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Hateful Darkblack

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Everything posted by Hateful Darkblack

  1. Got the Wastrel, Clockwork Trap, and Pathfinder. I'll leave the Dawn Serpent for Da Git (or I'll do it in a week if it's still there.) I've played against the Dawn Serpent in a few games before so I'm fairly familiar with it.
  2. Finished Clockwork Trap and Pathfinder. Ten Thunders are now done done! Guild is now ahead of Ressers again! And only 16 models left total! EDIT: Darn, I missed the Dawn Serpent! Ten Thunders are still not quite done.
  3. Just did Wastrels. I'm working on finishing the rest of the McCabe Crew, because they're dual faction.
  4. Gremlins: All done. Outcasts: All done. Arcanists: All done. Ten Thunders: All done. Neverborn (2): Coppelius, Stitched Together Guild (6): Mechanical Attendant, Purifying Flame, The Scribe, Exorcist, Guild Sergeant, Guild Hound Ressurectionist (8): Carrion Effigy, Ikiryo, Lost Love, Crooligan, Guild Autopsy, The Hanged, Shikome, and Mindless Zombie. Only 16 models left!
  5. Sounds like a fun strategy! With the Abominations, keep in mind that they're incredible debuffers. On their own turn, they usually just want to get within 2" of an enemy, then hurt each other to draw cards. Most of Leveticus's Abomination-summoning comes from Upgrades. Give Leveticus Desolate Soul and/or From Ashes. Take Rusty Alyce and give her From the Aether and possibly even Desolate Soul too. Max out on Soulstones so you can get the crows and tomes you need for summoning. Rusty Alyce also makes a great anchor for your Hollow Waifs so that you can reincarnate Leveticus. Other favorites are Lazarus, and A&D (Ashes and Dust.) If you want to get a Desolation Engine, you may want to hire a few Abominations at the beginning as well. Pariah of Iron is the upgrade that lets you hire Steam Arachnids. They're good models! But please be aware: you don't need Pariah of Iron to rock Leveticus. His core crew of Outcasts is really solid and flexible. Let me ask this, though: You say you want to stomp enemies and make Desolate Engines. This is a noble endeavor and I support it fully. How do Steam Arachnids help with that? Good luck! Leveticus is a whole lot of fun to play, with a lot of great surprises and a brilliant playstyle.
  6. Okay, I just got word from Nathan! First! Congratulations to our Wyrd grab bag winners: Vaiuri Rgarbanzo ClementWyrd Nagash1956 Darial I've written to all of you on how to contact Wyrd and arrange delivery of the grab bag! (I have no idea what's in it -- Mister Shine and I are getting our own as thanks as well!) Second! Nathan sends his thanks to everyone that participated! He told me that next week you'll all be receiving a coupon code good for $10 off in the online store as a way of saying thanks for the hard work! I'm amazed at everything Nathan and Wyrd do to support the community, and more excited about Malifaux than ever these days! Well done everyone! Let's finish this up! Ted/Hateful Darkblack
  7. Yep! I wrote it, then PMF crashed and lost it, then I rewrote it quickly from scratch and posted there because wikispaces went down entirely. Then I posted the second version.
  8. Which Crew Builder are you looking at? In the M2E Crew Creator, Hoffman can't hire Coppelius.
  9. All of the Masters are in a good state right now, and some of them are absolutely polished! As of tonight, every Henchman has a full entry, most of them in very good condition! There are only a handful of models in each faction that don't have articles: Gremlins: All done. Outcasts: All done. Arcanists: All done. Ten Thunders (3): Wastrel, Guild Pathfinder, Clockwork Trap Neverborn (4): Coppelius, Beckoner, Insidious Madness, Stitched Together Guild (9): Mechanical Attendant, Purifying Flame, The Scribe, Exorcist, Guild Sergeant, Guild Hound, Guild Pathfinder, Wastrel, Clockwork Trap Ressurectionist (9): Ikiryo, Graveyard Spirit, Lost Love, Crooligan, Guild Autopsy, The Hanged, Night Terror, Shikome, and Mindless Zombie. There are a total of 22 models that don't have articles right now. Pick one up and write about it! Thanks to everyone who has jumped in on this and to everyone who is continuing to work on it! We're almost done! If you have played any of these models, please, click on the link and write up the article!
