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Everything posted by Jonasty

  1. Just finished my first Vassal game with Fubar, 20 SS test game Pandora(me) vs Perdita(fubar). Lost pretty handily! First impressions of Vassal are great! Once you get the hang of it, it's wicked easy to use and play with. Looking forward to many games with folks going forward.
  2. Vassal: Jonasty US EST Haven't got around to setting up Skype yet but I'm on Vassal. Read through the manual and I think I've got a handle on the how of the app, although the deck use is still a little wonky to me. Super excited for this!
  3. Haven't assembled the steamborg myself so I can't speak to which legs go where. For the base size issue, I've seen people base it with enough of the legs on it for support but then others that hang over the sides. It gives it a dynamic look while allowing for the mini to fit on the base. Just want to make sure the other legs are anchored well enough. When it comes to attaching the legs, most people will recommend pinning the model's legs and that's probably the best bet. I'm garbage at pinning. What I've found that works well for attacking limbs, etc is GW Green stuff. Put a small drop of glue in the socket, then put a tiny ball of green stuff in, then a drop of glue on the attaching limb. When you press the piece in, the green stuff holds the limb in place while the glue dries and it actually seems to harden really well. Super sturdy, I haven't had any problems with it. And the bonus is, the excess green stuff will squeeze out the sides from the join so you can scrape off the excess and it auto-fills the gaps that would normally be there anyways. Hope this helps.
  4. Someone mentioned this briefly in another post and it got me thinking. So I thought I'd ask it outright to those of you who've been enjoying the writing side of the forums for a while. Or even more so, a Wyrd employee if they see this. Has anyone approached Wyrd or have they ever announced any kind of interest in "official" publishing of Malifaux based works? If you or they have, what has the response been like? I'm curious as I am an amateur (i.e. unpublished) writer that has been exploring various options in getting some works published, mainly through self publishing ebooks. While I have a couple of novels brewing that are my own creations, I also have a desire to write in the world of Malifaux as the story behind the game is what drew me in the first place. That being the case, while I enjoy writing short stories of my own in the universe, with everything else I'm trying to accomplish I don't really have the resources or time to devote to a full Malifaux novel if there was no possibility of ever having it see the light of day outside of a fan fic on the forums. Now of course, there's no guarantee that anything I came up with would meet their standards or excite them enough to allow me to publish under their brand but knowing the option was there would be exciting and informative. I'll always have the Writing Forums and Iron Quill available which is great but I thought I'd see what further options were out there. Thanks.
  5. Tried using white glue for a water effect on some bases. Came out ok although not as happy with it as I was hoping, seems to have "fogged" a bit after it fully dried. Saw some bases in a game I played and she used hot glue for her water effects. Looked really good and seemed stable, so that might be worth a try.
  6. dgraz already posted the link above, but I can't stress it enough. If you're just getting started in the game, you gotta check the pullmyfinger site. It is unbelievably comprehensive and the single best resource for new players. It totally allows you to avoid buying the separate books 2, 3, and (soon) 4 by giving you at least high level descriptions of the available models, if not full in depth reports. The books themselves are awesome and contain a lot of sweet fluff but it can be hard just starting out to buy them all. The site also tells you what's legal to play for each Master so you can structure your purchases accordingly and not get stuck with a model that you don't have a master for.
  7. Love the crew. All the models are excellent and I think the terraclips inserts as basing is inspired. Makes me want to get my Pandora box painted up finally.
  8. All Hallow’s Eve Fright Fest 30ss Single Faction Gaining Grounds Domination format 3 rounds, 90 minutes each All Schemes are unique usage Round 1: Shared Destroy the Evidence Round 2: Shared Slaughter Round 3: Surprise Halloween Story Encounter (chosen by me from either the 2009 or 2010 releases) Location/Time: The Whiz Store, Westborough MA Saturday October 20th 2012, 12pm-5pm. (There will be a short break between each round.) General Rules for Participation: - Suitable non-Malifaux proxy minis are allowed as long as the appropriate stat card is brought and used. - If you don’t have the Version 2 update of an appropriate stat card, you must bring a printout of the version 2 card to use that model. Entry Fee: Free (The Malifaux community in the MA area is pretty sparse which I'm trying to rectify. So for this tourney, there will be some prize support although this first event is really to draw everyone back into the Malifaux community in the area and get interest piqued again. Dust off the cobwebs so to speak. If this event is a success, I’ll look into entry fees and more substantial prize support for future tournaments.) Please shoot me a PM if you want to RSVP a spot in the tournament or you can post it here. The sign up deadline is Monday October 15th. If anyone has any questions please feel free to ask. I’ll post any updates to this forum as necessary.
  9. Congrats to everyone who submitted. Even if you (we) didn't win the top spot it takes a lot of courage to submit something for the public to read. My first Iron Quill attempt and I'm already looking forward to the next one.
