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Posts posted by wobbly_goggy

  1. Please can I sign up starting in February at Enforcer Level?
    I have some minis I've started already (and may even have a photo..)
    My only concern is possibly dropping off for a couple of months in the summer if I head back to my homeland to work June-July...

    But this is seems like an awesome idea (thanks @Kogan Style for the inspiration) and I really need to paint all my toys so would love to join in!

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, santaclaws01 said:

    It's not an "added stipulation" it's what flicker does. Unless you can come up with some valid reason that Asami can spend 1 stone to gain 7 stones immediately thay are seperate from her cache, and can gain more by killing enemy models with her :melee with absolutely no drawbacks?

    I don't think you read what I wrote 

  3. 3 minutes ago, Adran said:


    I think your opinion that conditions should have different rules and it would be cool is the opinion I disagreed with. We would then need rules to cover what happened to a model hat had blight from Hamlins attacks and then gained blight from a plague pit. 


    Good spot. That really should have the rules for Flicker on it.  

    Yeah I get that completely. As I said, we played as 'everyone knows...' but for pure clarity's sake across the board explanations IMO makes sense.

  4. 3 minutes ago, wobbly_goggy said:

    haha awesome! Which part, that the card is badly written or that it would be cool to play AW? Or all of the above? :D

    Asami is an interesting example. If she summons models and they get Flicker, there's the added stipulation about sacrificing the model. The Yokai have the Fading Fight ability, which also mentions being sacrificed. However if, via 'The Fate of Mortals' upgrade an Oni got Flicker, what would happen? Yasanori are Oni, as are Kamaitchi, but they have no abilities or attacks that mention Flicker at all. In these instances, do they just run around with Flicker and nothing happens? Or will they have to be sacrificed even though they were hired? Nothing on the card, so going on your logic, in the unlikely event you decided to whack Flicker on a hired Oni, it would sacrifice when Flicker ends, regardless of its own abilities, or what was written on the card. If this is not  the case, and they do  just run around with Flicker, then I would assume the same would hold true for Blight.

    One further point to add to this - previously it was stated that an upgrade is simply 'in addition' to a card and it's obvious what the rule is from the stat card. 
    'The Fate of Mortals' has the restriction 'Oni', so Yasanori can take it. But as Yas has nothing on his card, does this mean Flicker if given from him has no effect.


  5. 4 minutes ago, solkan said:

    I think the most infuriating part of this claim is how you manage to ignore completely how Conditions are specified in the game.

    Conditions are specified in two different ways in the text:

    1.  The Condition name, followed by a colon and then the text of the Condition's rules.

    2.  The Condition name by itself, not followed by a colon and the text of the Conditions rules.

    When the rules specify the second form, you're expected to find the Condition's rules elsewhere.  Or did you think that all of those cards that say Poison +1 or Burning +1 or Paralyzed didn't do anything, either?




    Perhaps I didn't explain or you didn't read properly. 
    Poison, slow, armour, burning, paralyzed are all in the core rulebook so they don't need further clarification. 
    'you're expected to find the Condition's rules elsewhere'  - for non-rulebook conditions I disagree wholeheartedly. Surely that was the point of simplifying and explaining everything on cards in the first place? So you don't have to go rummaging around for extra rules all the time?

  6. 1 hour ago, Adran said:

    You are certainly entitled to your opinion. I think its wrong, and trying to play with multiple different rules for the same condition would be a nightmare. 

    The Upgrade cards are normally worded so that the model gains the action. Hamlin has the rules for Blighted (on his Trigger Taint),  so it isn't needed to re-write the rules for blighted on his card. 

