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Everything posted by GlennM

  1. I also intended to use the Wamphyrs from Confrontation
  2. This will be a slow process, I have a few things I want to make that will likely be a challenge for me as I have never messed with some things (water effects for the bio tanks) Also, cutting everything and finding the time to paint it is a challenge. I don't have a lot of time to work at big projects, a few figures is easy because I can transport them, this all has to get done at home, which will take me a lot longer to really finish. However I appreciate the props, and feel free to stalk my blog, I am hoping to update it at least twice a week from now on, probably more like every other day. I'll have an update later today (after bed) actually, just nothing relevant to here.
  3. I'm having a hard time visualizing what you mean, however, I did play with doing these once upon a time, they work pretty well, and since they nest, they don't take up too much space, could easily fit them into a 2" tray More pics and info on my blog http://thefacelessking.blogspot.com/2010/05/some-simple-modular-ruins.html
  4. Working on a big Lab board right now, right now I only have two panels done (each is 1.5 ft.) and a bunch of mostly finished walls . . Got to get everything painted and start the more interesting detail bits. This shows a bunch of the more basic components, working on some big vats and such right now along with more piping sections. Construction details are on my blog. http://thefacelessking.blogspot.com/2012/06/lab-wip.html
  5. The dark green is actually Apple Barrel True Teal, but it's really old and is too thin. However when I paint figures that are primed black, I do a few drybrushes of grey to white, then paint over that, so I didn't highlight the Teal at all, the grey shades just show through. I tried to paint them similar to the default colors in case I got lazy and didn't finish the whole army (which is likely as I only have about 1/4 done) There isn't a single wash on this whole army with a couple of the earlier figures as exceptions (though I found drybrushing the glow effect easier and better) Every figure here is simply drybrushed up from black, with a few block colors, even those were painted loosely.
  6. So I got some cool bases in the mail and worked on a fair few more. I'd say I am around 1/4 of the way through my collection.
  7. Trying to aquire a copy of Hybrid and Nemesis, but that put me in the mood to work on my Dirz a bit, I only have a few metals, but piles of the plastics. So I took a brush to the lot of them. Working through the plastics will be a slow process, but hopefully it'll be worth it in the end. My Blog has more pictures, but deep down, the PPP Confrontation figures aren't that bad, they just need some love. http://thefacelessking.blogspot.com/2012/06/dirz-repaints-and-metals.html http://thefacelessking.blogspot.com/2012/06/dirz-and-15mm-sci-fi.html
  8. Those are some 1ft square tiles I made, they are made from MDF and wallpaper actually. I am however working on a Malifaux table. And Thanks!
  9. To be fair, I played the CRAP out of Chonopia back in the day, a great game, so yeah, good larger games have been done. Though Chronopia was maybe 30-40 models. Also Mighty Armies appears to be pretty fun (I haven't played it, though I do own a few forces for it.)
  10. Having two separate games, even in the Malifaux universe would be better than the consistent game size creep the Warmahordes suffered from. I quit playing pretty quickly after starting as I realized I couldn't afford to keep up. The original focus of a Warcaster, a few jacks and a couple regulars was cool, too bad they strayed from that.
  11. Vik's crew is all done! Here is Mr Hammerman with a group shot. Now here is Kirai's crew. I have decided I hate free handing, but I do like the finished product. I also attempted to make it look like her make up was running and smudged, not sure if it really looks like that though. I am still short a fig, and it looks like I may need to do a little touchup, but still totally playable. And lastly a figure from Shadowsea, I've got a few of these, I may proxy them in as I really enjoy the figures and have no other use for them.
  12. Hair colors on my girls are opposite, as they have different in game roles
  13. Thanks for the props guys, gonna work on Hammer man and Kirai's crew tonight. Though I noticed I'll have to buy a fair few other figures to make her useful. For now, to my cheap prepaint bin to find her proxies for her various summons Also working on some Shadowsea Amazons that are pretty sweet, I'll throw them up when they get done (They may wind up with priority, been wanting them for a while)
  14. I have a Silhouette cutter that I used for WWG terrain, but I feel like it is being under utilized. When making terrain boards, I wonder if it could be used for other things, such as roof shingles and the like. I have tried it a bit in the past, but my crafty skills do NOT translate well to a PC. But thoughts I have been having include things like sewer grates, wall designs (like carving foam into a brick pattern, then laying a pattern similar to the Terrainlinx City walls over top of it in layers to create a 3d effect), making fancy window frames in layers, etc. I think it would work really well, but my ability to design such things has proven crappy. Anyone else have any experience trying this, and want to share their GSD's? Or if maybe you are better with PC graphics programs, translate my rough sketches in to simple black and white pieces that I can then translate into the software and make cut files for. Just some food for thought.
  15. I tried to avoid too much with him without him getting bland. So I used a subdued purple and a pale greenish blue color to give him something. But it's still pretty mellow. I like how he turned out as well though, I was concerned he'd be awful when working on him.
  16. Here are my first Malifaux miniatures, not my first figures ever obviously. Generally I enjoy painting them, though the dude with the hammer may be on the road pretty soon. I'm not as good as many, but I feel I do well enough to get the point across. Vik's Crew I also have the Kiria Stater and will be getting to it fairly soon, I started picking at them experimenting with painting in only washes to try to increase the ethereal vibe, worked out well for one of the figures, probably not the rest. Also slowly working on a 30"x30" city table (fits my dining room table better than a 36" and that was how wide the insulation board I had left was)
  17. Ctrl + F5 should purge your cache. Generally works with stuck images.
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