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Everything posted by Letifer

  1. Rail golem looks awesome, you did a great job on the lighting effects! Do you have a link to that tutorial you mentioned?
  2. Just have to say, I am glad you made the mistake as this weekend should be my first time running misaki and my opponent will be running pandora. Good advice all around.
  3. The base inserts from wyrd are pretty cool, for an alternate take there are the Secret Weapons miniatures range of bases. They have good Asian themed base sets and just about anything else you could think of like cobblestone, city street, swamp, rocky, desert, ect. If you dont feel like getting new bases or base inserts you can always get some GW texture paint. Just brush it into the base and give it one wash, gives you a quick good looking base. For example I just layer on some armageddon dust and wash with devlan mud to get a decent swamp base, or you can use the same layer but wash with sepia and drybrush a light golden yellow to give yourself desert sand.
  4. No matter how uncommon an ability is if the description is not on the card it should be in the rulebook under the abilities section. No player should be left wondering what the rule is and have to search the net for the rule hoping that someone in a forum asked the rule.
  5. I love malifaux but that is a terrible way to get the rules. Luckily with the books I can look up wicked under the models, plus I already had gremlins so I knew about reckless. Obviously this would be really confusing to someone picking up misaki as their first box though.
  6. I was looking at the misaki card from the new ten thunders box, she has wicked and reckless. I know what these rules do but where do you find them in the books? I could not find one mention of either of these rules. Appreciate any help.
  7. You can also try to find someone or somewhere with a spray booth you can use. Just resist the temptation to spray that stuff inside. More than a few times as a kid I would run into a room with my breath held and then try spraying as much as possible before running back out.
  8. Does anyone know if there are future plans by Wyrd to produce plastic kits of the figures already provided in the large box sets? I know people say Yan lo needs more ashigaru and personally I would buy 3 more of the plastic misaki if I could. Does anyone know of a bits site that carries the new malifaux plastics? Something like hoard o bits would be amazing for malifaux.
  9. Looks like a fun table to play, what did you use for the base board? Is that mdf?
  10. seconding what marshimartian said, GW primer can go on very smooth and thin leaving all the details intact. Spray at the wrong distance though and that suddenly changes to a thick layer that kills detail. 8-10 inches is usually what I spray at, just make sure the weather is right, too cold, too hot, or too humid can ruin a base coat.
  11. Thats good to know they worked well, wood tokens look nice and should last. Im trying to demo the game to our local group so a nice presentation, tokens included, always helps.
  12. Do you think the tokens for bag of soulstones, reclaimed land, or mysterious effigy are important? If it does not come up on a regular basis I think your right in not needing the tokens, I know for sure I am getting that set plus some paralyzed tokens and a blast marker.
  13. I am just getting a group of people started in malifaux and wanted to get a good set of tokens for us to use. How important are the tokens like ancient monument. hanging tree, bag of soulstones and others. I found a pretty cool set of wood tokens on http://southpawart.bigcartel.com/product/victorian-horror-token-set and I am just wondering if I should order some of his other tokens that fit in malifaux.
  14. Sadly it looks like ccg armory dosnt update their "in stock" status on products so no go on the rulebook. That thing really is hard to find, other than the $150+ copies on amazon. Is there ever going to be a reprinting of that book, or maybe a compilation of the fluff? It kind of sucks as a new player to have to come into the middle of the story.
  15. Have one on the way, ccg armory has them for 25. Cant wait to get the full story on malifaux!
  16. thanks for the input guys! I think I will hang on to the mannequins and just buy another down the road with the steamborg to make the conversion.
  17. Thats good to hear, I really wanted to read the background on the vics. If the book has as much meat in it as the second and third book that would be awesome.
  18. bump in hopes of a response, also to add a tldr To shorten my question, do many colette crew use two perfomer/mannequin duos?
  19. I have loved reading the stories in the second and third book and was looking at picking up the first book for the fluff only, is there enough in there to justify buying it for the background alone?
  20. I recently got the showgirls box and was looking to add a steamborg executioner to the crew. I wanted to make a conversion mannequin/steamborg kitbash and to save some money was going to use one of the mannequins from the starter box. I planned to pick up some coryphee so I was wondering if I needed to have two showgirl/mannequins. If I will eventually be running just one duo of them then I can cannibalize the one I have and save some money, but if I am going to be running two in the future then I will hold on to the minis in the starter. I am pretty new to the game so any advice is greatly appreciated.
  21. Built again the 25 point list in the crew creator and was left with 2 ss, are you meant to intentionally underspend to leave yourself soulstones for use in game?
  22. Just getting into malifaux and havent gotten a game in yet but we have a few at our local store getting crews together for the first learning games. Everyone who has wanted to play has started by only running the boxed sets, when they ask what they can add I point them to the army builder but I noticed not all miniatures in a group (guild, arcanist, etc) are available to a master from that group. Outside of using the crew creator how do you tell what miniatures a master can take? Also my starting force is going to be the vics, taelor and 3 ronin. Is it okay that I dont have a soulstone chache?
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