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Posts posted by xKoBiEx

  1. If you wait a few more weeks you will find nearly every model listet in here...

    In my opinion this Thread is nonsens. It's all about liking and disliking of the whole community.

    Your last sentence could almost be said about every thread on every board. As you are realatively new to this forum, a certain amount of leeway should be given to your comment, overall. However, your delivery was neither productive, nor contributive, and did have a connotation of insult.

    This thread is very valid as it is directly related to miniature matters and posed a pertinent question. Your dislike of the question means you shouldn't have posted. As I am not a moderator, I apologize to the moderators for my reply instead of just reporting the original post.

    ---------- Post added at 09:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:55 PM ----------

    Some Ophelia LaCroix alts and a Avatar, she do have to keep op with Perdita Ortega after all :) But seriousely Ophelia LaCroix really need an Avatar and one or two alts.

    An Ophelia Avatar mimicking the Perdita Avatar would be awesome. What would she be riding? Gremlins use pigs all the time but Som'er already rides a pig in his avatar. I'd like something new and funny....and plastic.

  2. Honestly, I agree that Wyrd would not go to the "print your own" market. That being said, there are already people out there who are doing 3D printed pieces for other miniature games (you can find some stuff on Shapeways to customize GW miniatures for example and there is an entire wargame you can get off of Thingiverse.)

    Good call. Unnofficial releases from 3rd parties are great for conversion work.

  3. Wyrd is a miniatures company, first and foremost. They developed the game afterwards. Couple that with the informal and formal statements that they have issued with regards to others making models for them and you will ultimately be left with an, "absolutely not going to happen."

    HOWEVER, Wyrd has partnered with WorldWorksGames...a company that prides itself on exactly what you suggested. Designing quality product that an end-user can print and assemble on their own is exactly what they do. Even given this, though, Wyrd has maintained full control of the TerraClips line. You can't even get the designs to print an extra static floor. Although they are similar to existing WWG print and play products (Himmelveil line,) they are not the same.

    Would I like to see Wyrd allow us to print our own poses? Absolutely. It is just not something that I see Wyrd allowing, ever. Another reason why it wouldn't work is that Malifaux is already a niche market. Stores in my area, at least, are already furious with Wyrd's recent business practices. Imagine if Wyrd were to license the ability to print models on demand directly to the end user; thus bypassing the need to ever buy another model from LGS. Do you think an LGS would ever allow another card to be flipped in its store?

  4. Apologies for resurrecting the thread, but I don't really have enough to say to justify a new one and it's been helpful reading the rest of it to see what other people have been doing.

    Had a game this morning with WW, with the first Teddy being thrown out Turn 3 (she had the counters T2 but not the cards), the next on Turn 5, and a Wicked Doll to kill Sonnia with on Turn 6 (Red Joker).

    The two things that struck me were the ease with which I was summoning Teddies (Zoraida was providing Obeys and sacrificial Dolls who provided *more* Obeys) and the amount of board control WW offered. A 50mm base with 2" combat range at Terrifying 13 dropping 6" away from the Weaver can tie up a fair number of models.

    I'm aware that the game in question was very situational; Escape and Survive against Sonnia Criid. However, I imagine that there are other situations where a summoned Terrifying tarpit would be handy.

    I just have to clarify if there were two Teddies in play or one died and you summoned another... Without the Dreamer, you can only ever have 1 on the board at a time. I am in the camp that Teddy is a great model who is extremely easy to avoid due to his slow Wk. However, Weaver summoning him becomes akin to Annie in League of Legends doing a Tibber Drop at the most opportune time. This is where he and the Weaver really shine.

    Zoraida is a good way to do this. Another is to just follow the Collodi pain train and pick up scrap or corpses that fall. I like to play long-game and just Wk once and create a counter each turn until turn 4 and then drop him next to a target I need dead or speed bumped.