    I think this is the second case of an upgrade mentioning a condition that doesn't have the full text because the full text is on the card of the only model that can hire the upgrade. (The other one is Flicker on Asamis upgrade that gives her Flicker +7).  Granted older upgrades (Dreams of Pain was the one I thought to check) did contain the full text of conditions, but I think they have stopped doing that for space. 


    haha awesome! Which part, that the card is badly written or that it would be cool to play AW? Or all of the above? :D

    Asami is an interesting example. If she summons models and they get Flicker, there's the added stipulation about sacrificing the model. The Yokai have the Fading Fight ability, which also mentions being sacrificed. However if, via 'The Fate of Mortals' upgrade an Oni got Flicker, what would happen? Yasanori are Oni, as are Kamaitchi, but they have no abilities or attacks that mention Flicker at all. In these instances, do they just run around with Flicker and nothing happens? Or will they have to be sacrificed even though they were hired? Nothing on the card, so going on your logic, in the unlikely event you decided to whack Flicker on a hired Oni, it would sacrifice when Flicker ends, regardless of its own abilities, or what was written on the card. If this is not  the case, and they do  just run around with Flicker, then I would assume the same would hold true for Blight.

    • Haha 1
  7. I'm going to stick my neck out and probably receive a ton of abuse for my opinion, but here goes..

    We played that Blight ticked up as it 'always' does and it was only in turn 3, whilst waiting for Hamelin to do some form of rats shenanigans that I carefully read the Plague Pits card. The reason the difference is important, is because Marcus and a Blessed had run/leaped to pits and interacted to get rid of them, and then tactically withdrawn (ie hidden) to avoid any nasty Bleeding Disease type stuff. 
    If it's as written, they would have run around with Blighted +1, a stackable condition, on them, rather than the large amounts of blight that were being thrown around elsewhere.
    If deliberate, I see this as a tactical way of getting Blight on minis that refuse to play nice (hide) or otherwise manage to avoid getting the condition. Being kept at one, until added to by other minis would mean it's useful, though not overpowered. And they'll probably get more Blight later anyway (apart from in the case of our game, where they didn't). 

    However I am inclined to think that this was a case of a card which could have been written better. 'The blighted condition is exactly the same regardless of the source' doesn't wash with me, I'm afraid. As far as I am concerned, every condition which is not in the rulebook (ie not armour, burning...) should always have the description when it is on a separate card. That being said, even those which are in the rulebook, such as armour, frequently (always?) have the condition in bold and the description/added info afterwards in normal text.
    An upgrade is attached to a stat card, it is not another part of it. Therefore the rule should be written out in full, as it is every other condition/ability etc across the whole game.
    It looks to me like a flaw that got through writing/playtesting. But I hope it's a deliberate 'ooh wouldn't this be an interesting slightly different way of playing it'. 

  8. On 05/01/2018 at 11:52 AM, Fictor said:

    This year I want to go for the best player of my country again, and have in mind go all tournaments arround the country has I can.

    'Again'? A very bold claim!!

    Hopefully see you in Barcelona next month... or up in Galicia one day ☺

  9. Hi everyone, 

    On Saturday 3rd February 2018, we'll be having a Gaining Grounds 2018 tournament at Bandua Wargames in Lugo, details as follows:

    • 50ss, fixed faction, 3 rounds
    • Registration at 10am, sharp!
    • Address: Bandua Wargames,Ronda Muralla 110, 27004, Lugo
    • Entry: 6€ , all goes towards prizes 
    • Strats from 2018 rotation:
      Round 1 - Public Executions, Close Deployment
      Eliminate the leadership (paired)
      Dig Their Graves (2)
      Take One for the Team
      Vendetta (12)
      Public Demonstration (13)

      Round 2 - Ply for Information, Standard Deployment
      Surround Them (paired)
      Set Up (3)
      Show of Force (7)
      Take Prisoner (9)
      Recover Evidence (11)

      Round 3 - Ours, Corner Deployment
      Guarded Treasure (paired)
      Covert Breakthrough (1)
      Hold Up Their Forces (4)
      Undercover Entourage (5)
      Search The Ruins (8)

      Edit: Schemes now added as GG18 is still new

    Hope to see some new faces trying out GG18!

    Any questions/si tienes algun duda: wobblygoggy@gmail.com


  10. Check if there are players in your local area too, or maybe someone on here? some may have spares from arsenal deck, eg they brought crews over from first ed, bought arsenals and have spares from the crews they don't have.

