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Everything posted by graeme27uk

  1. Nitromors is good stuff, though there is a reason it has the word "mors" in it.... its nasty nasty stuff. Probably the same stuff those aliens Ripley had trouble with, have for blood. But it works really well. Some oven cleaners work.
  2. Does anyone have any nasty uses/suggestions for Zoraida's Hex spell? I'm thinking.... Bishop - Adaptive Fighter Hollow Waif - would Hex'ing "Shackled" be worth it?
  3. Any hints / tips for using these two together?
  4. Does anyone know the height of the following models (size comparison)? Hordes Dire Troll Slag Troll Trollkin Pyg Whelp
  5. Finally have part of the order, after emailing them and threatening to go elsewhere.... even with their discounts, I'm not sure that I will use them again as they are too slow and their website does not match. I understand that they may have issues with orders vs stock levels, but then don't put "in stock" if its not. Be honest with your customers... I wouldn't mind if I knew it was going to take months to get my stuff.
  6. I don't intend to play in any tourney's with them, just in it for the fun. I like modelling and conversions, hence why I'd like a swampy-themed Zoraida crew. I'm trying to "train" my wife into Malifaux, so I got her the Lilith box set so I have the Nephilim actual models if I did need them. I guess I could do the toad/frog thing.... I really like the FW Nurgle Plague toads, and I could get some BIG toady stype model for the Mature Neph... plus I could say that they are big leaps rather than simply flying. Just I'm one of those people that like to have models that look like they can do what their stats say they do... Question: Does anyone know how big the Hordes Dire Troll actually is? And also how does it compare size-wise to a Wyrd Mature Nephilim? Also, how big is the Hordes Dire Troll to the Hordes Slag Troll? How does the Slag Troll compare to the Nephilim Young Ones?
  7. Wings...... how do you get wings on that? Maybe I'll just give up on swampy-bayou theme....
  8. Always this model, though no idea what you would use as Young and Terror Tot to show some evolutionary pattern... http://privateerpress.com/hordes/gallery/minions/solos/thrullg
  9. Yeh, guess its a trip to Eastbourne (nearest Malifaux shop) rather than the online stuff... Grrrr so annoying and frustrating!!!
  10. I have Zoraida on her way and also ordered Lilith box set for the wife. However, I know Zoraida can use Nephilim to, though I was wondering if anyone had any ideas of a more swampy-themed model or conversion that I could use for Zoraida Nephalim (to help differentiate the two). I could simply just paint a new set of Nephilim swampy colours though that would be not as interesting. Ideas I have had so far are: 1) crocodile style Nephilim. Could use the Hordes Gatormen and their bigger croccy warbeasts. I'd have to remove the weapons obviously and maybe add some wings. Not sure what I could use for Terror Tots though... http://privateerpress.com/hordes/gallery/minions/units/gatormen-posse http://privateerpress.com/hordes/gallery/minions/warbeasts/blackhide-wrastler 2) Go with a Troll Nephilim theme - again using Hordes Trollkin for this. I could use Whelps models as Terror Tots, the big warbeast trolls as Mature Neph, though not sure about the Young Ones (all the other models have armour or such.... ) Maybe using the Grotesques.... Again I'd have to put wings or such on the bigger warbeast, but it would be vastly different from other neph models. http://privateerpress.com/hordes/gallery/trollbloods/warbeasts/dire-troll-mauler http://privateerpress.com/hordes/gallery/trollbloods/warbeasts/swamp-troll http://privateerpress.com/hordes/gallery/trollbloods/solos/whelps http://privateerpress.com/files/products/GrotesqueGroup_1.png Anyone else have any other ideas?
  11. So I placed an order using their stock clearance offer as they were cleaning out their stock and offering 25% off RRP... However I'm still waiting for my order to arrive 2 weeks later.... I've contacted them and they have said they are splitting the order due to some items being out of stock. How can they be out of stock if they were clearing the stock out... Anyway, has anyone else had issues with Maelstrom taking forever to get their orders out?
  12. As a new comer to the game I would not like to see an overhaul of the rules. They aren't really that complex in their basic sense. The concepts of the duel is relatively simple. What is complex is the interaction between different models, but then finding interesting combinations that make opponents think is a strength of the game, not a weakness. Simplifying games in my experience generally leads to losing some of the fun from the game. Yes it may be easier to get into first off but in the long run it doesn't have much staying power as it gets dull. More diversity is what is needed. More choice for players.
  13. For Arcanists, how about a Miner Boss? Foreman or such.... For Neverborn - a monster-gribbly boss - like a LARGE master as all the masters (non-avatar) so far are of similar size. For Ressurrectionists - someone dealing with poisons or such... an alchemist? Or how about an actual undead master - a lich or such For Guild - a businessman person - non-combat, but lots of buffs, etc For Outcasts - monster-hunters / bounty-hunter gang
  14. Does Zoraida work well with Coppelius?
  15. When do you think its worth Zoraida making a Wicked Doll? Oh and... If she uses Raven to fly about, I assume she looses her conduit with her Voodoo doll as they are no longer in range of each other. So she would have to summon another Voodoo doll next activation.
  16. Brilliant model, brilliant concept art. Hope this takes off and we see more. Are these 32mm (same scale as Wyrd/Malifaux) or are they 54mm?
  17. This is for UK people only... Does anyone know of any good online shops that sell things like "clear water" (for making rivers, ponds, etc) decent trees, etc
  18. So would you consider Spawn Mother / Gupps a worthy investment or are there better option?
  19. Tried looking on Pullmyfinger but no-one has entered anything. What is the Spawn Mother like? What scenarios is she good for? What is her role? What is is good at/bad at? Same about Gupps... Would you take them in a Zoraida crew? (strategy dependent of course)
  20. I'm playing Zoraida, usually 25pts. Not sure what faction, as the people I play with have pretty much everything going. I was just wondering in general, what is a better tactic. I can see the benefits of taking a Mature Neph to use Obey on, though it is quite expensive, and its an "eggs all in one basket" kind of thing. Since you can "grow" Nephs, I was thinking it may be more cost effective and tactically variable to take Tots and then you can do what you like with them. You have the option of the Tot Swam, taking multiple objectives, etc.... you can potentially grow more than one to a Mature or several to Young to get more than you spent, depending on what happens...
  21. Is it better to take lots of Terror Tots, a few Young Nephs, or just one big Mature Neph?
  22. http://arcaneminiatures.co.uk/miniatures-detail.asp?ID=33580 http://www.freebooterminiatures.de/en/catalog/942 http://www.freebooterminiatures.de/en/catalog/150 http://privateerpress.com/warmachine/gallery/cryx/units/satyixs-blood-hag I like the bottom one (maybe with horns to).
  23. How come she has to pay the +1ss premium for hiring out of faction? If you look at the three other masters than can hire out of faction models (Marcus, Leveticus and Nicodem) then they pay normal cost, rather than the additional +1. Is this not consistent? Why is Zoraida not the same?
  24. How come the Crew Creator on the Malifaux website will only allow me to hire 2 Desperate Mercs when they are Rare 4? I'm playing Zoraida.
  25. Reason I ask is that on Pullmyfinger, under the Sorrow entry there is a section about this strategy working. http://pullmyfinger.wikispaces.com/Sorrow
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