. Print them at original size and the blast templates are 50mm.
  12. I got to go with Mike3838 on this. p 52 directly above Burning, middle of the first column: "Unless otherwise specified, all Conditions are removed from a model at the end of the turn."
  13. I'm in! Wish I had enough for the full town, but the starter perk will have to do for now. I'll just add on to the rest of the town over time. Can't wait for the victorian terrain as well. Count me in for that one too.
  14. I went to the Mighty Titans Hobbies and Games website and it said the store is closed until further notice. I assume this is not entirely true since you seem to be holding regular demos there. Perhaps you could shed a little light on the subject. As for this week, I won't be able to make it, but if Thursdays are your regular Club night, I'd love to stop by later in the month or perhaps in January for a couple of games.
  15. I've been over to the strategist a couple of times now. Got a great demo from Andrew last month and found a fun pickup game last week. Considering the premium on space in manhatten, I don't think it's unreasonable to charge $5. My only problem is that they only do it on Thursday nights. Come January, I won't be available on Thursdays anymore. Anyone interested in meeting up for a game on a different night or a Saturday afternoon send me a message. I'm over in Hoboken, with plenty of space, and it's real easy for me to come into the city via the path.
  16. I'm across the river in Hoboken, so it's pretty easy for me to get into the city for a game. Just recently got into Malifaux (been collecting GW for a few years). Got a great demo from Andrew at the Complete Strategist. (He's also going to be running Malifaux events at the warstore weekend, next month in East Brunswick, NJ.http://thewarstoreweekend.com/ Check it out. He's a great guy and knows his stuff.) Anywho, I'd be down for meeting up for a game.
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