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The Godlyness

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Everything posted by The Godlyness

  1. Which only nets you 2 points since its after turn three. Never Ever take assassinate on levi. It's just a waste. If you can kill all the Waifs through all luck or skill and then get rewarded with only 2 points is disheartening.
  2. Nihlistic models are not immune they just don't care enough to have one. If they don't want it. Hamlin and nix are self serving like that.
  3. pg 65 of the small book says nothing about being in play or not, you just can not hire (or summon) more than the rare value. so if a rare one model is buried you can not summon that model. in 1.5 you could do shenanigans but not so much in 2
  4. Collodi hiring options If you choose 4 effigys the other effigys disappear from the list. unlike infiltration he is allowed as many puppets as he wants not the limited 4 Actually works with any of the puppets, take 4 mannequins and cant take anything else its only allowing 4 puppets out of faction
  5. I am Trying to be very nice see smiley faces and such. But to contemplate deploying out side of your deployment zone without From the Shadows, to get that extra few inchs to be that much hard core comes out really really....Gamey. If some one tried this anywhere near me i would sit down with them and try to understand the thought process of what your thinking. and then probly make fun of them in such a way that everyone including them is laughing and having a good joke about it.
  6. The internet is now going to die. It's blood is on your hands. Might take a few years bu t its downfall is assured.
  7. I dont even know why i am arguing guess i should be happy. DF6 master with built in protection. seems good to me so Heck don't care to argue anymore since i play Hoffman alot.
  8. You and i see that. But they dont. They see can't use the suit from the model that you are "looping" from but can use your own if you have one.
  9. ? if he is using his DF 3 :tomes their is no question he is using his own stat. the question was whether or not he keeps his suit when using another models Stat Which i Say a firm no. You are no longer using Df 3:tomes you are using DF 6 nothing power loop states use the Numeric value. does not say use the numeric value and the suits you have already.
  10. Enforcer means can Take an upgrade. He is a Woe. He Loves the upgrade Depression. First glance depression does not seem ok. Then you read the (0) Action. discard a low crow card. So now you have a Df 7, Ml 7, CG 8 Model with a damage track of 3/4/6 and slow Now if the model is engaged you have a Track of 5/6/8 and slow. For 8 soul stones. Kade does work, is he fragile can be sure. but he is just a baby so come on now. yep super not good the worst will never kill nor accomplish anything. /end sarcasm.
  11. I disagree. You use the Numeric value. you get what ever suits you flip/ burn SS for. "At the start of a duel, this model may use the printed numerical DF, WP, CA, SH, or ML (ignoring suits) from another friendly model with Power Loop instead of it's own." You are using that Stat from the borrowed model. you are not using that Stat plus The Stat on the model(which in hoffman's case includes a suit.) The last part of the sentence is the key. you use it instead of its own. You no longer use 3 :tomes you use in this scenario the guardians 6 nothing.
  12. How many people from the forums will i have the pleasure of meeting and Hopefully competing against? I am the last 1.5 avatar now hopefully i can be the First M2E master lol. and then at gencon be the first m2e avatar. Ah such high expectations i have
  13. But Please do make fun of all of my minis. More will be posted later this week. i might even use a camera not my cell phone http://wyrd-games.net/community/user/22665-the-godlyness/ under Gallery
  14. From the album: Some of my malifaux minis

    random geist is photobombing
  15. From the album: Some of my malifaux minis

    the Poltergeist is there because he got painted off handed
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