    (Ihave a load of spares, if you're in Europe and postage isn't nuts I'll happily send you mine from wave 2 deck)

  11. 4 minutes ago, Ludvig said:

    They would have to be pretty OP filth to edge out a lot of master totems and certain generic ones *cough* primordialmagic *cough*.

    Maybe hugeass models that cost a lot of stones and completely changed the masters playstyle could work. Maybe they could appear mid game when you met certain conditions like growing an amount of tots for Lilith or something. Kind of like avatars. ;)

    Apart from the needing to be OP part new totems are a possibility. If they came in a pack of seven totems for a faction and all looked amazing and were ridculously good the set might be profitable.

    Hahaha Avatars? Hmmmmm! Only if we can have the lovely Marcus Avatar back.
    What would new master avatars look like? (especially Zipp!)

    The whole pack idea is actually really good!!!! 
    Not sure they'd need to be OP, maybe change the play style, hiring restrictions etc if possible... ie interesting and new but not OP. If such a thing is possible...

    • Like 1
  12. 23 minutes ago, Adran said:

    So kind of like the effigies used to be in 1st edition. 

    Not sure that a new generic totem will shake up a faction too much. And I'm not sure that there is the market for a new totem for each master, after all the reason Totems got moved to the crew boxes in plastic was because they weren't selling enough when separate. 

    I guess so. 

    Good points... 

    What about 2 or 3 new generic totems per faction?

    If the totem changed play style and had the card (no need for new cards/upgrade deck/errata on master card) if that would encourage sales?

  13. Well there seems to be a lot of talk (OK, some) about M3, when it arrives, what it should contain, power creep, saturation and the usual internet grumblings.

    All fine and dandy, and with the number of minis and masters currently available I can see how it may be difficult to invent new roles, araeas to be covered within factions and so forth.

    So here is my bright idea for the next Wave, to shake things up, explore new play styles and keep the game fresh! (I say wave, as I am in the 'keep M2 camp, but we're not getting into that here)

    Instead of new Masters...new totems. Especially generic faction totems. (yes there are the effigies, but that's different)

    That's basically it. New totems, kind of in a similar way to new upgrades, I feel could help give more options to how a master or a crew is played. Plug holes in masters' abilities (Brewie with option for a totem, maybe even a free one, that makes TT hiring cheaper for example?), tweak play style, whatever.

    They also wouldn't be competing for upgrade slots with what's available, it would just give you more choice in totem picking, which is a problem I enjoy as a gremlin player, as Old Cranky is awesome. 

    Or 'second' totems that can be hired in addition to the existing one?


    Ideas for new totems?

    Or is this too barmy?

    • Like 2
  14. 19 hours ago, Omenbringer said:

    The problem is Wyrd is only really supporting the competitive side of things. Look at their "official" app, there is no option to generate story encounters or utilize any of the premade ones. Also how often have you found a player willing to even give them a try? Many players don't want to go thru the hassle when generating the standard encounters or gaining grounds encounters is a button away. Others view it as not the real version of the game because it isn't really supported. Perhaps if Wyrd included the option in their official App it might help things. Also worth mentioning that it was a fight to even get a story encounter system included in the M2e book, those of us that were around can attest to that.

    The app is new. I expect that if enough people want and ask for story encounters on there, there's a good chance they'll add them. 
    How often have I found people willing to give them a try? Very. Every time I've asked. You can even invent a story around an existing scenario, of which there are loads.

    19 hours ago, Omenbringer said:

    Also, I am a Henchman and have been for longer than most. The events I run are story driven and I have created many custom scenarios. I hade a league rule set long before Wyrd did and freely disseminated among Henchman communities around the world. My communities and others have reacted very well to them. I am not talking out my ass. What I have said is what the communities I have worked or played in have stated and also what I have observed.

    So what's the issue then? You're adding variety and flavour to the world and making games more enjoyable. 


    19 hours ago, Omenbringer said:

    Reinvigorating or building a community is not as easy as you make it seem. I have been very successful in doing this but that is not necessarily the norm. Many a Henchman has tried and ultimately given up. It is more difficult when the core rules have obvious flaws and the balance is heavily skewed.

