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Everything posted by Webmonkey

  1. Looks great! My only critique would be to maybe black-line just a little to help seperate the jacket, vest and pants a bit,... but otherwise its perfect. *applaudes*
  2. I'm gonna have to do some orange for something in the near future. Just not a color I work with a whole lot. (Though, I did do my whole Tau army in orange and black)
  3. And if possible,.. pics of whatever it was that beat you,.. 'cause this, I just gotta see,...
  4. Quick update before bed. I got the lower half mostly glued and together now. There's still a bit of shading and touch up to do. But overall, I think it's coming along nicely. Though, I am having some issues pinning down the pink. The shade of pink varies greatly depending on the image you are viewing. Some have it as a fairly light, almost bubblegum, type pink. Others show it a bit deeper and richer, with a hair of burgundy or almost purple backdrop in it. I'm going for a more of a deep fuschia tone. Hope that'll sit well with all you guys. If not,.. now's the time to speak up!!!
  5. anyways,.. on that happy note,.. it's bed time again. G'night all!!! ---------- Post added at 09:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:22 PM ---------- *swings off into the night*
  6. agreed. ---------- Post added at 09:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:18 PM ---------- that's actually one of the things I fear,.. is what they call being "locked in". Fully aware of your environment but unable to interact with it. The very concept that someone else has to feed me or wipe my rear-end for me,.. well,.. lets just say that it bothers me.
  7. yeah,.. my mom had a stroke some years back. Never did get her left side to work again. And that's her primary side. I'd be screwed if I had to learn to eat and stuff with my off hand.
  8. can still use both sides of body,.. which is good. But lost all speech.
  9. yes and no,.. got in some good food, but wife's grandma had a stroke,.. so all the other plans we had have been pushed back until this coming weekend
  10. Funny,.. my trying to actually get some things done has been like herding cats,... ---------- Post added at 08:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:35 PM ---------- Been busy. Had my anniversary this past weekend, so that took up most of my time. Hence, my lack of game time on Saturday.
  11. small update,.. here's a photo of both halves of the pants. and with one half shadowed, and the other half not (for comparison) Up until now, most of the shading that I've shown has been the flesh stuff. But I thought to be a good example of what you can do with other colors. The night-time flash isn't helping me much though. I only hope that you guys can actually see the difference.
  12. Thanks!!! I actually like to dust this thread off, every 6 months to a year or so,.. just to see what the new guys have to offer. And to get them to look back at "where they were vs. where they are now". For most, doing so brings about a certain sense of accomplishment. And for the people new to hobby, it helps them to see that none of us (not even one) started out as a master painter. (hell, I'm still totally garbage *laughs*). But they should know, that if they simply are patient, ask questions, and try new things,.. sooner or later they'll get to look back, and realize just how far they've come too. Just some food for thought.
  13. *bumps this up, just to see what the newbies have to offer,...* *grin*
  14. *best rain-man impression,..* 38% painted,.. yeah,.. definitely 38,.. *grin* I've never bothered to quantify my models in such a fashion. But then, I don't allow myself to really buy the next thing until the first thing is finished
  15. Agreed,.. with the above statements. I prefer resins firstly, just because they are easy to reshape with just a bit of heat from a hairdryer. and are just as easily cut and modified as plastics. Secondly, plastics,... and Lastly,.. Metals. (Not that there aren't some truly beautiful metals out there. But they are a bit of a bear to modify. Especially if the arm you wanted to replace was moulded tightly against the chest or what have you. Anyone who's old enough to remember 1st generation space marines can attest to this)
  16. Just as a side note,.. sometimes, if you hold your can upside-down, and spray it until no color comes out, there will still be a small stream of clear "propellant/solvent" that come out of the tip. If you spray this clear stuff on the model,... it can actually "melt" the fuzzy, and get it to lay down proper. Though, admittedly, this method has been hit and miss for me.
  17. yeah,.. most people said they preferred the pink look
  18. no,.. they aren't attractive. But they are proper to time era. And again,.. luckily, you won't see much except the feet, once the pants are on. But still, I wanted to paint it all, just as a matter of course. And yes,.. I still swear by the pastels. So much easier then trying to work the paint.
  19. A couple of shots of the half-finished legs. One leg shaded and one not. and a couple completely shaded,... The shoes are actually a dark brown, but they look almost black in the photos.
  20. woo-hoo!!!,.... over 10,000 views!! I'm now officially 1/10th as popular as Mako,.... at this rate, I might even get to be one of the cool kids one day. *grin* either that, or all 4 people that read this thread check it "A LOT",... *laughs*
  21. go to your local auto parts store and get some cans of automotive grade sandable primer. i recommend duplicolor primers. you can get them in white, black, grey, and a rust red. they lay down quite nicely on the models, and very rarely do the "fuzzy" thing. only when the humidity (or lack there of) is crazy.
  22. Tagon,.. wasn't a that a demon lord from cthulu??,.. or was that Dagon??
  23. Thanks guys!! I appreciate the kind words. Been looking at kenshin pictures online. It seems to me that his socks (while wearing his pink shirt) seem to be a shade of dark-ish brown. Unless I'm seeing it wrong?? Also need to decide at this point if I'm black-lining this one. I'm still leaning towards yes.
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