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Everything posted by xKoBiEx

  1. Week 1 is over and Week 2 has started. 12 players in a mix of new and returning have been playing a wide range of masters.
  2. We will be running demos and open gaming all April on Tuesdays leading up to our Growth League on April 26. Come out and refresh yourself with Malifaux rules or practice for the semi-competitive league. X Planet Games 5170 Dixie Road - Unit 102 Mississauga, ON L4W 1E3 Tuesdays from 5 pm to close (8 or 9 pm.) Impromptu demos can be arranged on other nights, as well. Please contact me for details. Link to Growth League: https://www.facebook.com/events/1690431247887328/
  3. We will be doing a growth league at X Planet Games in Mississauga, ON starting on April 26. Week 1 - 35 SS Week 2 - 40 SS Week 3 - 45 SS Week 4 - 50 SS Your weekly matchups will be announced on the Monday and games may be played from Tuesday to the following Monday. Fee is $10 for the league and prizes will be awarded. Visit: https://www.facebook.com/events/1690431247887328/ X Planet Games 5170 Dixie Road - Unit 102 Mississauga, ON L4W 1E3 Send me a message if you'd like more details. We will be running pickup games and demos every Tuesday up to the start of the league to get people refreshed.
  4. In the first week of this campaign, 5 players had not played Malifaux at all and 3 players had not played M2E. Another player has just signed up who has never played Malifaux apart from Demos. This is good news for the growing community and bad (pronounced "work") news for yours truly. I jest, though, as I love teaching new players and hearing their feedback. Everyone is excited to play and each person has their own reasons for being drawn into, or back into, the game of Malifaux in a campaign setting. I even had a player read the achievement sheet and buy me a drink. Cheers! The following crews are represented: Old Major's Pigs - Leading to Ulix in Week 3 Joss's Enforcers - Leading to Ramos in Week 3 Barbaros's Nephilim - Leading to Lilith in Week 3 Toshiro's Void - Leading to Tara in Week 3 (some exceptions to rules needed to let this new player in league) Nekima's Nightmares - Leading to Dreamer in Week 3 Rusty Alyce's Big Baddies - Leading to Leveticus in Week 3 Vasilisa's Puppets - Leading to Zoraida in Week 3 Finger's Drunk Smurfs - Leading to Brewmaster in Week 3 Philip's Horrors - Leading to Molly in Week 3 Sybelle's Popular Zombies - Leading to Seamus in Week 3 Wrath's Seven - Who needs a Master? Francois's Bayou Buddies - Leading to Som'er in Week 3 Who are you bringing? Chad "xKoBiEx Hackman
  5. Greetings Malifaux Players! Starting August 4th, X Planet Games will be running an Official M2E Shifting Loyalties Campaign run by Henchman Chad Hackman. We will have modified rules from the defaults but will stay within recommended adjustments. Much feedback, mostly positive, has been taken from the X Planet community and your voice will shape all campaigns we run together. As Hideouts were a big hit with the last campaign, they will be used. However, they will not be the victory condition. Each Hideout upgrade will contribute points toward your Campaign Total, but achievements like painting and playing someone new will also factor in. This information will be available at X Planet Games this week along with a sign up sheet. Please sign up and leave your contact information so that you can be kept up to date on this and future campaigns. Location: X Planet Games 5170 Dixie Road - Unit 102 Mississauga, ON, L4W 1E3 905-949-4263 Cost: FREE The Details: Crew Selection -50 SS/Scrip Arsenal -You must purchase a Henchman to use as a Leader for your crew. -Any 0-cost Henchman will cost 13 Scrip minus its Cache -You may not purchase a Henchman that someone else is using as a Leader. -One upgrade can be purchased as normal. There will be a Briefing Night every Monday. It is not mandatory that you are there as games can be played any day of the week at X Planet Games. Updates will be posted no later than the Sunday prior to our Briefing Night. Please strive to attend the first Briefing Night on Tuesday, August 4th as there will be some very important information discussed. As well, I would like to get some additional feedback with respect to some of the modifications that we will be using in this campaign. Cheat Well, Chad "xKoBiEx" Hackman Facebook Campaign Link
  6. New Henchman in Peel Region, Ontario, Canada

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