    I never said it was easy. And I'm sure I'm going to find out. I am not envisaging being a Henchman of a rural, not well connected area, with no dedicated gaming areas beyond the local gaming shop (where I am in competition with other games, notably everyone's favourite grim dark future sci fi game), and only a handful of players across three or more cities.
    I would fundamentally disagree on the core rules being flawed. Aside from elevation, the ruleset is still rock solid, and what sets Malifaux (apart from the cool background, minis etc) from other games. 


    20 hours ago, Omenbringer said:

    From your booing of a 3rd edition it is unlikely that I can change your mind, however, burying your head in the sand and acting like everything is fine isn't healthy for the game or community. Edition changes don't have to be as horrific as the one from 1st to M2e was (yes I was here for it). Sure you will lose some players, that is inevitable, but if the game improves you will gain far more. Some of the core rules need work to make function or to make function as intended. The entire range needs to be looked at for balance and applicability. We don't need to throw the baby out with the bath water (as was done with the shift from 1st ed to M2e) but it might be time to at least change the dirty water or perhaps warm it up. With the plethora of models now available and the bloat of the FAQ/ Errata document, a new edition is almost a certainty. The question is not if there will be one but when. Waiting does nothing but weaken existing communities and rebuilding them becomes much more difficult as gamer's have a long memory. Most game systems see an edition change about every five years and M2e is nearing that mark.

    M2E 'heavily skewed'? The change from M1 to M2 'horrific'? Maybe I wasn't playing the same M1 as you then, because it was broke as fuck. Did you ever play, for example, Som'er Teeth vs. Hamelin? it was literally impossible to win. I also remember constantly referring to the rulebook because of the multitude of rules I had to find. I stopped playing for a year or so until M2 came out because it just wasn't enjoyable anymore. 
    The range is constantly being looked at. New models cover gaps in what's needed for factions, new upgrades, tweaks to the strategies and schemes to make them fairer. It's doing a far better job than any other game system I know of.
    'Most game systems'.... so what? It isn't 'other games', and that argument is utter nonsense. Why change the entire system just 'because everyone else is doing it'?
    In fact, looking at recent games by a major games company, it looks more like they're following the Wyrd model with upgrades, stat cards etc etc


    But back on topic...

    On 11/24/2017 at 12:56 PM, Rathnard said:

    On top of that, you've got the fact that the "Gremlin" Faction isn't really just Gremlins. You've got the pigs and Zoraida of course, not to mention an increasing number of swampfiends (First Mate, Bayou Gator), humans (McTavish, Bayou Smuggler), and even the occasional curveball (Akaname). So while the Faction might still be primarily filled with Gremlins, to calling it the "Gremlin" Faction no longer represents who they are as a whole.

    I get that. But look at all the factions... Guild isn't just humans, for example. Lots of robot things. The factions aren't just composed of one type of creature. Yeah they're not gremlin creatures, but I don't think that matters. It's just a name... There's nothing stopping you referring to it as the Bayou faction :)


  15. On 11/24/2017 at 6:12 PM, Omenbringer said:

    As is, Malifaux isn't like this. The character is gone and the feel of the game has followed it. It used to feel like each game of Malifaux was a part of a larger narrative and also a sequence in an RPG. With the model bloat, symmetric strategies (the worst of it for me), center weighting of the strategies and schemes, and the emphasis on only a handful of "competitive" models (which is funny considering each book is supposed to provide more options and not less), the game has become no different than other offerings. Each game feels the same and is completely disconnected from previous or future ones.

    I used to really enjoy playing games. Win or lose it always felt fresh. I have found myself playing less and less of Malifaux and more and more of other games. Though the story encounter mode still provides an enjoyable diversion, it is difficult to find players willing to even try it. Might help if this "official" portion of the game was supportable by the companies in App encounter generator, instead of only the three competitive formats. I have also observed several communities around the country which used to be extremely vibrant, shrink or disappear completely. Recruiting new players has also become more difficult.

