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Hateful Darkblack

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Everything posted by Hateful Darkblack

  1. Is Summoning allowed? I know different hardcore matches have different rules for this.
  2. The Hardcore crew I've had the best results with has been Hungering Darkness (probably with Addict and Fears Given Form), an Illuminated, a Beckoner, and a Terror Tot.
  3. That'd be great! If whoever starts a separate thread posts here to keep me updated, that would work really well.
  4. Hey Csonti! Thanks for doing the Steam Trunk. I won't be able to track multiple threads as far as who did what for the raffle. I definitely see how it could be an advantage to plan with many small threads, but to account who did what afterwards would become much more difficult.
  5. Nice work, everyone! I'll continue to update and evaluate and track.
  6. A Valedictorian/Philip team-up would be neat. Valedictorian smashes up everything while Philip takes care of objectives. Rusty Alyce/Nix could make a very solid team of summoners, which helps a lot in smaller Henchman games. Vasilisa/Widow Weaver would have a lot of synergy.
  7. Awesome! So, for interactions, go ahead and put the description on the Master's pages. Most of the Master pages have a lot of details about synergies and how to use the Crew as a whole. Personal opinion is fine, really. Others can edit. A lot of what PMF should offer is advice - not just a summary and explanation of what's in the cards (though that is welcome too) but advice and instructions on how to use the model and the whole Crew.
  8. Mouseketeer, thanks! Looks like a great start, and I'm changing the article to Good. Please do create the Viktoria of Blood page, too! Maybe talk more about Sisters in Spirit in the mobility section? It would be nice to talk more about how to use the two Viktorias together: You include the slingshot combo. What other combos are there that work? Also, how do you choose activation order? It seems like there's a trick to it, because both Viktorias have timing effects, but reading this article I still don't know how to do it. What do you use Vanessa for? Is she just a healer? How do you keep the Viktorias alive? How do you pick which one to use for which task? What's the benefit of Sisters? Actually, a full list of benefits would be nice. Which upgrades are Auto-Includes? I have heard many times that Mark of Chezuul is pretty much an auto-include, but probably for Vik of Blood. Is this so? Abilities and Actions should be bolded. How do you keep aVik alive when she's so fragile? (Or do you just plan for her to die, and if so, how do you get the most out of her before then?) What Strats and Schemes are notable for Viktoria, and how does she accomplish them? What Crew do you want to take? What models flesh out her weaknesses or synergize with her strengths? What's in her Starting box, and where do you expand from there? When do you want them close, and when do you want them separate? I know this is important, but ti would be great to get some specific suggestions. How do you decide whether to use your buff spells to help other sisters or to act yourself? Any other especially potent combinations that might not be obvious? Do you always want to start with 7 soulstones, just to keep her alive? In any case, great job! Thanks for writing this up.
  9. That sounds fun! Can they be in different factions? Does it matter if the Henchman is also a Mercenary?
  10. Please do work on Perdita! I imported content for her from Panner_'s excellent tactica, but please add to it.
  11. Okay, I moved content from the amazing tactica by Panner_ into PMF for Perdita. Moving that to Good. Moved Shenlong to Great. Nice work, Ezyryder!
  12. Morgan Vening wrote me and is planning on writing a Wiki article on assorted keywords and characteristics and what they mean. Thanks Morgan Vening!
  13. Thanks for doing this, TheRat! If you could keep tracking it in this forum, that would work really well. That way, you can edit this to update it, but I'll still have this in the thread to show who contributed when all's said and done. If you don't have time to track this let me know and I can do it, but if you're willing, it's all you.
  14. Good call! I suspect most of this is from copy & paste artifacts, rather than anyone deliberately getting fancy with font. But it's definitely good to keep a consistent font.
  15. Awesome! I wrote up some notes on what I think Sonnia and Lady Justice need. I'm about to import some content for Perdita, too.
  16. Up to you! It would be easier for me if you did it here, because that makes it easier for me to make a list of who contributed to the Wiki for the raffle. But if you'd prefer to do it in a new thread, that works too!
  17. Thanks! Yeah, changing the font isn't too hard, but it's slightly annoying because it removes other formatting too. There's a button in the top menu next to Underline that's a T with a sphere. ("Style Text"). Highlight text, then click Style Text, then click Clear Styles. That will get rid of any weird fonds, but it will also remove some other formatting stuff, unfortunately.
  18. Yeah, I am not sure why I didn't see that before. I think maybe my desktop wasn't showing graphics for a while or something. Anyway, moved this to Great. Really nice work, all makes sense. Well done. I can see your worries about too much repeating of the card text, but at this point, I do think it's actually easier to read for someone who doesn't have the stat card with them as they're reading, without going into full repetition copy and paste mode.
  19. Awesome, ENinja! Thanks for the updates. Working on Hoffman and McMourning edits would be awesome. I don't know the answer about Cassandra's Superprompt. Is it up in the Rules forums right now? Maybe link to a discussion about it if it's not clear, or start one if there isn't one already?
  20. Thanks for working on Lady J and Sonnia! The Witchling Stalker and Death Marshalls look great! The only thing I can see missing is a warning when playing against Witchling Stalkers: They blow up when you kill them, so try to kill them at range to avoid damage!
  21. My mistake on the art. It didn't load on my machine once. I've updated this article to Great! Thanks for all the awesome work you do!
  22. Okay, I looked through all the masters and updated their status. Wow, what a huge difference! Right now, we have at least something for all but three masters, and some of them are looking absolutely amazing! I included notes for each Master with suggestions to upgrade, including some that were originally listed as "Good" and unclaimed. If anyone wanted to sign up and start workin on some of those, I'd appreciate it. Sorry to everyone for the spam of a page worth of notes and feedback, but I figured it would be the best place to get started with it. I'll probably start fleshing out the empty pages in the next few days.
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