  10. I'm unfortunately going to have to cancel tonight's demo at Pandemonium in Cambridge as I think I'm starting to fight off a bug. If anyone had been planning on attending, I apologize and if you want to work with me to schedule something later that would be totally fine. Send me a PM and we'll get something put together.
  11. Just giving a bump to the thread to remind folks about the demo night at Pandemonium Books and Games on Thurs. Hope to see some interested new faces and start to build up the Boston Malifaux community.
  12. Just giving a bump to the thread to remind folks about the demo night at The Whiz Store on Wed. Look forward to seeing new people and doling out some Malifaux demo fun.
  13. Harris stared at the bright purple door, his face a mask of confusion. While he was confident he had never been here before, hadn’t stepped foot on this street in his life, there was something that felt familiar about it. Steeling himself, he grabbed the handle and pushed the door open into darkness beyond. ------ “Hmm?” “I said I’ve never understood why you don’t just go back to Richmond.” Vale looked over at Harris as they walked. “Your family’s got that plantation just waiting for you to run, a veritable gold mine of wealth that you simply have to choose to take. And you’ve got that sweet little number, what’s her name? She’s just waiting to throw herself at your feet and to your bed from what I’ve gathered from her letters.” Harris chuckled at his companion’s rather sugarcoated and crass view of the life he had left. “It certainly isn’t as easy as you make it sound to run the family business, let me tell you. And plantation is a generous term, farm is probably more appropriate. And if you’re referring to Leslie Mae, I’m sure I don’t have a clue as to what you’re talking about.” He laughed and slugged the man on the shoulder. “And I’ll thank you to stay out my mail you bastard.” Vale punched him back good naturedly as they moved along the street. “Well either way, it all still sounds like a vast step up from working for the Guild in this madhouse.” He gestured to the streets and buildings around them, as if to make his point. Harris looked around himself and took in the sights, sounds, and even smells of Malifaux and gave his friend a small smile that Vale simply shrugged off. Few people, especially his family, could understand his fascination with the city. He remembered his father’s anger when he had first told him his plans for going to the other side of the Breach, his mother’s sadness. He recalled Vale’s shock when Harris had truthfully told him why he had become a Guardsman in the Guild. Thankfully their new friendship was solid by that point and all Harris had to deal with was some constant playful ribbing. Naïve, innocent, foolish, he’d been called all these things but it still didn’t lessen the single drive behind his move to Malifaux. Magic. The pure beauty and romantic dream of magic. ------ Moving quietly through the building, Harris could see it was an empty home, one of many similar structures in this area. Peeking into the various rooms as he passed he saw only bare floors and hollow spaces. Yet his feet barely paused at the entrances, his steps carrying towards the stairs as if his body knew something that his mind had yet to connect. ------ Harris quickly learned that he didn’t possess the aptitude for magic, much more than a casual trick more sleight of hand than anything else. Yet it wasn’t the practice but simply the abundant existence of magic that called to him and he quickly decided that the Guild would be the right place for him. He didn’t necessarily believe in their staunch view of the control of magic but regardless it did allow him to surround himself in all things magical by living in this grand city and being around those who could work wonders. That was what had led him to this point, standing in front of the bright purple door that Vale knocked against now. They were investigating the rumor of a rogue practitioner, an Arcanist if the rumor was to be believed, that had taken up residence in this home. There was nothing solid to indicate anything, there never was. But people had complained of strange noises and sights for the last week or so and it had not received much notice. Not until the first person turned up missing. Now it had the Guild’s attention. With no answer to his pounding, Vale grabbed the handle and turned, finding the door surprisingly unlocked. He turned to Harris with a grin. “Certainly do appreciate when they’re thoughtful seditionists.” Harris smiled back in return but kept his hand on his weapon all the same as they entered. Arcanists were a secretive and protective lot and they had been known to quickly turn violent when cornered. ------ Moving along the upper hallway, he flinched at every creak of the floor under his feet, his head a swivel that spun at the slightest noise or sight. His unease only grew as his body continued to carry him forward despite his brain still being unable to piece together how he knew this place. The door at the end of the