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Da Git

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Posts posted by Da Git

  1. Most excited for:

    Sonnia - really different from the Title (great, because she was so outshone before). Really like the look of Melee Sonnia, although it's got a bit of anti-synergy in that all the Witch Hunters only ignore Witchlings, so Sonnia will hamper her crew's guns. It's also really interesting that she summons Witch Hunters now, that's going to really open up the keyword (although you'll probs generally summon Archers). Would have liked for the Summon to come in with Health equal to the Burning removed as there doesn't seem much point in build stacks of Burning other than the extra damage. May as well just spread it around. Shame Sam still isn't great.

    The Silent Knight - Could we get an updated card on Dropbox for him? (and any other special editions). Love a big beater hopping and bopping around! Feel he shoud have been Terrifying 12 though.

  2. Start off by removing the Card draw on Yu. That seems to be a big thing about taking him OOK.

    Re Harness Chi, lots of options, choosing something between:

    • Reduce ease of gaining Chi (preferably on activation but otherwise lose the Focus trade)
    • Reduce power (only +1Stat?)
    • Only use Chi for Rst
    • Use Chi before flipping
    • Can't use Chi if the enemy has the Focus condition
    • Can't use Chi if the opponent has a lower Stat (or even equal stat?)
    • Remove the Stat boost option (would need to add some more defensive stuff) and have other ways of using Chi. E.G. + flips, suits, costs to use triggers, etc
    • Thanks 1
  3. Really like this model! He looks baller. Kind of reminds me about a Genestealer-puppet.

    Super hope that these will be available as add-ons per $100 spent at Gencon. There are a few of us in Aus that want to do a joint order and all of us want this guy!

    Also hope that Wyrd goes through an Aussie distributor again for Gencon. That really helped last year.

  4. An idea for 46 I've been pondering.

    Keep him basically the same. Add some defensive stuff to the front such as Butterfly Jump or Combat Finesse. Give Analyse Weakness Coordinated Attack. Keep Inhuman Physiology a bonus, remove Mimic and change it to something like Hannah's Adaptive Tactics:

    :ToS-Fast: Anything you can do - Rn:6, Stat:6, Tn:11
    Other Friendly Mimic or Elite. Take one of the target's Tactical Actions that do not attach upgrades or list a model by name.

    :maskI can do better: Immediately. The chosen action gains :+flip.


    This limits the shenanigans he can pull to only his keywords (no more copying Gatling guns or giant Living Blades!) but lets him do things like issue orders, jump from building to building, put out auras, dispose or plant evidence, etc.

    I think it'd be really fluffy and actually give him a third AP or can put out his no-cheat attacks if needed with Inhuman.

    • Haha 1
  5. I think there are 2 big problems in the keyword/s

    1. Glass models without the hammer - Intimidating Authority is really meh in the current era.
    2. The lack of decent bonus actions. Most models in the game (even at the time) are generally 2.5-3 actions, whereas Elite/Mimic are 2-2.5 actions.

    Lets look at the bonus actions:


    • Lucius1: Eh. Misinformation - not bad but not amazing... the big thing here is the short range. Lucy doesn't want to be that close! Definitely dated.
    • Lucius2: You have your orders - Awsome and in line with the titles.
    • The Scribe: Eh. I've got your Back - situational, but ok for a W1, support Totem
    • Agent 46: Eh. Inhuman - agree this should go back to the front of the card (but should be limited to this model's actions only, so doesn't work with Mimic). Mimic - Good, but doesn't have any triggers and still limits him to 2 AP.
    • Alan Reid: Good bonuses
    • Investigator: Eh. Active Crime Scene - way too short ranged on a squishy model
    • Lawyer: - Impassioned Defence - Great
    • False Witness: - Eh. Good, but again way too short-ranged on a squishy model support model.

    Verdict - 5 out of 8 Eh. bonus actions



    • Klaus: Eh? Short ranged attack that opponent can choose the lesser of two evils
    • Doppelganger: Good. but still just a 2 AP model. Mimic can be busted though.
    • White Eyes: Eh. see Agent 46 above.
    • Cavatica: Good.
    • Crookskin: Amazing (it's new!)
    • Changeling: Good after the errata.


    So my ideas:

    • Lucius 1: Complete Rework but give him a fair bit of Staggered synergy.
    • Agent 46: Put Inhuman back on the front (but only affects attacks on this card, so no Mimic shenanigans). Give him Butterfly Jump. Move On your heels to Mimic and give it the Mask built-in - one of the coolest scenes is where Agent just stretches an impossible distance to hoist "Graecina" up by the throat! Give Analyse Weakness the Coordinated Attack trigger to make the action somewhat worth taking.
    • Alan Reid: Needs Slippery
    • Investigators: Needs Slippery. Although it doesn't super fit the theme, Entrancing would be really good on them. It would make Intimidating Authority actually good and allow them to get close enough to use their bonus without just dying. Would also buff the toughness of the other squishy models like False Witnesses.
    • False Witnesses: Change Manipulative to First to Speak. They want to go early to J'accuse and put up their bonus aura.
    • White Eyes: Again, move Inhuman to the front. Give him a bonus action that shows him travelling the Changepaths. What about Unimpeded and Nature Spirit (teleport 6" to Severe).
    • Like 1
  6. On 6/2/2024 at 3:53 PM, Brilliance Laced Whiskey said:

    And the end of this one is a correction.  Vernon and Welles are named after Australian actor Vernon Wells.  Vernon played Wez in Mad Max 2 the Road Warrior.  He is Lord Hughmoungus' lead Henchmen with the mohawk.  He was also in Weird Science and the main villain in Commando.

    I always thought they were named after the authors Jules Vern and George Orwell...

  7. Wow!! Did not expect an Aussie distributor! That's incredible as shipping has been a long downer for me. Deffo gunna do an order!

    Was not expecting that nephilim to be a Daeva. Was more expecting, you know, a nephilim! (probs a BBS). Nice model though.

    Really like the Doppelganger (although was thinking it'd be a Berserker Husk) and the long-awaited female Executioner.

    Will the regular special old-nightmare and translucents be on offer too?

  8. 16 hours ago, djmacbest said:

    Another idea: Wondering if I should reverse the numbers in the Soulstones section, so basically count down from 10 instead of up. This way at the beginning of the game you'd just cross out the first 4 if you start with a pool of 6, for example, and it could be a little bit more readable. Good idea or too counter-intuitive?

    I think it's fine as is. It would be confusing if only one box line counted down. This way if you've got 6ss, you just cross out 7-10 on the box line.

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