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Everything posted by Nayte

  1. 5 more days!!!! It's going to be so much fun!!! *grin* Looks like I need to get a move on with painting, damn you Lucidicide for having painted models a requirement.
  2. Technically my Large SPA was the ravenous. It ate like 4 cookies... IT DOESN'T EVEN HAVE A MOUTH! How does he eat with that buzz saw? It was a great time, looking forward to the next one you host! The store was great, very huge. Take a pic of that bridge board, I'd love to see it again! Looking forward to seeing you guys on Saturday. Good times!!! *grin*
  3. I'm the only Resser at our LGS(Lucidicide's store) and I've been using McM and Kirai. Kirai can put on some serious pain on the opponent, and if you aren't paying attention to McM, he WILL punish you. Also, we have one of the best 4pt models in the game: Rotten Belles - 8WD model with Hard to Wound and can pull your opponents off an objective with only a 4+ card. Luring your own pieces out of trouble has saved me in more games than I can remember. I think the main reason Resser's are underestimated or considered "bad" is because they have a steep learning curve compared to other masters. Kirai is really tricky with her movement and use of her abilities. A good McMourning player will be hard to pin down and he'll kill whatever he wants. With his Avatar coming out next month, he's going to be even harder to take down. Right now I'm working on Nicodem(Who I thought was terrible when I first started playing) and he's actually a decent master; it's just a matter of filling a niche and perfecting a list around your playstyle. Recycling your models + one of the best card draw mechanics in the game is awesome; not to mention Rigor Mortis. Bolster undead, giving punk zombies a cb9 while they're paired and can Flurry... Master's are even scared of a bolstered Punk. One huge weak point of Ressers are their lack of a decent ranged fighter(Besides Seamus, who is much more than that). However, we have access to Von Schill; granted he's a 10pt model. I occasionally bring him with McM and I might be throwing him in a few other lists in the near future. We also have Shikome, and now Jaakuna.
  4. The amount of diversity in crews(from the people I know) looks like it's going to be a crazy fun tournament! Only 2 weeks away...
  5. Tested him again last night. Despite all the positives, McM becomes very vulnerable when not near Simulacrum. Losing the +armor sucks... Without being able to heal on strikes like his regular form, hurts. You can use "perfect" but it isn't the same. His new 0, the corpse counter missile ability, is really funny to see in play, but I'm not sure how competitive it will be. Nothing is more fun than throwing 5 corpse's at a Gremlin. Simulacrum took out Avatar Som'er, cb7 with positive flips + McM's -df flip aura... insane.
  6. Awesome! I'm really excited for these!
  7. Simulacrum has this ability: Walking Morgue: A friendly McMourning, Avatar of Athanasia may (0) Interact when within 3" of Simulacrum 29 to discard up to three Body Parts Counters. This model then performs one Healing Flip for each Body Part Counter discarded. If you don't plan on Scalpel Slinging, or if Simulacrum is hurt/re-summoned, you can use this to heal rather than use McM's ability "Perfect". It's situational, but if you're lacking in body parts(Maybe from summoning Simulacrum?) it's a great ability. Simulacrum WILL get focused, same with McM. Be careful of crews that have units that blast. Simulacrum 29 has “Fire Bad”: This model suffers +2 Dg when suffering Dg inflicted by blast effects. I plan on testing him out some more this weekend. On a side note: Scalpel sling + the trigger “CutCutCUT!!” is incredible. The one problem is that you will most likely be out of Simulacrum's 3" range for buffs, so make sure to companion them. It's something I need to work on. McM loses the ability to heal on his attacks, but with "Perfect" and "CutCutCut" you shouldn't feel a huge change in his healing ability. He also has +1 armor while near Simulacrum, and one of the following: Bulletproof 1, Hard to Wound 2, or Hard to Kill. Hard to Kill more than likely being the best one to take, unless you're going against a ranged attack. You'd get bulletproof 1 + armor 1, so unless they're hitting you for 4+ damage, you're going to take 1dmg from ranged attacks. Keep in mind that Avatar McM has a passive ability Crawling Doom: This model’s Df flips against melee attacks receive +. Wp and Df flips made by enemy models within 3” of this model receive -. So you're a melee god once you Avatar. And... CONFIRMED FOR MAY! Looks like I'm going back to mainly using McM. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask. I can theoryfaux all day about McM...