hall stood closed, the only shut portal he had seen since entering the house. And he somehow knew with dread that this was where his feet were taking him. ------ Harris had checked out the ground floor and was just making his way back towards the entrance when he heard Vale’s scream from upstairs. Drawing his pistol, he rushed up the stairs taking them two at a time. Rushing down the hallway, he came to a closed door in front of him and went to open it. The handle wouldn’t budge and the door was stuck firm. Stepping back, he slammed a booted heel into the door with a resounding crash but it barely rattled the door in its frame. Moving back again, he let fly with another kick and he heard the sound of wood cracking beneath his foot. Vale let loose another scream, clearly coming from the other side of the door and Harris reared back and threw his shoulder and entire weight into the door. With a mighty crash, the door flew inwards, half hanging off its hinges and Harris tumbled to the floor amidst a scene of horror. ------ The handle turned easily in his hand now and as Harris stepped into the room, his memories came back in a flood of disjointed horror. Himself sprawled out on the floor, weapon drawn but forgotten in frozen hands. Vale hanging suspended in the air by … something, his eyes empty and void. A woman smiling silently, watching, as the world around him faded to black. Something seemed to break inside him and silent tears flowed down his cheeks as he entered the room for the final time. Standing there, as if she had been waiting eons for him to return was the same dark haired woman from before, her smile the exact same as he now suddenly remembered. “I was curious to see if it had taken hold. Madness is such a delicate and fickle thing, and tend to it all you will, you never quite know how it will blossom in the end.” Slowly, almost delicately, she raised a small box that rested on her palm and gingerly opened the lid. Brightly colored light poured out from the container and slowly wrapped itself around the frozen Guardsman, taking on surprising solidness as it lifted him silently through the air towards what appeared to be the expanding opening of the box. As he began to be pulled into the box, he thought he could hear Vale’s voice calling as if from a great distance. “You should’ve gone back to Richmond.” So I'm pretty proud of my submission and I hope everyone enjoys reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Let me know what you think. Theme: The Forgotten Room Line: "I've never understood why you don't just go back to Richmond."
  14. I certainly wouldn't suggest him from a competitive standpoint, but in my Colette crew I can't help but take Renegade Steamfitter Johan. With his and Colette's M&SU stuff, he's a cheap model to take (5 SS) especially for what he gives you. And he's just a lot of fun to trot around the board, cracking skulls with his hammer and making a good bodyguard for Colette. As I said, if you're looking to win tournaments or play competitively, he's not your best choice as he loses out on all the Showgirls related abilities of the crew, most noticeably the movement tricks. But he can be a ton of fun in a casual game.
  15. I’ll be at Pandemonium Books and Games in Cambridge MA Thursday September 27th from 6-9pm running demos for Malifaux for anyone interested. It’s free, fun, and open to all, so come stop by and learn the game.
  16. I’ll be at The Whiz Store in Westborough MA Wednesday September 26th from 5-8pm running demos for Malifaux for anyone interested. It’s free, fun, and open to all, so come stop by and learn the game.
  17. Sounds awesome and isn't so far away from me that it's outside the realm of possibility. Hopefully I'll be able to RSVP once it gets closer and I know my availability.
  18. Was never a big Collodi fan personally, at least until I saw this. Super creepy and a perfect fit. Well done!
  19. CONTINUED The round wasn't a total loss of fun though as the Nurse managed to heal the Flesh Construct back to full with a cheated casting of Surgery. And since the FC already had Slow, it didn't really hurt it. That didn't stop him from missing the Guardian with a disengaging strike, or keep Joss from finishing him off with his Charged up attacks. Still the look on my brother's face when I had a fully revived Flesh Construct at the beginning of the turn was worth it all. End of Round 5. Writing is on the wall at this point. Round 6: Ramos and his toys polished off the Nurse while the Guardian booked it back into the deployment zone, giving my brother the bonus VP for getting the Treasure back there. End of Round 6. That's all she wrote. Game was over and it came to: My brother 7 Me 2 Ultimately I made a number of mistakes from the beginning, from model selection to some of my choices in game. Also all of my brother’s minis have some kind of Armor and I2I, both of which historically throw me for a loop trying to overcome when I’m playing. Oh well, there should be a rematch coming soon and maybe I’ll have better luck with my Dreamer or Colette crews.
