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About recklas

  • Birthday 01/21/1981

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  1. Bleach, Ghool did an awesome flesh painting tutorial over at hand cannon using two brush blending. Here is the linkhttp://handcannononline.com/blog/2012/03/23/video-tutorial-flesh-part-1-shading/#more-7621
  2. As far as balance is concerned it depends on schemes and strategies, as hippo pointed out. Table layout will also be a large determining factor in that match up. If you both took slaughter, assassinate, and bodyguard, it would be a very balanced game, as long as the terrain was set up fairly. Too much terrain and Misaki would have the advantage, too little and VonSchill would have the advantage. My advice would be to choose a faction that visually appeals to you, have your friend do the same. Get a starter box for that faction and see what setups work best for that master, then purchase things to make up for the things that don't. Most of the time crews are chosen after the board is set up and schemes and strategies are chosen. So I would recommend choosing strategies from the core encounters to start off with instead of flipping for them to see which ones the masters you have chosen are good with.
  3. I would say the biggest question is how you want to play McMourning. Do you want to use him as a front liner or more caster like? Also you were saying you wanted to mainly use Molly, so Yin might be a good early buy since she's a horror.
  4. Quick question! Does the BBS (0) Blood Frenzy mean that a friendly nephilim immediately gets to make a (2) Flurry action, or receives the ability when it activates. I am assuming it is the second because it seems like it would give it the ability as if printed on the friendly nephilim's card, but explaining my reasoning to my wife isn't working as she feels the opposite.
  5. If you are set on Marcus, I would just try to avoid Izamu. Ramos can take a lot of spider and the electrical creation to just ping damage off at minimal cost, where Rasputina can ice mirror through gamin that explode when they die anyway. Marcus on the other hand has very little to deal with spirits. I would take schemes and strategies that do not require interacting with my opponents crew and play avoidance like a Collette crew would. Snow Storm should be able to tank Izamu for a few turns, though I cannot remember if he is a beast or not, if you have him. Just my 2 cents
  6. i hate facebook, so no pics no clicks. haha :Sad_Puppet1:
  7. I also had issues with the watrel leaning on the pick axe's leg, it doesn't fit very well at all. I also noticed that McCabe comes with the net gun option for the dismounted model, though he can't use it dismounted
  8. it looks way better in person, you should have painted a large target on his forehead though :-P
  9. I really do like the models Chris, too bad they don't spend more time on the table *wink*
  10. As far as basing goes, if you search for brushthralls they have some really nice articles on achieving some awsome scenic bases.
  11. I like the guardians paint job the most. The blue wash looks fantastic in the photo.
  12. looks sweet, i like the bright red hair on lilith especially.
  13. Nix your infantry foam tray is for a standard battlefoam bag, I dont think it will fit into the c4 bag
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