  5. I have ran the following:

    Jakob (leaving Huggy out for +2 soulstones)




    Weaver Widow


    Arcane Effigy

    It is a fun build and I have not found tremendous need for soulstones with this crew in most situations; thus maxing crew at 37 and only having 2 SS. What I will say is that you have to be aggressive to get HD into play with this crew. However, the threat of a Teddy drop followed by Kade's backstab has allowed me to play the way I want to.

    As DAC pointed out, Jakob really isn't bad...he just may seem lacking against some other crews which are elite.

  6. Vik 1

    Vik 2

    alt Vik 1

    alt Vik 2

    Bad manufacturing design. The models look decent but are outdated and have very weak joint locations.

    Minions, typically, I am going to be a lot more forgiving with aesthetics so I'm not going to spill my hate of Illuminated and Depleted...I'll convert them to my liking (especially since they are plastic.) Masters, I like to have look like the original designer's interpretation even if it is bad. But, I would like everything done in plastic.

  7. While on the subject of things which can't see through vent steam, it's a nice protection against Lilith transpositioning things (like the hunter ability, she can see through terrain but not effects).

    Correct. It operates just like most of the other fog effects (Stitched/Nicodem.) This is why Lilith actually drops a terrain "fog."

  8. By that logic, I'll be trying all of the pairings at some point. *smug*

    :Rat_Spy: When did the rats get there and why haven't I seen anyone use them?

    ---------- Post added at 09:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:33 PM ----------

    Wow! That's amazing. Could use that as the Honey Pot, the Qi and Gong, the 10T headquarters...So many options.

    It was originally made for Mordheim (my favourite skirmish game ever) but you definitely see what I thought when I read the Malifaux (my second favourite skirmish game ever) fluff.

    I would really like to do a brawl in something like that creation but I know that I would never have the patience to do it. One of my gaming groups did a modular 5x4 Mordheim table and I did do some Nippon buildings which I have some preliminary shots of here:


  9. As a Collodi player who got owned by a Von Schill who did 7 consecutive Slow To Die healing flips, I can vouch that slow will not affect Slow To Die. I needed just one Black Joker to show up for healing...why do they give Slow To Die to models with Use Soulstones!?!?! Anyway, Paralyze WILL cancel Slow To Die if you have anything to cause that.

    You just have to keep piling on attack barrage until Von Schill runs out of soulstones.

  10. I don't know of any model that has a 20" walk so no, you can not jump 10" even if you were in base. Vertical distances ARE measured for movement effects as per the Errata and the writing of the action, itself.

    The difference between climbing and jumping are that jumping works on terrain which is not climbable (for whatever reason.) Jumping down seems to be from any height but you have to be in base contact with the edge before your activation for most models, which opens up opportunity for someone else to push you off before you activate. Fast or Nimble models could set up to the jump with their free move, though.

  11. I plan on going overload on 10T. My achievement league showed me I needed new Neverborn models that were living in order to check off some boxes so I picked up Jakob, already...along with Tannen and Graves. The shop owner knew I wanted 10T Misaki so sold me on Izamu and the 50mm Zen base that I am converting in preparation for Yan Lo. He was out of the other boxes so they will have to wait but I picked up Yamaziko for the LCB Raffle.

    As for brawls, I am probably going to go Yan Lo and Jakob but it would depend on strategies. Yan Lo is probably going to be a given for first master, but I could easily see myself substituting any of the other masters for the second choice. I may even just take a free Izamu and no second master in some games.

    I'd also love to do a Kung Fu Tea House brawl where multiple players took a different 10T master each and we just go at it. For that, Yan Lo may look like a solid first choice...but each of the other masters has some tricks when the fight gets in close, too. Check out the link below for where I got this inspiration...


  12. There is no rule, nor do I see there ever being one. Some players like sleeves and some don't. But, they don't interfere with cards. Any game that uses sleeves would mandate that any damaged sleeves would need to be replaced (to avoid having marked cards) but I'm pretty sure that Wyrd would never say you couldn't use them.

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