  20. My first attempt at a battle report, so we'll see how it goes. Recorded the whole thing which I thought would make it easier to track but actually just gives me too much to process, think I'll try end of Turn notes next time. (Also excuse the models, my Rezzers are still in the primed stage for the most part and my brother has been annoyingly apathetic about getting his minis finished and painted up. Also I got him some of the minis recently as a gift so he didn't have time to get them put together on their bases. The board is a WIP but that's fine as I have a board which makes me happy enough.) So my brother and I got together for what is becoming our weekly Malifaux game. We flipped for Strategies and he got Treasure Hunt and I got Reconnoiter. I personally hate that one so I dropped a SS from my purchase total to reflip and got Slaughter. From there we had Corner deployment with the following: My crew: McMourning (7ss pool) Sebastian Nurse Zombie Chihuahua 2x Canine Remains Dead Rider Renegade Steamfitter Johan (I freely admit I took this guy simply because I just finished painting him, I probably would have been better served with the other canine remains I had.) Schemes: Death After Death (announced), Kill Protege (Steamborg Executioner, announced) Brother's Crew: Ramos (2ss pool) Mobile Toolkit Steamborg Executioner Guardian Joss 2x Steampunk Arachnid (After the fact I checked the math and I think my brother could only afford one but oh well.) Schemes: Exterminate (Undead, announced), Hold Out The Initial Deploy, with the Treasure Marker sitting invitingly in the middle of the canal system. Round 1: Not a whole lot went on, lot's of moving and getting ready for the blood bath. Before the start of Turn 1, McMourning converted 4 of his 7 SS to Body Parts counters. Most of the minis moved towards the Treasure chest. McMourning tried to get off Monstrous Creation but it wasn't in the cards. Ramos summoned a Steampunk Arachnid, giving him 3 on the board which swarmed together to form the Steampunk Arachnid Swarm. Joss moved closer, building up Charge tokens as he did. End of Round 1. Bit of a Mexican standoff shaping up. Round 2: Winning the Init on this one was fun. Sent the Dead Rider after the Steamborg, using Pass Through to get to the other side of him and Mounted Combat to attack. Made sure to cheat in the card to activate Drag Along with the scythe, pulling the Executioner away from the treasure. Course then he went and Flurried the Rider along with Melee Expert to wipe it out in 1 turn. I sent the dogs in after the 'Borg while Johan took some less than effective swipes at the Arachnid Swarm, the swarm having ended its charge just out of melee which helped me. The Nurse attempted to get close to the dogs to give them some extra Df in melee but she failed the Terrifying check and high tailed it for the board edge. McMourning moved closer and attempted Monstrous Creation again but failed it again, so in a rage he sacrificed his chihuahua for more body parts. Ramos attempted to summon some Arachnids but didn't have any luck while the rest of our crews simply moved into position. End of Round 2. The Dead Man has died and Johan is the only one attempting to keep track of the Treasure. Round 3: A pitiful round for the Rezzers. Due to some crap cards on my side and good ones on my brother's, Johan was wiped out without doing much of any damage to the swarm. On the plus side, Sebastian totally proved his worth and got off two castings of Bloody Harvest, dropping the Steamborg. Suddenly I was still in the game! Granted that was about it. McMourning failed another attempt at Monstrous Creation and the Nurse just sat around collecting herself while the lone remaining dog moved forward. Most of Ramos's crew consolidated and moved closer to the bridge to protect the Guardian, which had at this point picked up the Treasure counter. End of Round 3. Round 4: This round finally saw McMourning get Monstrous Creation off and brought the Flesh Construct into play, having used a body part to give him Fast which allowed him to move before casting and then use Scalpel Slinging to bring him into melee. This got FC close enough to be summoned into melee with the Guardian. Sebastian moved up and charged the Spider Swarm, doing some decent damage with his Bone Saw. Ramos managed to get a single spider summoned which moved over towards my remaining dog and the construct, followed by Ramos casting some "fireballs" at the Flesh Construct. The swarm and the guardian laid into the Flesh Construct, and between them and Ramos, dropped it down to 1 wound remaining! Boo! The dog attacked the swarm but didn't do anything useful with it. The nurse moved up to the FC which would prove hilariously fun on the next turn. End of Round 4. Still looking like I have a shot. Round 5: Winning initiative, my brother proceeded to lay into McMourning with his Swarm and Ramos's fireballs (can't remember the actual spell name), dropping the mad doctor. The swarm also had enough actions to take out Sebastian as well, which was depressing. He detonated the lone spider, killing the last dog.
  21. As a fellow Dreamer/LCB painter and player I just have to say I love the paint job on your crew. Excellent job! I especially love the custom bases, they tie the crew together amazingly and really capture the feel of a Nightmare crew.
  22. Adding a +1 to checking out the Pull My Finger wiki that Draco mentioned. It's a very robust site that gives a lot of info at least so far as starting the game. It even breaks down the starter crews as far as approachability for new players. It also tells you which models can be hired by which masters/henchmen in case you love a certain model and want to buy the right master to use it. That being said, the starter boxes seem pretty much designed as "pick up and go" so as long as you like the look/feel of the minis, any boxes will be good to give you an idea of the game.
  23. If you end up going the Rafkin route, then you'd want to get a blister of Guild Autopsies as he can summon them and they make a good ranged addition to a McMourning crew. +1 to the recommendation of Canine Remains and if you haven't already, his totem the Zombie Chihuahua is also a cheap must have.
  24. Thought I'd see if anyone had any quick and easy ideas for putting together some decent permanent counters for the various strategies, like dynamite or treasure, etc. I have a pack of 10 of the 30mm slotted bases that I'm looking to use and I'd like to find ideas that are pretty quick and easy to put together. Materials or sculpts or techniques or pre-made items that people have found. I've got a ton of minis to paint and so want to do something that is not labor intensive.
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