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Everything posted by waiyuren

  1. Maybe i could.. That sculpt i did waaaaaaay back only took a few days... Flying you say? Maybe i could try and tackle Akroma.... But feathers man, they scare me.
  2. Sadly these changes came a little (lot) too late for the game here. Only two game stores in the entire country stocked Malifaux as far as i'm aware, and the game failed to take off. James (My LFGS owner) won't be stocking Malifaux again, as once everybody that was interested bought in, sales dropped to zero. I haven't played a single game in over a year...
  3. Damn. If only i'd seen this sooner... Still, if you are going to put a new theme up in a couple of months i'd be keen. It's been a while, but it's something i'd like to get back into.
  4. Does anyone still play malifaux in dunedin? I have 6 crews, and no opponents...

  5. Wow, this is a way better reaction than i expected.. At best i was just looking for some tips (which i got, thank you ). Borzag: i started looking into casting over the last couple of days. It doesn't look too hard in theory, but it may take me a while to source material suppliers and practise with them. Mister Monkey: I can't give you any tips, but i could point out mistakes that i made and what i did, or intend to do to improve or fix them? Mako: Thats a good idea, i didn't know about partial baking so i will have to try it. I also thought a thin film of greenstuff impregnated with micro-filament fuse wire might do it (but it would be fiddly). The mitten shape was similar to what i tried, but my armature wire was too thick to allow engraving or sculpting on both sides. I could cheat and get the sledgehammer and paper clips out again. Thats how i made my tools, smashing paper clips flat then bending, filing and shaping them. Maybe the paperclip "leaf" with the partial bake? Wow, i've never been excited about sculpting hands before.... I'ts too hot to paint, but it always rains here eventually, so i will be back in a couple of weeks with pic's of the paint job. Thanks for the encouragement guys/gals.
  6. Really? thank you. Unfortunately I don't know how to cast moulds (sp?), and It's my understanding that it's harder to sculpt for the purpose of a mould than it is to just sculpt "free hand". Nameless was a practise run to see if the hands could do what the mind could see. I don't think I'm there yet, but I'm going to keep at it. You guys will get to see anything new that I come up with, (provided It's not too offensive to post) and if anybody has some pointers or tricks, you can be sure of a very attentive audience!
  7. Yep, it is a bit off. the ears too, though on opposite sides. Its impossible to see the head detail with photos from my shoddy phone though, which i guess can be both a blessing and a curse. One thing i found with using Dukit is that it tends to snap if put under too much pressure (such as from a hobby knife being used to trim edges from fingers less than a 1/4mm thick...), hence the uneven hand sizes. I will be putting more pic's up here when i start to paint it. I should warn everybody first: I'm colour blind to certain shades, so some of my paint jobs are "interesting". They look fine to me of course, but i've apparently had flesh tones ranging from pink to green so it's straight out of the pot with little experimentation these days.
  8. Are all four visible now? There is half a dozen more in my image album, it's not private so you should be able to see it there. No real WIP pic's though, I didn't think about that untill it got to the point where I couldn't possibly screw it up too badly! Thought i might use him as a Pistolero, or a custom Merc for friendly games.
  9. Posted it in miniature showcase. I love the paint job on your Ortega crew by the way. I was handed the box set as an early xmas present last week, so I hope you don't mind if yours becomes the inspiration for mine.
  10. So, I'm teaching myself to sculpt... It's a slow and painful process, but I love every aspect of the hobby and just can't resist the idea of having my own mini's on the table. Now I can do a lot with conversions, and some may remember me from other forums in that capacity, but it's just not the same as having something in your hand that is completely your own. This is only my third completed sculpt, and my first completely scratch-built, so there is a lot of room for improvement (the hands and face.... I still have nightmares. ). It's based on a sketch of Clint Eastwood I found on the net. Yay! I figured the link thing out. Sorry about the massive images.. Anyway.... How's it look?
  11. Thank you both, i have to say the boards are very friendly here compared to many. Im not much of a poster, but i hope to eventually be at least a vaguely recognised name. Maybe i will see you both in the painting/modeling section when i have something to contribute.
  12. Given the general theme of the thread, you might be interested in one of my current projects . Im just finishing a sculpt of the man with no name himself, and should have pics in the next day or two. It's only my third sculpt from scratch so there is plenty of room for improvement, and white is the worst colour to photograph, but if your interested? I was planning on using him as a pistolero, or a custom merc.
  13. I find it odd that there are only two scavenger minions, both in book 3... Unless i missed one? Also, now i've been reminded Alyce isn't one, i have to admit i always just assumed she was meant to be, only some one forgot to put it in. There are a few typo's across the game.
  14. ....To stop lurking and start posting . Hi all, im Waiyuren, 'Ren for short, or ''Chris'' in the real world. Im a CSR by day, a Husband and Father of two by night. And of course i play Malifaux.
  15. I've been looking for scavenger minions for Levi... unfortunately there are only two that i'm aware of that he can use: Rusty and Lazarus. Pretty sure Laz is slightly cheaper in SS cost. edit: she doesn't?
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