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Everything posted by Slimnoid

  1. Over at our LGS the owner usually plays streaming radio of his musical taste which is oldies rock n' roll and some 70's funk. Which makes for games all the more surreal when you've got a Hoffman vs Dreamer game going on and The Commodores "Brick House" pops on.
  2. I feel his torso could be closer to the steamborg's legs, with the coat tails either removed entirely or greenstuffed to look pooled around the waist. That, and more wires to cover up his legs. His back could use something on there too, like a few pipes or wires or even spider-legs--maybe even just an arachnid sitting on his shoulder ("Where we going today, dad?"). Otherwise, looking decent so far.
  3. Yes. Hard to Wound only applies to damage flips against the target; since the damage is coming from a blast which has a fixed damage number, and that there is no resist duel going on (and isn't the original target anyway), it does not apply. This also means that spells/attacks which do straight, fixed-number damage are similarly not affected by Hard to Wound.
  4. I can think of only one thing to sculpt as an arm rest for him. You know you want to.
  5. My bad, misread the Essence of Power card there. This still leaves it at a potent 7 Ice Pillars per turn, which could cut off the other half of the table by turn 2.
  6. You could get 9, actually, if that rule wasn't in place. 3 for Raspy, 2 for Snow Storm, and 4 for totems (assuming you have a totem on both Raspy and SS).
  7. Yeah I'm just as confused as you, dude. The wording for Ice Pillars is the same on both the v1 and v2 cards, but entirely different on the alt Raspy card. It probably slipped under the radar because the model isn't officially out yet, and I got mine way back at Gencon.
  8. Alternate Rasputina card. Which is, for some reason, different from the v2 card. ...I think we have a problem on our hands.
  9. Actually it's right there, in front of our face. "These bases are Ice Pillar terrain with the following traits: Ht 5, blocking, breakable (hardness 3), and impassible which last until destroyed."
  10. Whoa whoa whoa. Whoa. Whoa. ...I thought they disappeared at the End Closing Phase.
  11. I can't see the Judge as a Henchmen, personally. He's had little character development or time dedicated to him, and in the last book he got laid out and bedridden. Sam, meanwhile, has grit and determination and has faced down terrors that would send a lesser man to hysterics (Kythera, Seamus, Criid without her morning coffee). Out of all the guild characters he's the one most prime for Henchmen status.
  12. If you are not adding Sue to this crew you are a bad person.
  13. You'd need to file the inside of the hat some, as well as shave off Hoffman's goggles. But yes, it would most likely fit him. Neither is very difficult so long as you have a little patience and a decent metal file to work with. There's no way to get the hat alone, unfortunately, but I don't regret purchasing the pack at all--I've found a use for each hat thus far (except the one with the bow, should've put it on Ryle).
  14. Hm. Where is the Dreamer proxy from? You could really work on the eyes. Yeah, they're one of the hardest to paint on a model, but you've got them looking...well...googly-eyed (especially the Viks). I find that one of the better ways of getting the eyes to 'shrink' is to use either devlan mud or badab black as a wash, dabbing just over the eyes; it gets into the recesses and helps to define the outlines of the eyeballs. Also: don't paint the top lip of a female model unless you're trying to give them that "working girl" look. Better to paint the bottom lip only, and faintly at that, as it looks more natural.
  15. Machine Puppet states that the construct makes the strike, not Hoffman. So no.
  16. We still don't have Misaki as a Henchman/Master yet, so no, they're not done.
  17. Aha, so they are! http://www.shop.microartstudio.com/mechanical-wings-set-p-182.html
  18. ...odd, neither can I. The guy I got them off of said they were Max Mini. I'll double-check with him when I see him next.
  19. Damn dude, you paint fast. I feel you could have done a little more blending/layers with the flesh on the horse there--it seems too grey-white and bland. Same with his head--there's no details brought out there. Glowing green eyes would look BOSS on that. Otherwise, hey, not bad. (also, you said you wanted to see the one I was working on, right? http://wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?p=339287#post339287 )
  20. Yep, more stuff. Up to my eyeballs in commissions right now, but I did have time to work on my own miniatures--well, building them that is. Kaeris's Crew. Fire Gamin. Gosh I love these little guys (one of them punched a Rogue Necromancy in the rotting junk for 6 damage!) Gunsmiths. Debated adding a dashing feather to the male one's hat but I was pretty sure it'd snap off too easily so scrapped the idea. And the big lady herself, Kaeris. The wings are from Max Mini; I was unimpressed with the size of her usual ones, and got a free pair from a friend. Another commission here, this time what is supposed to be a rogue for D&D. Took inspiration from Garret of Thief fame for the color scheme. The Pale Rider. It isn't quite as dynamic as Fleck's, nor is it in ANY way tournie-legal, but it cost me literally nothing to make. I tried to keep as close to the book as I could, but there is of course certain liberties taken due to either personal preference or lack of sculpting skill.
  21. Pretty much what Vin said. Really, scrounging for interesting bits of junk and garbage is the way to go--straws for pipes, balsa wood, mesh screens, the works. Gimme a box of junk and I'll make you a masterpiece (well, sorta). Cheap children's toys can sometimes net you some neat stuff though. Look at the dollar store nearest you, or the discount aisle of whatever big store that carries toys nearby.
  22. Damn, beat me to posting mine first! Ah well, yours is more action-posed and actually contains parts from Wyrd (mine...doesn't...). Nicely done, though.
  23. Man, the ONLY place that used to carry Confrontation miniatures closed down some 2-3 years ago. So uh, that ain't gonna happen (but I think I got a proxy for it anyway kicking around). Note also his feet--the Warden's feet aren't the block shoes of the Guardian. If you can, switch the legs out entirely; Warmachine Cryx Deathripper legs could work if you extend the legs, but if that's not an option just slap some pipes on there. I actually like the Dead Rider model, barring his skull cap which is just kind of silly.
  24. So I'll have to sell my kidney to afford it? Cool, I don't need that organ anyway.
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