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Everything posted by LaFemmeGeekita

  1. Whew.. sorry for the lack of posts, guys. I had to take a break from all of the stomping I was doing. And, since I've found my camera adapter, here is the mini I've been working on! Obviously, it's not a Wyrd miniature. It's too cutesy to even been a Weird miniature. It's almost done, I've just got to do a few last touch-ups and then throw some dull-kote on it, and voila. Insta-dorable. Just wanted to give you guys an idea of my painting ability. Obviously nowhere near these other guys', but again.. I've painted less than 20 minis in my life. I'm pleased with the results, and, Tauwolf says I can touch the puppets now since they're all cleaned and based! I guess I'll have to start painting them instead of just using them to clean house..
  2. Sooo... what ended up happening with these? Because they're super handy..
  3. Looking to buy a Pokey Viktoria model for my Puppet Wars crew. I have been using a friend's and now am thoroughly in love with it. Send me a pm and lets see if we can work something out!
  4. I am the puppette master. What I noticed playing Pandora last night is that you will almost NEVER have the masks in your hand that you need, so it's best to have multiple factions with her. Masks cards chew through masks. Almost every Neverborn puppet has an ability that requires a mask discard to work. And all the Neverborn puppets that I had last night were very short range. The only ranged I had was a guild marshal that I took because all the other good puppets had been picked (*shaking fist at Fullborer*). Once he died, I slapped the cork gun on the Silurid I had as a last ditch effort, and he ended up winning me the game. And it was also adorable, which is equally as important to me. A stuffed frog demon with a cork gun. I mean.. come on... @DaveyP, I'd suggest mixing up the suits. I can't tell you how many times I had all the high cards in the world that I wanted, but NO masks to make anything DO what I wanted it to. Pick a few Neverborn that you like (I like the Malifaux Cherub, Silurid, Sorrows, and Baby Kade as well as the Mature Nephilim (even though I didn't run with him last night)) and then throw some other ranged stuff in there. Maybe Nino as a second sidekick, or Hooded Rider would work.. even a Razorspine Rattler to tase things so that you can run your knife-wielding baby in there to tantrum and hit a whole bunch of people. After using the Malifaux Cherub last night, I'm trying to see how I can work it into my list. I haven't started painting any puppets yet, so I have nothing for show and tell this week. However, I am going to start practicing this evening on an unrelated but adorable mousling model from Reaper, just to try out some new techniques Tauwolf taught me. In the meantime, I shall continue to make Fullborer and Tauwolf cry sweet, puppety tears.
  5. I have two Ronin and a Convict Gunslinger because they all have the mercenary keyword, meaning that Viktoria can swap places with them if she is within 3 squares of them. It's easy to keep away from one master, but it's a lot more difficult to stay away from a master AND three other puppets she can pop out of. Also, their hand recharge ability is invaluable when you have to discard so many cards for her fast actions, and the rad sword is... Rad. As far as a second sidekick goes, I didn't feel the need. Misaki requires you to discard a card to activate her, which can be fairly expensive with Viki. And Viki already has a weapon that ignores suits. I guess it just has never really been necessary.
  6. I know that for myself, Viktoria's reduction of a puppet's AR by 2 as long as they are an Outcast meant that I wanted all Outcasts. Are there other puppets that would play well with Viki? Sure, but I'd rather keep my high numbers / low suited cards to use with Viki. She's spoiled like that. As far as for the others, I'm not sure, but I honestly don't think you could make a BAD puppet list. Just like any other game.. balance your big guns with light support, cross check for synergy with other puppets.. basic list-building stuff. If you wanted to bounce your lists in progress off of any of the contributors to this thread, I'm sure that we'd all be willing to help you out!
  7. Allow myself to introduce... myself. My name is Lisa, and as Brian so elegantly described me, I am a "n00b". I am new to this whole gaming/painting hobby thing. The total number of models I have painted in my lifetime would easily be below 20 if not for my new Blood Bowl team (go Skavenblight Pi-rats!) That being said, I'm excited to get this puppetry in motion! I chose Pokey Viktoria as my puppet crew's mistress. The first crew I purchased for Malifaux was the Vikis' box and I fell in love immediately. I love the "stalking panther" sort of feel the crew has, while still having other characters that can hold their own (Taelor, Johann, I'm lookin' at you.). It takes a lot of deception and mind games to draw in your opponent in before pouncing for the kill with the Vikis, so it was natural that I'd pick the same sort of crew for Puppet Wars. I decided to go with the following list for Puppet Wars: Pokey Viktoria Rusty Alyce Hog Whisperer Piglet Convict Gunslinger Ronin x2 Witchling Stalker Bad Juju I considered the idea of bringing the Hooded Rider instead of either the Bad Juju or Convict Gunslinger, but decided against it. The Hooded Rider's high activation cost makes him suck up a card to activate that could be picked up to use when Viki gets to slashing. (That, and I don't have a Hooded Rider, so you can see how that would pose a problem...) As far as the Hog Whisperer and the Piglet go, well.. I'll admit, I'm a sucker for cute. Initially I took them because, come on.. adorable Piggy! But then I realized that I could use the expendable Piglet to do some pretty amazing things. With the Hog Whisperer / Witchling Stalker combo, he can sprint across the board with amazing speed to claim a workbench or attach an upgrade from your opponent's bench that he REALLY wanted (Right, Chris?). And both the Hog Whisperer and Piglet are incredibly useful when torn up. At this point, I could have chosen to take two Bayou Gremlins instead of the Convict Gunslinger and Bad Juju, but decided not to. The gremlins are fun and have great synergy, but having another mercenary puppet on the board means that's just one more puppet for Viki to pop out of. The Bad Juju does the brunt of the defensive work, and his Manhandle ability is great for positioning that pesky Joss or Punk Zombie right next to Alyce or Viki. One of the great things I've found about this game is that there is no min/maxed "BEST PUPPET ARMY EVER" list. I could tweak my list in a million different ways and still be successful, but this is the list that fits my play style best. As we continue to practice and train (cue Rocky-style training montage), some things may get tweaked, but all in all, I'm pretty satisfied with my choices! Looking forward to hearing what the puppet gallery has to say, so bring on the comments! :smugpuppet1:
  8. I would think that Viktoria's AR would be reduced to match that of the other masters. She is the only master with an AR of 7. The others are all 4's and 5's, if I recall correctly. We have been playing that it is reduced.
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