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The Godlyness

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Everything posted by The Godlyness

  1. The Godlyness


    From the album: Some of my malifaux minis

    nekima has been redone
  2. The Godlyness


    From the album: Some of my malifaux minis

    nekima has been repainted since this
  3. Gamer First and foremost. I dislike painting mainly do to 40k and having Guard and orks.......So many models....... I love the game and playing against other people. but when i do paint i try my best and take pride in my work, unfortunately my best is by far sub par compared to some people. (damn you internet for showing me up)
  4. Only Master's can Hire there specific Totems. so no Penelope can not be Hired by Nix.
  5. If some one says "Permissive Rules set" I will kill the internet. But on Topic there is nothing wrong with how it is worded. You can not purchase the upgrade because you don't have the Ascendant Characteristic. Its in the Rule book under Page XX hiring crews purchasing upgrades.
  6. i will and Shall always be Jealous of Good painters. i wish i had the talent and not the shaky hands of too much caffeine.
  7. for some reason i cant edit anything. Might be cause i dont actually own excel but i can view it. Grumble
  8. They MUST be wrong for Disagreeing with me!!!!!!! I AM ALWAYS RIGHT!!!!! That aside, a 13 stone Glass cannon will make it in my list if my Strategy's and Schemes say i need to kill things. Hiring her for objective games seems like a waste when i can hire 3 tots and sprint where i need to be. Is she good Yes. Is she Bad Yes. is she ugly..... Everyone has their preferences. (well don't say it to her face) The same can be said of ANY model. A jackolpe has killed Many of my models and my teddy has failed to do things at other times. But that is Malifaux where Wyrd things happen.
  9. its still an action. you are Targeting and if the model is engaged with another within 2" you will randomize.
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