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Everything posted by DeadManTalking

  1. So just to clarify. If I target a model with Terrifying, I take the Terrifying check, then my opponent declares TTH and switches the attack to a new model. The new model cannot benefit from any of its defensive abilities as it technically isn't the target of the attack even though the ability says it's the target of the attack. Is this correct?
  2. I do not understand the ruling on abilities that change the target of an attack such as Take The Hit. Every bit of the phrasing of all abilities involved would make you assume that things like Terrifying, or Vengance, or any other defensive abilities that trigger when targeted by an attack would also be triggered here by the new target. So say I have a Gwisin with Grave Spirits Touch standing next to Kirai and my opponent declares an attack against Kirai. I declare the use of Take The Hit by the Gwisin and discard a card. As the new target of the attack why does the Terrifying from GST and subsequent Vengeance damage not trigger? Can anyone explain why this rules decision was made? What balance or brokenness is this fixing because overall it just a very confusing and unnatural ruling to me.
  3. Sadly I don't, we have been experimenting with adding more terrain. The board we faced off last time had 3 large forests and 5 large blocking pieces that cut off major sight lines down the middle of the board. The edges had the longest sight lines.
  4. I've actually played Schtook1 into this matchup a few times. My opponent tends to hang back a bit more then with a pit trap in right in front of Cooper so if Valedictorian trys to alpha then she's usually shot off the board before she can get off significant damage. I will say my luck has been God awful recently and my opponent has insanely good luck like all the time.
  5. @DemiMurgos I appreciate the input, but I'm looking specifically for Rezzer answers not other factions. Being able to place down concealing terrain markers would be nice but I play around the terrain always. Cooper has very easy ways to get through concealment but it does mean he's not positive flipping the attacks so it does help to an extent.
  6. So typically he takes this list into games where at least scheme wise he can score his points without any of his minions and without having to travel far. If assassinate is in the pool he's probably taking this list. In the last game I faced him it was Break the Line and he took Assassinate and Detonate Charges. He will hide his dogs and the eagle behind the masters or run them so far down a flank that to go after them would mean overextending myself and likely exposing myself to Cooper if not Jedza as well. I am probably losing sight of the objectives at times, like I know I misplayed Vendetta in our last game which cost me, but this list is very oppressive to play against.
  7. I honestly hadn't thought of K2 even though I've played her a few times since getting back into Malifaux. I do like the idea for that list so may have to try it out. I don't have any experience with Seamus yet, I keep hearing good things about him but I can't see it just looking at his cards so I'll have to try him out at some point. Right now I have Kirai1&2, Yan1&2, VonSchtook1, Jack Daw1, McMourning1&2. As you can see the other issue is I have too many masters I want to play, so don't feel like I've mastered any of them lol.
  8. Ok so a friend of mine has been running a list that is just rough to play against so I'm looking for suggestions on how to counter play against it. His list is: Lord Cooper 3x Runaways Jedza2 Artemis Ullr 2x Vatagi Huntsmen Empyrean Eagle This is nasty if you haven't faced it. Cooper will kill any model that steps into his LoS. If you try to get in Cooper's face then Jedza mercs your attack piece. So you can't trade at range and getting in close is nearly as rough. Yes I know killing doesn't always score points, but it definitely stops me from scoring points if my models are dead. What are your thoughts on countering this list if you knew it was gonna be played regardless of scenario.
  9. Rules clarification question. If Yan obeys a model and triggers to give focus, does the model receive the focus before taking the action or after?
  10. I guess I just don't see what's so busted about him. He seems good, don't get me wrong but he doesn't seem game breaking in any way compared to some other masters I've seen.
  11. Yan2 is the next master I plan on learning after I've got more games in with Schtook1. Did you find anything particularly tricky about using Yan2? Were you using more AP on his gun or Obey?
  12. Good luck! Yeah Kirai2 is a very versatile master so depending on matchups you could probably play her all day if you want the practice. That's what I'm using my metas tournaments for right now since I've been out of the game for about 2 years.
  13. A couple of things I've learned over the years. As one of if not the best competitive tabletop game out there, my personal opinion, Malifaux has a very steep learning curve. The basics are easy to understand but to play at a competent competitive level it's going to take a while and a lot of getting beat up. This isnt so much advice as it is just a reality check of the game. But it sounds like your friend isn't deterred by that which is a good thing. Something that can help with this is focusing on a single crew. It may get boring at times especially if you are drawn to multiple crews. By sticking with a single crew for at least 5-10 games in a row, your friend will have the basics of the crew memorized and be able to start to see the higher level of plays the crew can perform. I too came from 40k so I know the pain of having to switch from a killing mind set to a scheming mindset. I think you can go about this in a couple ways, either A) build games so that they have a decent amount of killing involved. You'll be playing a lot of Turf War lol but it will let him play to his strengths. B) build games that have no killing whatsoever involved. This is sort of a brute force method that may or may not work. But if you go this route I'd make one game and play that same pool over and over so your friend can begin to see how to use his AP for things other than killing.