  8. Can't wait! Super excited. Hope they arrive before the King of Nova Tournament on May 12th!
  9. Here's what I used last night. The white stumps need to be painted, the mat itself also needs to be painted. The ZUZZY tree stumps are great, but it took 10 weeks after my order to arrive. Playing on the terrain, I was really lacking big obscuring terrain, and the GW forest terrain was the stores. I want to paint the blue water to be greenish, more swamplike. I also need to pick up some of those ponds. The brown boards were acting as mud terrain. I thought of making my own terrain, but after playing last night, I feel that I won't be able to produce the quality that GF9 has.
  10. Got a chance to use him. Just slotted him in with a normal list. Got both the manifest reqs turn 2 by gunning for it, avatar'd turn 3 and man... Simularcrum is awesome. McMourning being able to heal is great too. Paired + Scalpel sling... holy crap! I did not like the fact that I lost my ability to heal when I damage. I also lost 1cb, but paired at 5 is still nasty. McM being able to give his opponents negatives to their defense flip was crucial. Simulacrum is a nasty, nasty model. Being able to crap out body parts for McM, able to make himself PAIRED with cb7... 11 wounds... AWESOME. His 0 is almost never used, but could be nice against Raspy or in casual games. Also, buffing McM with Hard to Kill saved me from dieing. I want some more testing before a final judgement, but right now he seems to bring a nasty, nasty combo to the table. I'm going to be testing him out for the next couple of weeks till the May releases come out. I really hope the rumors are true.
  11. BOOOOM! Am I doing it right? Nope, didn't think so... I'm still bitter you didn't hear my terror tot joke. How can someone with so many witty comments ignore a great corny one liner... I glare menacingly your way, sir.
  12. Those trophies... *drool* Damn, those things are awesome!
  13. With rumors circulating that he's coming out next month, I think I'm going to proxy him this week. On paper, he seems godlike... we'll see.
  14. Hey guys, I recently picked up a Zuzzy mat(Customer service was garbage, but the mat is awesome!) and I'm looking to get some terrain for it. I picked up some Battlefield in a box Rock terrain, a River set, and some tree stumps from Zuzzy. I feel that I don't have enough terrain, and nothing is really bigger than two inches. At my LGS, we have towers, big buildings, houses, and other large pieces of terrain, but I'm looking to own my own set. I'm looking for some bigger terrain, and wanted some ideas and help from you all. I'd like to keep my budget kind of low(under 80 if possible) Here are some that I've been looking at: http://www.gf9.com/Default.aspx?tabid=348&art_id=3027 http://www.flamesofwar.com/hobby.aspx?art_id=2811 http://www.flamesofwar.com/hobby.aspx?art_id=2949 http://www.flamesofwar.com/hobby.aspx?art_id=2950 If anyone has used any of these, or wants to weigh in an opinion that'd be great. Also, I'm willing to make terrain, but I have no idea what I'd be doing.
  15. I'm looking forward to seeing all the new lists people will be playing due to the Proxy's!
  16. I picked up Marcus a few weeks ago, and all the games I've played have been really close or I've won. Being able to hire Shikome's, Waldgeists, and Night Terrors are great. Myranda though... ugh. I've yet to have her pull her point value. She looks great on paper, but pulling off her tricks can be tough and card dependent. Kaeris is a much better model for 1 more SS. Night terrors move across the board and grab objectives. I run 3 because Night Terrors are such good models...
  17. McM is my favorite master, and his avatar seems like a real game changer but we'll see when he comes out. Making your opponent deal with Simulacrum 29 has the potential to shift the game dramatically.
  18. Awesome, thanks guys. Any ideas on how to mod the dire bear for some extra arms and spikes? I'm not great with green stuff but I can try! Also, how does the bear look when placed on the table? Decent enough size without looking too out of place?
  19. I'm looking to proxy a Slateridge Mauler, but I can't find a suitable miniature. Does anyone have any ideas? It doesn't have to be a bear, just a beast!
  20. Any stores near Columbia MD that have Malifaux on the weekends, or is there anyone in the area that would like to play? I'll be in the area this weekend and I'd like to get some games in!
  21. Hey everyone! I was at the Warmonger Tourney this weekend and saw a player with smaller stat cards than normal, they seemed to be stripped of art and have just the stats and ability list. Seemed to be a front and back, but a smaller size than the normal card; about the size of a folded card with a front and back. I've searched around and can't seem to find anything about the cards. I meant to take down his information because he said someone made them for him, but yeah. Anyone have any idea on the smaller stat cards?
  22. Just ordered 1 of each, very excited! You guys did a great job! Glad to support you all.
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