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Everything posted by DeusInnomen

  1. Man, I've had a few matches against my wife the last few nights where the games bordered on spouse abuse if it weren't partly for the fact that, during her first two or three turns in every match, her Control Hand never exceeded a 7... and most were 4 or less. She burned through most of her Stones just keeping Lady Justice alive. It was kind of hard to savor the fantastic victory when your wife gives you the sad face. Sigh.
  2. I'm a bit confused how using Fury is risky. A straight up +2 Dg on your Masamune strikes turns it into a 5/6/8 beast which can bring down a lot of Minions with ease and easily satisfying that requirement. The only tricky part of the second requirement is relying on your opponent to have positioned their crew in a way that allows you to execute a Whirlwind Trigger. I'm no expert, I'm pretty much a Malifaux newbie for the most part, but I've been greatly looking forward to trying out aViktorias. The damage output potential seems, frankly, obscene if you have enough cards in your hand to Cheat the triggers.
  3. Although they look good, I think the unwashed ones are easier to read and identify at a glance due to the contrast between the darker etching and the lighter exterior. Unless you had a way to color the etching separately so it'd stand out, my vote is for the unwashed counters. Just my two scrip.
  4. Truth be told, the attraction to Malifaux for me is two-fold: first, the size of the matches are very manageable. The average game we play at home is a 25 or 30 SS scrap, which means we can play a match on a weeknight without playing past our bedtime. And second, the fact that the simple "kill your opponent's models" objective is the exception and that you're usually playing far more tactical encounters is way more appealing to me. Although sure, it IS fun to occasionally put down your opponent like the rabid animal they are. I won't deny that the Colossals look kinda awesome, but I'm content with the scale of Malifaux. It seems, well, manageable by comparison.
  5. I'm very impressed. I can only hope to be as good as this with another year or two of practice. It's also great to see the alternate Justice sculpt. Fantastic work!
  6. Hadn't caught this post before. Looks suspiciously like the sign of the King in Yellow to me.
  7. First post: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/430492_10150634701147945_107517222944_9330683_464577440_n.jpg Second post: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/419146_10150634701672945_107517222944_9330695_195048149_n.jpg
  8. I can answer this one as I happened to have been playing a match against my wife with Hans last night. Hans's Custom Sniper Rifle states two things: first, that he cannot make Strikes with the weapon in any activation where he moves, and second, all Strikes with the weapon must be against the same model during an activation. Therefore, as long as he doesn't move, he can use both of his APs to make Custom Sniper Rifle strikes against a single target. If the first shot takes down the target, he cannot change targets.
  9. It's always a treat to see the native beast known only as Nathan in his feral, natural environment. Good work, whoever took that safari photo.
  10. I'm another Chicago region guy who'd be interested in a tourney possibly. Nilus, make sure to CC me in on that, they're not TOO bad of a drive from us here in far west Elgin.
  11. As one guy who's a total hardass on his own painting abilities to another, seriously, your paint jobs look great. One of these days, I'll stop kicking myself around (I seriously hang out with too many professional artists) I should get a post up myself and show off what I've done with my crews. Just finished the Vikkies and friends, starting on Perdita, and I have Von Badass and Perdita to work on.
  12. That's incredibly well done, nice work!
  13. Sounds good. Maybe I'll hit it tomorrow over lunch (payday! woo!) and get that for you, as it's only 5 miles from my office.
  14. Hey Dan, I'm going to Games Plus tonight (though you probably saw that in the mailing list). I'll grab a list of prices for those trees I bought and let you know who makes them. Scratch that. Only one person's going, so we'll stay home and bumble over relearning the rules against each other. Besides, if it's three, we'll be driving nearly 30 miles just to have only one of us playing and that's silly. We'll plan for next Thursday.
  15. You're looking for Room 12A, just along the corridor. Also, we're totally failing at answering skyhawk's question so far. Sorry! (We're pretty good about no verbal abuse around here. Derailed conversations, though, we're even better at that!)
  16. heh! I'm not against doing the work, but I'd need to talk to a Wyrd staffer to know what I'd be allowed to do without violating their copyrights or Acceptable Usage Policy if they have one. At the least I'm sure I couldn't charge for it without an agreement in place, and I don't know how they'd feel about me or anyone else doing it for even free though. If someone's willing to get that answer to me, I can consider it.
  17. My wife and I will be at Adepticon early on Thursday and staying for the Cake tourney. When we're not playing in that tourney, we'd be totally up for some pick-up games.
  18. Okay, got a chance to take a quick photo of my trees. Johan's hanging out for scale purposes. The one on the right has been tipped over so you can see the 3/8" galvanized washer I glued to the bottom.
  19. A lot goes into designing a program, as well as writing one. There's also markets to be concerned with: as I discussed in another thread today, going web-based for wide spread or using a dedicated application to target a platform and possibly charge a nominal fee for its purchase. Plus, if you go for a mobile app, you have a code base that doesn't translate easily to another. This is why a lot of companies will work on iOS devices first: far less work to target an iPhone and/or an iPad instead of Android where you have to be prepared for dozens of different screen sizes and resolutions and hardware specifications. Not that this is impossible, but it does increase the amount of effort required to test and troubleshoot. At the very least, Wyrd would have to either hire and pay for a developer and designer, or license the properties to an outside company to do the work. I'd love for an app for my Android tablet, believe me, but as a professional developer I know what goes into this stuff. (To say nothing of managing end-user expectations and ongoing support costs.)
  20. If you'd like the not just the best exposure possible but also likely the easiest development option, look into developing this as a web application that's formatted for small screens. Not only do you avoid the (varying degrees of) hassle of submitting the app for review and posting to the various markets out there, you only have a single code base to maintain that will work for the large majority of devices out there, both phone and tablet (and can be just as easily pulled up on a computer). The big questions to ask are: Do you wish to charge for this app, or make it free? If you wish to charge even a nominal fee, such as $0.99, you may have a preference for Android or iOS since those platforms have commerce already built in. What languages are you experienced in? Do you only know traditional PC programming languages? If you already know web languages like HTML, CSS, PHP, ASP and Javascript, doing this as a web application would be easy. If you're only worried about the PC, consider .NET. While yes, you can do this in C++, there's no need to use a lower level language when .NET can handle the interface work for you. How much time do you have to invest in this project? If this goes well, be prepared for feature requests, suggestions and bug reports. Users are both fantastic and a horrible pain in the ass. If you go the web or .NET route, I can probably offer some assistance. (Heck, I can probably write it in .NET in about a day or two if I found the free time.)
  21. Games Plus has a bunch of generic trees of a few sizes and varieties that I picked up recently. They seem to be made by somebody in the Midwest area, the bags are fancy (ziplock-style bags with paper stapled over the tops). The only issue was keeping them standing which I solved by gluing 3/4" washers to the base to stabilize them. For about $20 I have about two dozen trees I can use now for forest encounters. If you remind me, I'll take a picture when I get home and I can show you them if that'd help.
  22. The fluff is completely worth it. The small rulebook is great for bringing to the game table, as it's great for table usage. The main rulebooks are valuable though for countless reasons, so start there. Work on getting them over time as you're able to.
  23. Cool, we'll talk the next time I make it out to a Malifaux Monday (should be soon, I swear!)
  24. Badge = Ordered, thanks for the heads up Dan. Is this the kind of con that needs volunteer help?
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