  10. Finished Valedictorian. Which was the last Henchman on the Wiki that didn't have an entry.
  11. (Posted this to http://pullmyfinger.wikispaces.com/M2E+Bad+Juju )
  12. Bad Juju is most often found with Zoraida, since he's a Swampfiend. He's a Mire Golem: an animated chunk of swamp that rises up to punch you. Bad Juju is great for absorbing a lot of enemy resources on his way to death, and he does a ton of damage. He does best when he's surrounded, and he can come back from other Swampfiends when he dies. In combat, he's a big tank. Dirty Claws hits hard, and can Paralyze with a crows trigger Quicksand (which gets a Wp resist). The damage is 2/5/7, so it may be worth focusing so you can cheat up to the much higher Moderate or Severe damage. Bad Juju can also Flurry to get in three attacks. He's also got a mass attack (0) Landslide. Anyone who fails a Wp duel gets Slow and takes 2 damage. It's a good way to mess up a lot of enemy models if they surround him. He'll probably still die if he gets surrounded, but that's okay: if he does a lot of harm on his way out, and he can come back anyway, it's a fair exchange. Bad Juju isn't fast by a long shot. He's got a Wk 4, which is slow for a Neverborn. To help this along, you can have Zoraida Obey him forward if you're using her. Another trick to consider is to let him die, and then unbury closer to the action when a Swampfiend dies. This only works if you have the Eternal Fiend upgrade, of course. On the Defense, he's doomed to die, but to take out a lot of enemy resources in the process. He has Df 3 and only Wd 9. But he's also got Regeneration and Hard to Wound and Terrifying and all these things to slow down and drain AP and cards from those who are killing him! His best durability comes from Eternal Fiend: he can die and come back again. His other best defense is to kill, Paralyze, or Slow enemies before they can do him in. Bad Juju has a few good options for Upgrades. His personal upgrade, Eternal Fiend, is quite good, especially if you're expecting a lot of fighting and you're taking a lot of Swampfiends. It's nice when you're facing Gremlins or Neverborn, too, as they might have Swampfiends of their own to bring him back. Hexed Among You is another good Upgrade, since it lets you put your Silurid upfield for objective-grabbing. It won't help Bad Juju personally, but it helps get you VP. Fears Given Form is also quite nice on Bad Juju. It works well with his "get up close then get surrounded and kill them all anyway and then come back" style. More mass damage around Bad Juju is good if you charge him into a crowd. If Gremlin Zoraida hires him, he'll have to pick from a different set of Upgrades, and he doesn't get his immortality Upgrade unfortunately. Hide in the Mud (from the Avatar Beta) may be a nice thematic choice, and it protects him from ranged attacks. Dirty Cheater can give him some healing, but other Gremlin models may be competing for it. Hexed Among You is still a great choice.
  13. Darnit, no I'm wrong. I wrote a whole page on Bad Juju and then lost it some how. Darnit darnit darnit. Can't seem to recover it either.
  14. You're correct. When you cheat, you take that instead. Flay is really good that way. It lets you cheat. The person who told you otherwise? They made a mistake and misunderstood what the trigger does.
  15. I'm great glad to hear you're putting so much thought into this, Justin! Thank you. And I like the surgery metaphor.
  16. According to the page history, it was Rathnard, TerryTot, and Mindshred. Looks like it was mostly Rathnard.
  17. Hey all! Right now, we really need more work on Neverborn content. Any chance folks can jump in on the Neverborn thread? Right now, most of the factions are done (Gremlin, Outcast, Arcanist) or nearly done (Guild, Ten Thunders, Ressers). The Neverborn still have a dozen left.
  18. Consider picking up some Crooligans or Necropunks for objective-grabbing!
  19. Oops, forgot about the Cherub. Got that one, too. Sorry bry4, but it's been over a month since you claimed it.
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