    While this may appear to be an overly negative view, my goal is to improve the game and expand the player base. As is I don't see current or subsequent books achieving this. Dismiss this if you feel like it, or attack it if you must, these are my observations and no more or less correct than anyone else.

    I'm not sure I understand this at all. If Wyrd provides the means to play competitively, you're by no means constricted by this, or forced to use the rules. The original rulebook strats/schemes and story encounters, the extra scenarios in Crossroads and... your imagination! With such things you can re-invigorate the hobby. IMO (and sorry if this sounds rude), the onus is on YOU to some extent. 

    Want more fun scenarios or more thematic lists? make them. Play games with restrictions you and your friends have added. MAKE it more enjoyable. And if this isn't happening in your locality, become a Henchman and make it happen! 
    With this game the limit is only your imagination and willingness to try new things.

    To the best of my knowledge things like Henchman Hardcore and Enforcer Brawl (ie other game formats) came from players, not from Wyrd. If they can do it, you can too. Take this opportunity to mix things up in your area and re-invigorate the hobby. And if you struggle locally, there are always plenty of players worldwide you can play on Vassal!

    On topic - Although I kind of see what you're saying, I don't really see the point. Bayou to some extent = gremlins. At least they'll be there having dealings with them. How much time does Zipp spend in the Bayou? If he's off Pirating would he still be included? I get it, I just don't think it's worth the hassle.

    (and booo 3rd ed, no thanks!)

    • Like 1
  16. On 11/18/2017 at 11:57 PM, Sergrum said:

    Devil's advocate-

    Comparing to just summoning 3 Bayous.


    Well it's not just a pure maths exercise. The important thing is always to think about how to win points and deny points. And if Skeeters can deny points AND you have gremlins winning points (remember, my example use was specifically Interference) then that's easier with 10"(even with one move!) skeeters than with two gremlins or however many. 
    I'm just trying to encourage people to think outside the box, look at the use in everything, not just go with 'what everyone uses all the time which has been decided is the most useful.' If nothing else, the element of surprise can be very beneficial.

    Df7, +to disengaging and Ml6? IMO that's going to be better at holding up enemies and annoying them than a gremlin (though I admit Bayou Two Card is just freakin' aweesome and annoying for your opponent!)

    • Like 1
  17. Ahh thanks for clarification...must check my faqs before excesses of enthusiasm! 

    But I'd still take Ml7/8 over survivor ...or at least give it a shot! :)  Better min damage is great, but you have to hit first ...

  18. Obviously big love for this guys simply because wrestlers are cool and wrestlers+gremlins=too much awesomeness (and I'm sure I'm not the only one secretly wishing for a Wrestler Master with manager totem and some lady wrestlers and basically a whole crew of wrestlers)

    But. Am I missing something? 

    Their Ml7 (Ml8 with Mah...) attack has an auto trigger to do a 1/2/3 damage after succeeding. Min damage is 1 on that attack. 

    But surely this auto trigger damage flip is cheatable as it does not specifically say that it isn't? And unless suffering from negatives or otherwise stated, damage flips can be cheated, right?

    If I've made an utter nincompoop of myself by typing these words, give me a slap on the wrist and a stern telling off. 

    But if I am.... why the hell are you lot not all raving about this?! Whilst slightly card intensive (and yes Rg1 sucks etc), that's min 1 damage +3 cheated flip= 4 min  damage. At Ml7 you're pretty likely to hit, so you can save your decent card for the extra damage flip (hopefully). So assuming the best case scenario, that's 3 severe+ 3 cheated= 6 damage. From ONE AP. That's mental. Add in the ability to discard a marker to add 1 damage for the activation and you've got potentially 2 x 7 damage .... from a 5ss model. Of course add in fast from an Iron Skeeter and you're laughing. (yes someone else has to be within engagement range, but with out activation and more models, that shouldn't be hard to do)

    I'm pinching myself that a 5ss minion could be so aces, so kind of hoping I've missed something here (though of course I don't want to look like a twit.)

    However, If I am right... YAY WRASTLERS! 

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