  14. Varies from game to game. If they are playing bubble crew it'll happen a lot more often. I've had games where I've nearly run out of models to summon and I wasn't even trying hard to get it. I've also had games where maybe I get 2 or 3 models the whole game. The summons are really more of speed bumps than anything else so if you get them great but if you are spending all of your ap trying to get summons off you'll likely run into issues.
  15. Kirai 2 is great! Her crew is very fast and can dish out damage fairly reliably. Ikiryo is still Ikiryo and will likely be one of your opponents first targets. Kirai2 is fantastic into bubble crews due to her Join Us ability, though don't lose sight of the game just to get it off.
  16. Normally I'd agree with you, but with McMourning's ability to effectively negate the cost of her action, or to gain further resources from it I don't see that to be wholly true.
  17. Bete seems like she would be good in a Mcmourning2 list. Haven't tried him yet but from what I've read he wants corpse generation anyways and then when Bete does her Rise Again trick he gets card draw or just replaces the marker.
  18. Hey, so I'm looking to start practicing Reva2 and one of the things I like to do when learning a master is build games that really play into their strengths. What would a game look like to you where you would say hands down you're taking Reva2? Lookin for strats, schemes, and potentially even when your opponent announces a certain faction or master.
  19. Some notes from the game! My List Kirai2 Ikiryo 2x Shikome 2x Onryo Goryo Gwisin Jaakuna My Opponent Jedza1 Sophie Surveyor The Damned Mikhail Intrepid Effigy Vernon and Welles 2x Hopeful Prospects Turn 1 Some posturing and lack luster attempts to kill each others beaters due to bad flips and hands. Ended with Jedza and her crew bubbled up behind the center Turf Marker Vernon and The Damned out on the flanks. Ikiryo and Jaakuna and gone in to try and put some damage in Mikhail but only plinked off a few wounds. Turn 2 More clashing around the center objective. I revealed my crews true power in this matchup when an onryo tried to use Mark of Vengeance on Mikhail. My opponent was able to cheat out of the duel and proceeded to one shot the Onryo off the table with a Hopeful Prospect rifle. The rest of the turn had me on the back foot but I was able to put more damage into Mikhail and threaten Jedza with my Gwisin who had some corpse markers to eat. I did manage to get an Enslaved Spirit summoned off Ikiryo charging back into my opponents crew. End of turn saw both us scoring the Strat but nothing else. Turn 3 This was the turn things really started to swing in my favor. Between the Enslaved Spirit and Kirai I ended up summoning 3 more models this turn. Goryo and Jaakuna were able to finish of Mikhail with Mark of Vengeance preventing Jedza from saving him. Ikiryo charged into the back field and was chain ganged around to get some of those summons. End of turn I scored Strat and the first point of Hidden Martyrs after my opponent killed off my Goryo. Turn 4 My opponent was running out of models to grab Turf Markers and I was just making more and more models with Join Us. Since it was getting late we decided to call it. I started killing my own Enslaved Spirits and dropping scheme markers for Breakthrough and my Hidden Martyrs Onryo was safe so it was looking like I'd end up scoring 7 or 8 VP and my opponent was only going to get 1 or 2.
  20. If you move Jaakuna while her aura is active does an enemy model that she moves near take the hazardous damage?
  21. @LinenMusician are there any key models in her crew that need to be taken out ASAP? or do you gun straight for her?
  22. Playing a game this evening against a friend. Never seen Jedza on the table before. So looking for tips against her. Strat: Turf War Schemes: Vendetta, Breakthrough, Claim Jump, Hidden Martyrs, Catch and Release. Would you take Kirai1 or 2 and what would you take with her? What are key things to look out for against Jedza and or to target in her crew?
  23. That's what I thought, just wanted to confirm. Thanks!
  24. For the purposes of determining the TN of the action, do upgrades count or is it just the base cost of the Urami?
  25. Hello fellow Fauxers, I took a long break from the game but ran into a buddy of mine that I used to play with all the time and it sparked the urge to play again. Just prior to my break I was planning on starting Rezzers so I'm planning on picking up the game again with them. When I opened the app to start looking over crews though I now see that Masters all seem to have 2 versions! I'm hyped about it but dont know where to start. I was a very competitive player as that was just the nature of our play group. So with that in mind, if you had to pick Rezzers top 3 competitive masters, who would they be, what version, and why?
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