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Posts posted by xKoBiEx

  1. I ran the kids (Candy, Kade, and Iggy), along with one Sorrow a piece with Jakob, but they didn't really get a chance to shine against Showgirls. Having the kids lured away by pretty ladies broke their link to the Sorrows, leaving them way too exposed to damage.

    Against Colette, I'd probably only run Kade with the Weaver or Teddy. Candy is good, but I don't think she works quite good enough against showgirls. Tannen and Graves, on the other hand, can both disrupt her crew pretty well.

  2. Spreadsheets are always difficult to get perfect. This one is pretty solid, though. So, everyone should be thanking Mako for his crunching.

    Who knows... maybe version x.y will please everyone. While I'd like a tracker that lets me know what stage I have each of the variant models in, Mako hit this one over the fence in this early version.

    One thing I am going to be working around is the dual-faction stuff. I like that each of the factions totals completely. The dual-faction aspect can double up some points in the grand total... but I don't care about that, anyway. I like knowing how many points I can pool in any one game.

    Again, thanks Mako.

    EDIT: The Toronto crew should seriously consider advanced planning to actually make it to GenCon this year. This year could also be pretty epic with the Canon Campaign for those of us who got into the Kickstarter.

  3. Henchmen aren't always right; in fact, they can often be wrong. Just be sure of the house rules for decisions at your shop. Some shops give henchman almost a Marshall status in which case their decision is final.

    In the example you have above, Candy is allowed to be greedy.

    ---------- Post added at 03:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:59 PM ----------

    You're all missing out on the bigger picture - What's Candy like, when taken with Lynch? :P Even, what's she like in a 10T crew? :')

    Haven't tried Candy yet, but I can tell you that Baby Kade and Weaver Widow (who drops plushies) in a Lynch crew is Fanfriggintastic!

  4. Also if go by the crew creator if hire viky in a brawl with a Neverborn master you can still hire a totem

    And snowstorm, but I think that is a bug

    Vanessa does make the Snowstorm legal. He is non-living. Aetheric Demands is removed from one of your masters being Neverborn and you are able to hire Vanessa because the other is Vik. There seems to be bugs, but they are more preventative than they should be according to the rules as written. It may be just that they are still being updated.

    Still, the negatives for running Viks with a Neverborn master seem too steap. I would gladly give up my totem for Vanessa. That said, I wouldn't be surprised if Vik became a 10T/Outcast dual-faction master and then you could use her beside Jakob with no penalties.

  5. I think I know where my second Miss Terious is going... Nice idea.

    After my current campaign, in which I am locked into Neverborn, I am planning on running an all female Ten Thunders crew. Right now, my brawls would be with Misaki and Mei Fang as masters with their totems, the two female Torakage, Yamaziko, and Oiran to fill points. Mei Fang is kind of wasted without constructs so a Ms. Lynch would be kind of cool.

  6. My local shop is about to obtain 2-3 new Pandora players; the key words being "new" and "players"... not just new to Pandora. It will be quite amusing to see one of the two following scenarios panning out:

    1) New players owning veterans and veterans crying foul.

    2) Pandora getting wrecked game after game in our 5-week league starting tomorrow.

    Unfortunately, the second scenario will likely mean players quitting the game before they really start and I hope that is not the case. Besides, I already own the Pandora box so I wouldn't be able to gain from a hasty quitter sale. However, if a new player could manage to get a veteran Perdita player to rage quit, I'm all over those models. :1_Happy_Puppet1:

  7. What you could have done with the magnets is the following: glue each magnet with superglue onto a nail, then insert nail into the side of the foamcore. That's what I did, and it works like that. Only thing to watch out for: make sure you put the nails further from the corners then their length, otherwise they interfere with each other.

    Also, I found it's easier just to use a magnet on one side, and a metal piece ( a flat headed nail without magnet ) on the other side to avoid alignment problems.

    This is the method I prefer, as well. When looking at any tile face up. Put a "north" magnet/nail on the left and a "south" magnet/nail on the right. You will always be able to line up your tiles with this method. 3" tiles do become problematic but you can always print extras to have the proper polarity if needed.

  8. I can see some desire for crossover and a few of my local crew play both. Not getting a response in 24 hours doesn't mean that no one likes the idea. Everyone is just attending to other things, likely. The Kickstarter is in its last week and people are heavily invested in getting all the details and reading the flood of posts from the forum and KS page.

  9. several people have been saying that a spirit Izamu will get swirled into the face of the neverborn player - thus making it difficult to ignore him.


    which neverborn masters do you see this as being effective against?

    I don't see Neverborn as being trumped by spirit Izamu so I am curious about that, as well. There are so many spammable attacks available to Neverborn along with a plethora of magical attacks which would bypass spirit.

  10. Another little trick I learned tonight is very similar to Swirling Spirits from Kirai. I've been using Yan Lo a lot since they both came out. One thing Yan can do to move Izamu around quickly other than his totem's Empower Ancestor is to use companion to activate Yan Lo, Soul Porter, Izamu and Chiaki. Izamu goes and does his thing, then the totem goes and kills Izamu and he drops 3 corpse counters. The porter is still free to move Chiaki if necessary into position for her Cleanse later if needed. Yan Lo goes, moves into a better position if needed and resurrects Izamu (even using the 3 corpse counters Izamu dropped if possible and within 6"/picked up by Yan Lo) and heals him if needed. Then Chiaki can activate and remove the slow from being summoned and can get near him for the free heal. After your opponent goes, Izamu is free to activate again with full ap. Depending on how everything is positioned, this can teleport Izamu quite far across the table as Yan Lo only has to be within 8" when he is killed, can move up to 8-10" before resummoning him 6" away. Certainly something to keep in mind. Plus it gets another activation out of Izamu that turn.

    Forgive me if I'm missing something as my book is not with me. However, Izamu is not living or undead. He does not leave corpse counters. This will not work unless there is an exception, somewhere, that I am missing.

    EDIT: Corrected - Izamu is Undead even though he is an Object so 3 Corpse Counters due to 50 mm size base.

  11. Although I don't endorse pounding new players into the pavement they walked up on, I also don't really like shying away from playing against them. I will give fair warning that there are triggers I have available that may be nasty and see where it goes.

    Presently, I am teaching a new Colette player and he is getting a lot better due to knowing when to make a move and when to be cautious. Our last duel was a dead-draw (although the scenario was set to ensure it would be reasonably close) and he even killed my leader before I could return the favour. I can already see that once he knows how to play better, his crew will be deadly.

  12. All of what Victoria just said is worth note. Some people don't find Weaver effective. Weaver and Arcane for me have been pretty reliable but they may not for others. Stitched are tanks, for sure. Wicked Dolls are insanely good for their price as their triggers can be game turners even against their own faction.

  13. Can't take a teddy from the off,have to use the widow to make it!



    That was what I meant. As the OP already has the Widow, Teddy would be a very logical and effective next purchase...at least from my experience. It is surprising how many players stay away from the Weaver when there are any counters in her path. They don't want to be Tibber-dropped.

  14. Also I grabbed the pigapult with some piglets and stuffed piglets just for fun. Being able to fling a gremlin or a pig 24" is awesome!

    One of the guys from my local shop pigapulted Ophelia who landed on her feet and blew Lilith's face off. That was about the funniest moment I've seen in our circle.

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