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Everything posted by LupusFerreus

  1. 100% agree, this is incredibly fun to do. It's best to think of the Gamin as pawns to sacrifice for the greater good. If they've done their job for the game (schemes/strategy) then they're good to die. If not, then by helping you kill the enemy models as dgraz's excellent example shows, the Gamin are helping to deny your opponent the AP to complete their own schemes and strats. I tend to take molemen or other fast minions to complete schemes and strats though, seeing Gamin as extra AP for Raspy. Take 3 = 6AP of Wk actions to get into LoS.
  2. If you're worried about going up against a Mature Nephilim, I'd recommend the Armor of December upgrade. Utilising her defensive trigger, you can survive a Ml strike reliably then push out of combat with no repercussions. Then you can make blast that Mature apart and make it realise its folly. (It does however prevent you from taking Shattered Heart, but against a melee heavy crew I'd prefer it)
  3. Then she's just a weaker version of Sonnia. Her main spell has a lower damage track and would have no access to LoS ignore.
  4. Turns out Raspy matches up against Pandora pretty well. Managed to beat an opponent 10-7 in reconnoiter.
  5. She's as Cold As Ice, willing to sacrifice.
  6. It's going to be so annoying that I'll look at the new models, look back at my painted models (which are actually a lovely sculpt) and sigh, knowing I'm going to be putting them to bed to buy the new sculpts. I just know they'll be that good.
  7. Also good to note for graeme that any upgrades on her disappear forever, they do not get attached the the summoned model.
  8. Signed up, I'd better get some practice games in! Question: are people using the M2E addon that someone on the forums made, or the vanilla version?
  9. Was it the schemes/strategy that went against your selection? What were they?
  10. All I know is I'm picking up the Ramos box, if only for Howard and Joss. If I don't get on with Marcus I'm taking up Mei Feng. Thanks for the tips guys!
  11. There's also the chance Myranda can heal your molemen if you take them.
  12. James, do you consider taking either of them in non-Ramos/Mei crews? I'm looking at these debates and wondering how they fit in with Rasputina and Marcus, and who does better under those Masters.
  13. As fast as BoD is, I fear she might outrun Myranda a little. Seems like a lot of points invested in one model - if the BoD dies, would you plan on then sacrificing Myranda to get another one out?
  14. As fast as BoD is, I fear she might outrun Myranda a little. Seems like a lot of points invested in one model - if the BoD dies, would you plan on then sacrificing Myranda to get another one out?
  15. I wish Ice Golem benefited from the Sub Zero upgrade. I'm definitely looking forward to doing the "bashful brothers" list.
  16. I wish Ice Golem benefited from the Sub Zero upgrade. I'm definitely looking forward to doing the "bashful brothers" list.
  17. Yeah, he doesn't look that amazing to me. I'm looking at Mei's upgrades, they all look a little confusing to me - as far as synergy goes. I've written what I "think" they're for, feel free to correct me: Price of Progress: killing strategies, Mei's doing a lot of the work. Vapormancy: a bit of protection from the trigger? Don't see myself using the Action. Seismic Claws: pretty good melee upgrade, splits enemies apart or pushes them into melee range of something else of yours. Thunderous Smash: protection from retaliation, as Mei's 3" melee means she can still attack? What are the synergies here? I can see SC and TS working well together, a bit stuck on the third one I'd take.
  18. Yeah, he doesn't look that amazing to me. I'm looking at Mei's upgrades, they all look a little confusing to me - as far as synergy goes. I've written what I "think" they're for, feel free to correct me: Price of Progress: killing strategies, Mei's doing a lot of the work. Vapormancy: a bit of protection from the trigger? Don't see myself using the Action. Seismic Claws: pretty good melee upgrade, splits enemies apart or pushes them into melee range of something else of yours. Thunderous Smash: protection from retaliation, as Mei's 3" melee means she can still attack? What are the synergies here? I can see SC and TS working well together, a bit stuck on the third one I'd take.
  19. That seems pretty good. Protecting your crew from shooting whilst you get up the board is very appealing to someone who plays Rasputina. How good are the rail crew? I know they have that nice positive flip ability, but they're not exactly objective grabbers. I like molemen for that purpose at the moment, do they fill another role?
  20. I think she'll be able to run a REALLY good big beater list soon with Snow Storm, Ice Golem and Blessed of December. Throw in Joss or the Rail Golem and Reckoning could be very interesting for you and your opponent.
  21. Sorry to necro an old thread but it didn't make sense to create a new one. I think the Arcanist "M2E" threads are a great resource and we should keep them going. On that note, as someone who is thinking of picking up Mei Feng to support Rasputina and Marcus, what would you guys say she brings to that triad? I had a quick look at the last beta cards for her and can't see the crew's Burning mechanic being that important for anyone other than the Rail Golem. What else does she offer? So far I'm thinking of Mei as an "elastic cruise missile" who can jump in, do a bunch of damage and jump out.
  22. I'm not sure I'll buy the whole box. I've spent a LOT of money recently so I'm considering just getting the old metal sculpt, as I want to buy the Mei Feng box set which I'll actually use. He looks really good for Raspy though - she can give him frozen heart, he can get round armour and hard to wound and even has a way to dish out paralyze for the Wendigo.
  23. Something like this? Rasputina -- 6 Pool +Arcane Reservoir [2] +Child of December [1] +Shattered Heart [3] Wendigo [3] Snow Storm [11] +Frenzied Storm [2] +Sub Zero [1] Ice Gamin [4] Ice Gamin [4] Ice Golem [10] +Imbued Protection [2] Moleman [4]
  24. Thinking about getting Joss to run with the Ice Golem or Snow Storm for strategies which are better off with smaller minion counts, but more elite minions.
  25. I must shamefully admit I lost my first game with Marcus. Not sure if I played amazingly bad or if Lilith is a bad matchup for him. His synergies are harder to figure out than I thought. Looks like I need to read more of Dave's blog!
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